Are wymin butthurt that KANGZ are stealing their thunder?
"Where Wonder Woman soared, Black Panther struggles"
>o-only the fans watch marvel movies
yes, retard, that's why the comics sales number in the thousands and movie box office in the millions
>Marvel marvel
Fuck off. you want bad reviews? you're getting them
I want to fuck her and have her yell racist shit during it
this is the face of a woman who only casually uses the internet, and probably just wikipedia a some facebook
someone told her to do a review, and she just did it
she is probably a happy person
she is not aware of what a SJW is, or what is BLM
Leslie Jones, is that you?
>urban cinephile
This is another shoah
Ok, that was funny.
roastie confused and ashamed about her jungle fever gives bad review so blacks will notice her
>white street journal
>not white sheet journal
you done fucked up, man
>juvenile dialogue
>dialogue heavy
the absolute state of women
Daily Reminder that white women are not our allies! Over 50% of them voted for Trump!
why arent they adjusting the full score to 101 so it'll have 100%?
this is so wrong
Sounds like a great life. I bet she keeps a clean household, has 2 kids, and has political views that vary from left to right without regard for political affiliation
i agree with the quantity of jews
Are they making fun of the left or the right?
obviously the right
We have to end apartheid.
And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger.
We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women.
We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values.
Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern, and less materialism in young people.