Will Smith reportedly would have played Django had Quentin Tarantino allowed him to shoot Candie at the climax instead of Christoph Waltz. Why did Quentin refuse?
Will Smith reportedly would have played Django had Quentin Tarantino allowed him to shoot Candie at the climax instead...
God that movie was kind of forgettable now that you mention it. Literally just remember Leo wiping his bloody hand on some nigga's face and some dog biting some poor faggot to death. So I don't remember. Are you asking a rhetorical question or are you actually seeking knowledge rather than (you)s?
>change your script to pander to my ego
Quencuck was right to tell him to fuck off and the flick was better for it
I also don't remember shit from that movie
>and some dog biting some poor faggot to death.
I laughed at that in the cinema because it was one of the most weirdest editing I have ever seen in a movie
>Dogs let loose
>Camera looks like it has a fish eye on it as it zooms to a close up of some old guys face who's laughing
>cut to dogs tearing to shreds the man
>cut back to old guy laughing
It was a scene on drugs
>Why did Quentin refuse?
Because Will wouldnt shake his hand.
>If director of Wonder Woman didn't have a say then the No Man's Land scene wouldn't have existed
>If Lucas didn't have a say, the studio would have cut down his Thx 1138 film
>If Michael Mando (who plays Nacho in Better Call Saul) wasn't given the chance to improvise when he auditioned for a character for the game Far Cry 3, then the character Vass would never have existed
You are pathetic if you think everything has to be done from a business perspective and no art allowed
Personally I agree with Will on this one, it would have been a stronger moment is Django were the one to fire the shot. Started the thread to see what cases can made against that.
Not to mention Smith in a Tarantino flick would have been Kino, I didn't feel like Foxx added much to the character.
i love this man
That's not what I said at all, Will Smith is an arrogant moron and only wanted it himself because he wants all the best scenes to himself
>theater starts clapping
fucking based
How historically accurate was it? Apparently there was no such thing as mandingo fighting, slaveowners never fought their slaves. And it actually was common for blacks to ride horses. What about the hot boxes? Did some brief research, they were used in prisons in the south but were they used on slaves?
WAIT!! Isn't that the same Donald Trump that is a fucking FACIST RACIST NAZI?!?
it's just the slavery revenge movie, made immediately after the holocaust revenge movie
Quentin BTFO
I wouldn't say he's a moron for that, look at the other (some iconic) roles he's played in the past. Now think of how much "Will Smith" is probably in those characters.
Will Smith would never take a role like this that would damage is friendly family brand. Just look at his rap career.This was just an excuse and a way to keep his name out there for the week.
Here's the article btw
have you seen Suicide Squad and Bright
The KKK were also not around back then.
Then again Quentin doesn't care about historical accuracy.
That was supposed to be "pre-kkk" which is why the meeting was a logistical disaster
is it implied that candie fucked django's wife?
The original Klan didn't even wear white hoods that often. They just wore a bizarre mix of improvised disguises. The whole meme of the burning crosses, white hood, and blooddrop cross started with the second Klan.
That does make the movie less historical inaccurate.
"hey i'm trying to save my wife from a bunch of racist white cunts, better shoot their leader they wont kill me or my wife afterwards lol!"
It was the white mans time to be a hero.
I always thought the hoods and robes were because they were originally LARPing as ghosts of fallen confederate soldiers, this was meant to be terrifying to blacks.
Sure, but knowingly so
That was not the KKK you fucking retard.
>think everything has to be done from a business perspective
Where did user say this, you fucking retard?
Everyone look at this postbecause that is what triggered looks like.
originally the klan was against jews
Fuck Pulp Fiction. That movie sucked.
Based trump
Fuck niggers
The thing that triggered me the most about it in terms of historical inaccuracy was one of the people at the mansion playing Für Elise, when that piece wasn't discovered until someone looked through a collection of old Beethoven manuscripts almost 10 years after the movie took place.
I felt Hateful Eight was even more forgettable
They were imitating outfits worn in old Christian ceremonies, they saw themselves as a holy order similar to the Knights Templar.
> expecting movies to be historically accurate
I wish, but that barely happens anymore, user.
The original kkk wasn't even racist though
what did quentin mean by this?
I don't get how he got away with the skull scientist science. That seemed way more racist than the trivial shit people usually bitch about
what a snowflake tweet
why are people calling this 'based'
imagine leo had the habbit of rubbing his hands together
>How historically accurate was it?
100%. Especially any scene where someone is shot and 30 gallons of blood explodes out.
>What about the hot boxes? Did some brief research, they were used in prisons in the south but were they used on slaves?
You know how I know you never saw Cool Hand Luke?
7 more years, liberal faggot.
Because they're trying to fit in with a bunch of other losers.
>Why did Quentin refuse?
for the same reason they wouldn't let WS have a white girlfriend in Wild Wild West
and technically, to split hairs, CW had the authority of Law in that movie
Not the same thing
>movie is raciss!
>therefor it's bad
And people wonder why he is concidered stupid
Koons, Kikes, and Katholics were the proclaimed enemies of the Klan.
Why not call it CCC then?
>Implying the KKK would want to imitate Catholics.
They were, and are, a very much protestant group.
It wouldn't fit Django's character?
Yeah I can't rememeber what happened in this movie apart from some random scenes.
Because Kike is spelled with a 'K.'
Also because I assume Ku Klux has some meaning.
Because that would have served a retarded cultist's ego instead of the story.
Jamie Fox is just as shitty an actor as Will. Django is a pile of dogshit anyways, QT's worst besides H8.
I disagree. The moment would be boring in a sense it’s predictable. . Django would shoot for revenge and it’s happened before. but Waltz shoots out of disgust which is unexpected and interesting considering it was disgust but effectively suicide to take the shot which adds to the dark humor .
I haven’t read any studies of life as a slave on a plantation.
However in the Roman era being a slave wasn’t *that* bad. You had some stuff and things and money, food was always provided, freedom was obtainable, there are several episodes of cruel masters disgusting other nobility and getting btfo themselves. The fact that these stories exist being evidence that cruelty was not the norm and thus the story of cruelty is something worth preserving. Downsides being, your kids were somebodies property, the women were expected to satisfy male owners sexual desire. Even so there are many examples of slaves mourning their masters death.
My guess is in the south the Slave culture was similar. Cruelty was not the norm, slaves could lead happy lives but freedom would always be preferable, but in some cases maybe not.
Cheap labor after the emancipation meant plantation owners didn’t have to feed or house them which was made life harder for former slaves in some ways.
I’ll also add that in Russia when the serfs were emancipated the estate owners profited WAY more hiring them with wages and not providing housing and food.
I never cared for this movie especially the ending. Like the family would have killed his wife rather than keeping her alive because PLOT. Especially if they wanted to make Django suffer I mean he did all that for his wife do naturally they'd kill her.
What are you talking about?
>criticising racism is the same as actual racism
and you people wonder why no one takes your opinions seriously?
>implying that protestants aren’t brainlets that still imitate catholic traditions without realizing it
what the fuck are you talking about mate, I just watched the scene and there is literally no shit you just listed anywhere in the scene.
You're on drugs my friend. That's not how it happened.