No plans to do a slice of life film set in middle class Coruscant

>no plans to do a slice of life film set in middle class Coruscant
>no plans to do an action comedy heist flick about stealing the Naboo crown jewels
>no plans to do a political thriller about early Empire purges
>no plans to do a buddy cop movie where Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo-Koon have to team up despite their differences

>no plans to do anything but the same fucking thing for the next 30 fucking year, the same movie over and over

>tfw no Boba Fett spaghetti western

everyone one of those is worse than every single star wars movie disney has made so far including rogue one
congratulations you're actually more of a hack than a bunch of talentless jews, im actually impressed

Thats the thing, they refuse to use the setting at all, even in the movie they have produced they barely use the actual setting

I like your first three ideas but buddy cop movies are pretty trash.

Waste of some good dubs right there by an absolute mongrel

Disney have no idea what they are doing, that much is clear

Fuck off imaginationless retard

>movie set before the OT, maybe even pre-prequels
>space freighter crew delivering things across the galaxy
>last stop is some weird planet near the outer rim
>they crash land after mysterious problem with their ship
>decide to camp on planet and put out distress signal
>one of the crew disappears
>then another
>they start exploring and find weird old sith temples and shit
>start to figure out that they're being sacrificed to old cosmic gods by a couple of fringe-sith practitioners
>throw a bone to the fans and imply it's to keep from dying (an indirect reference to what plageius did)
>they have to find a way off the planet or survive until help comes
>the sith witches/priests are scary as fuck and all deformed and shit
>some crew get graphically tortured and killed
>one may eventually escape at the end only to be haunted by an implied force projection
>hard R

Would you watch?

>I liek wach ships expwode an stowmtwoopahs

Because they're scared to death. You don't make money by taking chances you make money by doing things which have been proven previously to make money. This means making the same movie over and over and over ad infinitum with as little variation as possible. That's what's behind all the reboots and pre/sequels

I've actually raised this point before and been booed at. What seperates Star Wars from literally any other sci-fi to me is the Jedi, the lightsabers and the force.

You'd think every single Star Wars movie would focus heavily on this aspect and pretty much nothing else because it's what makes Star Wars unique.

Instead it's 90% people shooting laser guns at each other and one, maybe two, swordfights and jedi-tricks in the entire thing. At least the prequels focused on what made Star Wars interesting.

>Been booed at
By whom?

The problem with this is that they are open to make spin-offs and release a new movie every year. You could easily keep the mainline series safe and experiment with the spin-offs.


>no plans to do a wandering jedi rendition of yojimbo starring luke skywalker in an alternate world where he didn't give up on everything.

star wars shoudlve worked as an open franchise.
the top film directors in their genre can do a star wars universe film.

tarantino can do a gory confrontation by two bands of bounty hunters in a cantina

some horror director can do a story about the blackwing virus infecting a stormtrooper squad one by one

a comedy director could do a story about a bumbling loser who inadvertently helps the rebels by sheer luck completely ignorant of the situation

I like the idea, the problem is that it would require some kinda a lore master to make sure all these directors don't completely break the universe.
At the moment they seem to be completely unable to do that with theses movies they are making

>the star wars lore matters
No it fucking doesn't. Just keep with the trend and take akira kurosawa moves and put in sci fi shit. That's why Star Wars was a success at all.

Then you can just make fucking sci-fi movies instead

I mean, yeah.

>Star Wars more don't matter
Then it isn't Star Wars, its just random sci-fi with a brand name attached

>no jedi detective stories
>no jedi buddy cop stories

that's all star wars ever was.


It was foremost a find-replace of samurai kurosawa movies, specifically The Hidden Fortress. There's plenty more of his works that could easily be adapted.

Star wars is a recolor. It's not an original thing. You take some old story and you splash it with the sci-fi paint. That's all there is to it.

This. There is plenty you can do with Star Wars that isn't being done by Disney, but OP's ideas are terrible.

Yeah, so let's do that with other kinds of movies and my favorite sci-fi dork characters.

Tarantino shoul do the boba fett movie

it won't work with anything other than samurai flicks. Kurosawa's are the best.

Who wouldn't want to see Seven Jedi?

Fuck, I need this movie in my life.

This. Also:
>Darth Bane trilogy when you fucking hacks

The only thing I liked about the Phantom Menace was podracing and even that they abandoned in favor of mary-sue diversity orgies.

so...the hills have eyes in space?

they haven't announced ANY concrete plans story-wise so how do you know this?

>No outcast series

oh wait they already butchered it for Rogue wan whoops

Would absolutely have preferred any of those to watching Disney shit on the OT they way they have with the sequel trilogy.

I didn't mind Rogue One. I wouldn't mind more like it.

>tfw no bounty hunters criminal movie with Boba, Bossk, Dengar and IG-88 reluctantly team up to kill hutt crime lord on Nar Shaddaa

but at a certain point people are going to lose interest and spend their time doing something else

>slice of life set in middle class Coruscant
why would this be any different than some city focused movie. They use a hyrdrospanner once in the movie and you "nerd" out?

fuck off.

this star wars racing is fucking tight. if you are going to cgi everything then make some rad death races.

Swoop bike races pl0x

Here's the thing: there's no reason this premise has to be a Star Wars movie. You could replace Sith with any kind of cultists and the universe with any other science-fiction universe get basically the same movie.

DAMN Biba Fett looks like THAT?

This is the same problem they're having with the MCU, where they keep making variations of the same movie instead of actually taking advantage of the shared universe. I want to see something low-budget and relaxed starring Luis from Ant-Man. It doesn't need to directly tie into anything else or have any sort of conflict, I just want to see Luis be Luis.

The real problem that's wrong with Disney Wars is them remaking a 100 thousand years of history i.e. Jedi are wiped out with a couple Sith remaining, Sith are destroyed and Jedi are back larger than ever and everything is like it was during the prequels until a Sith appears, kills them as more Sith appear...

If you have read the EU they have done this before and if that is what Rian will do with his new trilogy then Disney's canon is pathetic.

WHY not follow Kylo's idea where he kills off all the Sith and all the Jedi and starts his own kingdom which could be similar to Gray Jedi's but in a "harsher" sense i.e. he still has some Sith traits but obviously isn't a Sith.

Disney is fucking ruining Star Wars considering the ending of Episode 8 has broomboi be the new help for Jedi... FUCK THE JEDI!


If Disney is going to continue just remaking everything and having nothing new then fuck it and I will keep reading the EU. No way am I supporting more Jedi to exist and a new Academy to exist while all Sith are wiped out. Jedi don't deserve to exist anymore.

That CGI for 1999 is amazing. Why do so many movies nowadays don't spend so much detailed time on CGI like TPM did?

>This is the only good written character in Disney Wars
And the reason is because he doesn't bow down to no one

>Goes forth to make his own future where Jedi and Sith alike are annihilated
Sounds good until fucking Rey kills him and MUH JEDI rule the galaxy again.

Boring shit.

Just because a movie from 1977 has been rated the greatest sci fi film of all time because it inspired countless of filmmakers (which is 100% true and it sure is an absolute ground breaking film) does not mean that every other Star Wars film has to follow its formula and be a carbon copy of it because that's what people in 1977 and their kids and grandkids like nowadays.

Disney-Marvel is spending less and less on CG. By this i mean they pay less and have shitt quality.
Strange good CG but a few before and everything after has horrible CG quality. Black Panther and Spiders was straight up PS3 tier.

>tfw a game from 2000 has better graphics than a movie from 2018
REALLY grinds the gears of Khronos

>I want a plot that in no way links to star wars, but set it in star wars for the iconography

you are worse.

>You are worse for wanting an original movie set in the same universe instead of rehashed stories using the exact same plot points of a movie made in the 70's
Sometimes people don't know when they have gone insane but I will let you know you have

>it has to be either completely disjointed tripe or a rehash
you can have a story native to star wars without it being a rehash, but nice straw man

Sometimes people don't know when they have gone insane but I will let you know you have.

>entire far far away galaxy of stories to tell
>decide to make a movie around Han Solo doing the Kessel run

They already had this and it wasn't that bad. It was called Ewoks: Battle for Endor

It was more like Willow than Star Wars

> if I put the word "jew" in there my shitty taste will be excused!

>Video game about gritty star wars bounty hunters gets canceled.

It's worth noting that "giving every character who's on screen for even a single frame a deep backstory" is something that the EU got viciously mocked for. Yet when Disney goes to explain throwaway lines from the OT with feature films no one seems to mind.

>no one seems to mind.

No one without a brain

I honestly wouldnt mind seeing this. it could honestly have the same premise as The Hateful Eight and I wouldn't mind.
>Bona Fett bringing in a bounty on a remote planet and he's caught in a storm far away from Slave-1
>runs into Bossk hauling in a bounty himself and they ride towards a nearby shelter
>thugs and criminals are hiding out in plain site and the two bounty hunters need to stick together to make it to the landing pad/ small town.
>have it set on a snowy planet like Both or a desert planet like Tatooine and you're good.

no. he would just recycle spaghettiwesterns frame to frame. he's a one trick pony way past his prime.



True but the Star Wars name should offer security for investers and the studio for it to produce a story like that and make it bankable.

Instead they rather play it safe and give us the same recycle shit over and over again, which by the looks of it are starting to have diminishing returns and hurting the brand like TLJ has done.

You could use the Star Wars template to create a whole host of different Sci-Fi movies in Universe.

That movie the user pitched, give it a competent Director and 70m budget and you can make 500-600million easy with the concept and Star Wars name alone. Better than what they’re doing now with making 250+ million dollar budget movies that are diminishing in returns.

God, Vin Diesel needs to make a another fucking Riddick movie already.

who want's these??

Wait and see how the Xman-verse horror does first

I always hated this though. Sure the bounty hunters are all pretty cool, but in the EU they always make them all know one another and like co-workers. It's stupid because it makes it seem like they're basically the only bounty hunters in the galaxy, at least the only good ones, rather than just a random collection whom happened to be nearby when Darth Vader called for them.

What's done is done now, and sure I wouldn't mind seeing them grouped together again for the umpteenth time if it means a movie about them, but again I think it's a dumb situation to begin with.

Yeah, but any X-Men that doesn’t have at least one of the big 3(Xavier, Magneto and Logan) is doomed to fail anyways.

It’ll be Fant4stic Tier

Why would anyone want to watch slice of life shit in a Star "Wars" movie?

1985 Star Wars movie unconnected to any of the trilogy.

what is this movie even about

Whats with Gandalf

There's a witch in it. That's about all I remember.
Some little girl gets stranded with wicket and the Ewoks because the village got attacked by the witch's thugs

I always suspected Willow was influenced by it. They both had a lot of similarity

That was the sequel
This was the first one.
Both were made for tv movies.
They were pretty decent for tv movies.

It wasn't all bad. Plus periphery media could do short little stories. It was nice to see into a living universe.

OP's ideas are general enough that you could turn any of them into a good movie. Except maybe the buddy cop one.

I don't understand why writers have such a tendency to do this. How is it not obvious that you shouldn't make your universe smaller just for a bit of fanservice that only pleb fans will enjoy anyway?
I guess it's probably just done to squeeze easy $ out of people.

Are you guys ready for the "Vader kills Jedi movie" that Disney will probably make to bail themselves out once the franchise starts to tank financially?
Are you ready for how much that movie will suck compared to what it could be?
I am.

synecdoche death star: engineer builds a third deathstar within the deathstar II from ROTJ to tell the story of the construction of the deathstar II, culminates in an existential crisis as the rebels attack and he begins construction of a forth deathstar within the third

fanboys will see anything star wars, critics will cum themselves over kaufman, its the perfect mix, can do it cheap as shit too, clears 1 bil easy

>No Republic Commando Adaptation
>No Kyle Katarn Movie
>No Thrawn Movie
>No Rogue Squadron Movie
>No Revan Movie

Why did they even buy the franchise if they gonna ignore all the good shit ?

Yep. The OT was good in large part because it was a successful blend of a bunch of good stuff from previous movies and shows. What Disney doesn't understand is that you're supposed to rip off stuff from outside the franchise, NOT cannibalize the fucking franchise itself. Ripping off your own franchise doesn't work. You have to rip off other people's stuff.

>Disney have no idea what they are doing, that much is clear
they know very well what theyre doing
>shitty carbon copy of episode 4
>shitty good MARY SUE and akward faggot teamup to kill WOAH snope
>shitty movie where ??

oh did i forget to mention
>kill of as many of the old male characters that made the movies amazing to cut ties with the old fat nerd fanbase so your new fanbase can be teen girls and chads


>they know very well what theyre doing
short term maybe but not longterm

>he doesn't want more of the Star Wars Universe to be explored

>>he doesn't want more of the Star Wars Universe to be explored

Not him but thats what the EU did for 20+ years and it got all thrown out for some bullshit a couple of faggots made up within a few months.

As bad as some EU stuff was no one in the fanbase ever fucking talks about the nulore but the old shit even to this fucking

>no plans to do a political...
And you don't even need to clarify the rest of that.
Thanks to Red Diabetes Media, no writer will ever be legally allowed to include politics in Star Wars again.

I honestly dont get why people autism so much over the few politic scenes. Even as a kid i didnt care and thought the senate was a nice visual

>It's stupid because it makes it seem like they're basically the only bounty hunters in the galaxy, at least the only good ones
Why is that stupid? Why wouldn't the top bounty hunters in the galaxy know eachother and have at least enough respect to acknowledge the others as co-workers?

how the fuck is this a disney problem? all lucas film did with the IP was make 2 trilogies, a shitty holiday special, and 2 shitty made for TV movies about teddy bears. Rogue One was shit, but at least it dared to make a feature film that wasn't part of the a trilogy. Same with Solo, it may or may not be good, but at least it's willing to take a risk.

>it got all thrown out
That's fucking wrong though. It never got thrown out. It's status hasn't changed at all, it's just under a different name now.

What do robot bounty hunters spend their money on

This is the setup.
Just needs a punchline

>at least it's willing to take a risk
Not really.

>Solo: playing it safe with OT character origin story

>Rouge One: playing it safe with story that links up to OT directly

Taking a risk would be exploring parts of the SW universe that don't tie up with the OT and PT.

>As bad as some EU stuff was no one in the fanbase ever fucking talks about the nulore
literally this. aside from dumbasses who took the
>le who is snoke bait
no one gave a flying fuck. and things got even worse after TLJ.

It's still better than Lucasfilm not making movies that aren't part of a trilogy.

Robot hookers and blackjack duh

Disney is playing it like they are scared of alienating the audience, but it's because of that that they will alienate the audience.

Better ships, better equipment.

Robo-hookers and robo-strippers? But in eu IG-88 was assassin droid with fucked up programming and just liked hunting targets, there is even that stupid story about him trying to start robot revolution

Papa Johns

Lmao user