"let's have sex!"

>"let's have sex!"

what does she exactly mean?

Other urls found in this thread:


Shes so pretty

she didn't say that


it means she's going to grab your dick n balls and crush the ever living shit out of it.

Is she the gentle type

I doubt

>"I'm gonna tell Mr. Wallace that you came on to me... so I just had to fuck you in order to sate your lustful needs."

I started sweating a little bit when she said that tbqh


she's going axe kick your asshole while wearing spurs

so satisfying

delet dis

She wants to observe functioning of my sexual organ by stimulating my prostrate with her android hands

she's the gentile type. she's going to bite off your foreskin unless you're already circumcised.

too bad shes a coal burner irl


Judging by her murdering the fuck out of Joker's henchman with a judo chop to the back of the neck, I doubt it.

>beady soulless Jew eyes


>Put on weight to look believable
>Trained for six hours a day
>Capeshit actresses do half an hour of yoga then show up for work

We don't deserve her desu

>I want you to lick everywhere a good boy might lick






This doesn't have the six hours thing but if you look at her in the film and look at her modelling it's a massive difference.

>she needed three personal trainers and a “torture device” to gain seven kilograms of muscle


t. skinnyfat soylet

>being choked to death, by K

Guess she got what she wanted

I drink oat milk not soy milk

>you're in your room late at night shitposting as always
>suddenly you hear a sound of brisk footsteps just out of your room
>door opens, you see this
What do you do?

Seven kilograms of pure muscle is A LOT, especially for a female

Tell her she's the best one and I want to be a good boy for her.


>tfw they had a hot tub to prevent them freezing to death between takes

Looks like a reptile-dude.


So most would agree Outworld are all worse than Earth but would there be a few out there for the ultra rich to escape to?

Why did they need to tell us this was Wallace's HQ on Earth & not in LA/America?

>Why did they need to tell us this was Wallace's HQ on Earth?

They aren't, they're implying he has 'headquarters' on other planets and this one is the headquarters on earth. The emphasis is on headquarters, not earth.



looks like a man

No bully

Still looks like a man. Look at that jaw line

i love sylvia but it broke my heart that she's 5'9"





How to get a Luv gf bros ?

stop being a crybaby bitch for starters


>what does she exactly mean?
Penis in vagina

>put on seven kilos of muscle

where and why?

she was always fully clothed


On her glorious legs and ass





>he thinks muscle can be only seen when someone is naked
user she basically has skin tight clothes throughout the film, she might aswell be naked in the sea wall scene in terms of silhouette

Ana de Armas is much prettier than Luv

why the FUCK didn’t we get to see Luv drive in the movie, villeneuve you hack


real replicant bean
and a real villain

I'd let her handle my stick if you know what I mean


They had to work out some major kinks with her behavioural AI.


All I can see is this.


and how

>tfw no qt dutch gf
why even continue?

All of the girls in the movie were best girls.


I want to see the scene where Luv stomps K's chest until his insides rupture.
Clearly she inflicted far more damage to K then what we see in the film, which is evident by this scene

she looks a thousand times better with that hair than she does in the movie


She looks like a cat mew mew :3

why do i like this webm so much

Probably had something to do with him being impaled by debris and having internal bleeding.

imagine if that was your testicles. haha

brainded stop advertizing your stattering shit
you fucking abortion failure
just unironically kill yourself

Villeneuve literally said he cut out some shots that were far too violent of Luv finishing K in that scene and the script mentions Luv stomping his chest until his insides rupture

Joi needs out help


>ywn be that apple



>"can I ruin your life in a few years?"


Cheeto dust needs to release the 4 hour cut ffs

>that ass

>Anyway, how's your sex life?

exactly wrong

look at those legs

god i wish that were me


this thread convinced me that she really is THE BEST ONE


The most effay replicant.

I like how her clothes gradually change from full white to full black as her character progresses throughout the film