So why don't you ten-ply mother fuckers ever talk about Letterkenny?
So why don't you ten-ply mother fuckers ever talk about Letterkenny?
i binge it all the day new season comes then forget about it
ya tit fucker
too busy hanging out at Bonnie MacMurray's parents' hot tub party.
>Squirrley Dan, despite the name is not a cuck or a cucker or whatever.
is macmurray a cuck or bi?
The webms have the only good parts. I tried watching it with a friend and we were both bored and it was awkward. So now I hate the show.
by his description he appears to be a classic cuck but I wouldn't put it past you to just start cupping your balls from behind twenty minutes in when he agreed to sit in the chair only.
>you do crossfit?
>crossfuck off
Fucking gold
The girl is so fucking hot in this show
>Irish """humor"""
they're canadian u faggot
I have to but up with blue collar retards like this in real life, why would I watch a show about them?
I hate this country so much.
Not funny at all.
Nothing out of Canada has been funny since Kids in the Hall. Don't get me started on that fucking retarded dialtone of a show that is Trailer Park Boys.
I love this show. Watch it all the time.
Have to watch the episodes multiple times to get all they're saying due to their accent and my not being Canadian.
Trailer park boys seasons 1-6 are kino. They got popular and sold out once they got exposure and new fans through netflix
Seasons 1 to 4 are good. Americans aren't tired of them but the show is 15 years old in Canada.
>a cuck
Hes the only guy on the show who can match wayne in masculinity. Is this some new shit from season4?
>Is this some new shit from season4?
That's a Texas sized ten four.
season 4 episode 5 the hot tub party
which is kinda like The Battle For Bonnie MacMurray which I think is S3? Anyway the hot tub makes another appearance.
If Squirrley Dan gets any skinnier he's gonna have to be replaced as the bubba fat guy.
Horrible and cringey. My redditor coworkers love it.
>First check from show
>new car
>hot dinner
>Lap Band surgery
>its all real
What the fuck ive noticed the progressive agenda creep in slowly but at this point there must be soy in letterkennys water