
I distanced myself from it from the beginning because I thought they were pandering to Gwen Stacy/Deadpool thing just like Spider Gwen. I found out that she wasn't really related to either and Sup Forums seems to love her so I gave it a shot. Now don't get me wrong. I like the series. Just a couple things dont add up for me. If she hates deadpool comics, why is her merc/hero name and costume so similar to his?
>Gwen Poole lmao
If she doesnt care about her secret identity, and knows/assumes shes in a comic, wouldn't she want to be original rather than cater to the gwen/deadpool fans? Keep the comic name as Gwenpool, as that's her name, but make her hero name something like
Excelseer- Stan Lee reference/Comic Awareness Powers
Spoiler - Knows all published secrets. I personally like this name a lot more than Gwenpool

she probably figured riding off the coat tail of someone with a stupid amount of plot armor would help her.

>If she hates deadpool comics, why is her merc/hero name and costume so similar to his?

I think Ronnie just did her thing and Gwen wasn't being picky.
Hell, she's got no pants but wants to quit shaving. so she's not really a huge fan of her own costume

I think her name is just coincidence and her costume was just Ronnie assuming that Gwenpool was an alias rather than an actual name.

Though I wish they had made a point in the beginning to establish that she was deliberately ripping off two of the most popular characters just to get easy popular.

It's also be fun if by the end of this she finds out she was never real and her creation started as a fan-pandering variant cover that got its own ongoing thanks to cosplay whores.

Her costume looks like deadpools because the tailor read her form and was just all "Gwen Pool?" And designed her shit as such.

I mean, I get that Sup Forums reading anything is just as unamerican as rhubarb pie, but this shit is literally explained if you pick up a god dang comic book.

She is gone, anyway.

Also, the reason she doesn't have any pants is because Ronnie hates pants.

Ronnie is bets girl.
I'm sorry Mad Eye.

I want Sup Forumslacks to die. You're like the sperglord who glares at people from the corner of a public train while mumbling to yourself before having a random outburst.

No pants!
Big boots!

Say what you will but Ronnie knows her shit.

Ronnie summoned Fin Fang Foom to force hot pants on the city for Pantsgiving. And she made custom hot pants for The Punisher.

Ronnie knows her shit.


I mean there's this thing which talks about your main point.
>Name is just coincidence
If she's REALLY from our world, she knows that cosplayers have a hard on for Spider Gwen and Deadpool.
I'm caught up bro. Even if the costume is explained, the name is still pander city. She also chose to become a merc with "Pool" in her name.

I snortlaughed like a fuckhead. Thanks.

If you're caught up then you really shouldn't be asking stupid questions that are clearly explained in the comic, "bro".

>she finds out she was never real

I think she knows

She left our world when Secret Wars was just coming out so she doesn't know about Spider-Gwen.

>If she doesnt care about her secret identity, and knows/assumes shes in a comic, wouldn't she want to be original
Originals get ignored and dropped to the B Level almost immediately. Once there, they're fair game for the next "Event Death" to show us all how fucking SERIOUS the big new bad guy is.
Gwen knows how this shit works, Gwen remembers Civil War, she ain't getting BIll Foster'd.

Anyway, Gwen Poole didn't give herself the name Gwenpool, her weird foreign Costume maker did after mishearing her birth name.

Like i said. Keep the cover title as gwenpool but different merc name. Nobody calls saitama one punch man in universe and nobody calls him caped baldy in real life. Either that or have her like deadpool comics. It's too late to change anyway. At least it's a good story.

anybody know where I can catch the latest issue?

There is like huge ass thread with uploads of everything right on Sup Forums. All those threads are achieved, so you can just go to, type the name of the comic in the search and there you go.

>If she hates deadpool comics, why is her merc/hero name and costume so similar to his?
Because her name is literally Gwen Poole. When she told Ronnie her name, Ronnie misunderstood it as "Gwenpool" and thought Gwen was going for a Deadpool-rip-off and designed her costume accordingly.

Gwenpool always introduces herself as Gwen Poole. People just keep hearing "Gwenpool."

Spider-gwen was introduced in Spider-verse, so she likely would have heard of her already.

I dont think shes retarded enough of a concept yet, we need to go deeper with the character "pool". The symbiote was a good start, add that, throw in an adamantium skull, and maybe give her a Gwen Glider only not a gargoyle like Green Goblin's. She needs to be the dumbest/cutest amalgamation ever

draw fags?

> implying all pollacks are like this

have you ever considered that only the most retarded ones would bring up Sup Forums shit outside of Sup Forums?

Gwenpool has got to be the comic with the most unfortunate name that's in print. It really sounds like a ripoff of both Spider-Gwen and Deadpool, and I bet a shitload of people who would have otherwise been interested in it just completely wrote it off as soon as they heard the name. I certainly did.

Even now, when I KNOW it has nothing to do with either of those, I don't want to read it because I hate both Deadpool and Spider-Gwen.