Guess what movies my gf likes Sup Forums

Guess what movies my gf likes Sup Forums.

adventure movies

I think he likes 50/50, 500 Days of Summer and Amélie

Either the cuckold or the nymphomaniac

OP is dating a tranny.

What an astute observation, user. You really have an eye for this, woah.

your black dicks cuckholding videos

Schindler's List and The Pianist

Master and Commander

Post dick pics

Is she 35 or 21?


That's a man, baby

What a smashing movie, I do say. Those bloody wogs got what they deserved


Oldfag detected.

Bad ones


the notebook

What are you doing in here.

whos that girl that you have so many facebook pics saved of? does she know youre obsessed with her?

Don’t worry about it bro.

Post webms?

My gf and yes.