A Big Guy For You

A Big Guy For You

Act 1, Scene 1: Outside CIA's plane

CIA is waiting on stage with three HENCHMEN. Enter MASKETTA, PAVEL and three PRISONERS

Hark ser Pavel, and good day,
My Christian name is CIA.

We journeyed to the meeting zone,
But the doctor was not alone.

I fear doctor this party ends,
Our deal did not include your friends.

Nay friend, you are incorrect.
These men do not my life protect.

Worry not, Ser CIA.
For these men you need not pay.

Good Ser, I plainly fail to see,
What use these men would be to me.

Dear agent, these hooded knaves,
Nearly put us in our graves.
They laid in wait to spring their trap,
The doctor they aimed to kidnap.
The rogue who set them on their task,
Was the man who wears the mask.

Surely you do not mean Bane?
Hark, take them aboard our plane.
Langley I shall notify,
That with the doctor we now fly.


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Act 1, Scene 2: Aboard CIA's plane

Enter CIA, three HENCHMEN, PAVEL and three PRISONERS

Hark now, knaves, and listen well,
For you may soon end up in Hell.

CIA produces his pistol and a roll of parchment.

I shall speak loud so all can hear,
This flight plan makes all matters clear:
The aircraft on which we now travel,
Holds me, my men and Doctor Pavel,
There is space for just one of you,
The sky awaits the other two.
The first of you to knowledge share,
Will stay with us safe in the air.

CIA takes PRISONER #1 downstage and holds the pistol to his head.

Tell me man, and tell me true,
The name of he who hired you,
To take the Doctor from his home,
And carry him to place unknown.
...Will you not speak? Then you shall die!

CIA fires his pistol into the air. The HENCHMEN pull PRISONER #1 upstage.

"Not good" 's how I'd describe you fly.

CIA takes PRISONER #2 downstage, and points his pistol at his head.

The next among you I shall ask:
Bane! Why does he wear the mask?
Your silence is both strange and bold,
For one who fights for naught but gold.

Perhaps the man does simply wonder,
Why, before you'd throw him yonder,
You would shoot him in the head,
And cast him out when he is dead.

Yes, a man here who can speak,
You may be the one I seek.
Tell me this: what is your name?
Lest you suffer a fate the same.

The HENCHMEN pull PRISONER #2 upstage. CIA removes PRISONER #3's hood to reveal BANE, the Masked Man.

It matters not, dear CIA.
It did not matter until the day,
I set my mind upon my task,
And donned my distinctive mask.

If I removed, with my fair hand,
The mask that has become your brand,
Would forth the maw of death creep,
And bring about eternal sleep?

An action such as that would be,
Painful to an extreme degree.

But the pain that would ensue,
Could surely be endured by you.
For after all, I clearly see,
A man of grander build than me!

It seems you have mistaken it,
It won't be I that bites the bit!
Painful times are sure ahead,
But not for me - for you, instead!

Surely Bane you had not planned,
To end up captive in my hand?

Of course dear man, now here I am.
I shall unveil my master plan.
The Doctor's aid we had sought,
But in with you he threw his lot.
With my own eyes I had to see,
What knowledge he had shared with ye.

Nothing! I have not told them a word.
To think otherwise would be absurd.

Ser Bane it seems you are now here,
Pray, dear ser, lend me your ear,
And allow me, if it pleases you,
To ask what you intend to do.
So tell me, if you even can,
What's the next step in your master plan?

My plan, you see, is quite insane,
For I intend to crash this plane!
To send it falling from the sky,
So all aboard will surely die!

BANE stands up and breaks free from his bonds. He punches CIA in the face, knocking him to the floor. PRISONER #1 AND PRISONER #2 stand up, also breaking free, and begin fighting the HENCHMEN.

NAY! You cannot do this Bane!
For I am the lord of this plane!

Fighting and alarms. BANE and the two PRISONERS succeed in overpowering CIA and his HENCHMEN. PRISONER #1 exits. PRISONER #2 turns to join him, but is stopped by BANE.

Hold up, brother - you stay here,
We cannot all just disappear.
One must stay inside the plane,
But your death shall not be in vain.

PRISONER #2 sits down, smiling.

Tell me, brother, if it pleases you,
Of the ravaging fire that we pursue.
Is it small and calm and unexcited,
Or is kindled, warm and ignited?

The mighty flame for which you die,
Is burning hot and rising high!

BANE takes PAVEL over his shoulder. PAVEL protests, but BANE is too strong.

Pray doctor, 'tis not the time for fear!
That moment has yet to draw near.

Exit BANE and PAVEL, leaving PRISONER #2 on stage. Lights flare, haze vents from the stage and there is the sound of a crashing plane. Lights down.


When will this meme fucking die

This threat is fag bullshit and you should kill yourself my dude

When we do.


GOOD maymay

I appreciate the effort that was put into this

Good thread


industrial grade autism

I had a dream that I caught Aiden Gillan in a pungi trap deep in the rainforest once. He was wearing the suit that he wears in the Bat Man™ movies, and he had been running for three days. One of my clever spikes had gone through his leg, and he was screaming at me to let him go. I went into the the pit and started sticking my fingers in the hole in his leg, and he kept asking me why I was doing it. The suit that he was wearing in the Bat Man™ movies was very dirty and he looked very upset.
i told him that he looked upset, and that his suit from the Bat Man™ movies did not look nice any more. I took off the suit he wore in the Bat Man™ movies and then I took his hand. I told Aiden Gillan that I loved him, and that he had made me do this. He did not understand. He asked me to give back the suit that he wore in the Bat Man™ movie because he was cold. The jungle was very hot.
I got out of the pit and watched Aiden Gillan try and free his leg. But it was too late for Aiden Gillan. Aiden Gillan had lost too much blood in my pungi trap, and his body was shutting down. He died in the pit, and I threw dirt on him so the dead wound would rot and go septic. Animals and fat insects came and fed on Aiden Gillan. The nested in his mouth and nose, and in the rags of the suit he wore in the Bat Man™ movies.
I woke up with an erection, and I don't know why. It did not feel good to kill Aiden Gillan, but it made me feel powerful. That seems dangerous.

Look at this hothead and laugh

Aside from Bane not saying “for you” 10/10 you’re the hero Sup Forums needs

He says it though.

This also gave me an erection



I approve this thread


i swear to fucking god Sup Forums takes memes to the next level

This is funny as shit.
