What kind of movies do cute indie girls watch?

What kind of movies do cute indie girls watch?

which ever has the strongest black male lead


>coloured hair

i bet shes a gamerguuuuuuurl with daddy issues too

Trite garbage mostly.


>indie girls
Its just a costume. Women are the mainstream. She'll watch whatever Chad watches. If Chad says "I really like brunettes" she'll drop the green hair immediately.

>indie girl
What the fuck does this even mean?

entry level arthouse movies from David Lynch, Wes Anderson, Haneke, Jodorovsky, Korine, etc


>indie girl
What do you think "indie" means? You mean alt girls.



>Thinking a woman would know anybody on that list besides Wes Anderson
You've never been around Women have you?

She listens to Neutral Milk Hotel and watches Ghost World.

>alt girls
Another term that means fuck all. Its just a costume. All women are mainstream and will adopt the traits of those around them. If Chad wants her to dress normally, she will.


fuck off /fa/

I get that, but OP is using "indie" in a wrong way.

Oh, you'd be surprised how many of those girls exist

Donnie Darko
Amelie Poulain
Wes Anderson flicks

Any midnight movie showing of a classic, cult of art movie for sure.

My bad.
Some of them have watched bits and pieces of a Kubrick movie.

Well, she's dead if it makes you feel any better.