Konglets on suicide watch

Konglets on suicide watch.

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>5'11'' as the average human height
maybe in china

>Skull Island Kong is just a kid
>Godzilla v King Kong set nearly 50 years later

it's pretty much average all around the world


His back looks like kelp.


I'm pretty sure the new American Godzilla is not that tall, and Kong in Skull Island is young, they specifically say he's still growing

Now put this two against the new Cloverfield monster

it doesn't help that the writer said that by the time they fight, Kong is so old he has shrinked to 50m and godzilla has grown to over 1,500 meters tall

Exclusive picture of Kong from his upcoming movie

>something is only a danger if it's as big as you
Go wrestle a pitbull and see how that works out

Here's what i wish Kong would look like

That works. Kong would be more agile than Godzilla and would pick things up to use as weapons, so he'd still be a match despite being smaller.

>China, People's Republic of – Beijing 174.7 cm (5 ft 9 in)
Surely this is bullshit?

Kong and Nu-zilla have nothing on Godzilla Earth

no on average they eat more red meat now, same as japan the average height is going up

>tfw brought up vegan by parents.
5ft6. I'm not gonna make it lads, moving to a country with a lower avg. height looks to be pointless as well.

The Chinese lie about absolutely anything and everything. It's part of their culture. Google Chinese and saving face. It's a thing that virtually all Chinese do and it's essentially a social faux pax to call them out on their bullshit, you have to give them a chance to prove their lie or go along with it or else you risk shaming them.

As a person who lived in a suburb that was mainly Chinese I dwarfed over them and I'm only 5'8

kong is dex though

lol, with those short arms he could never reach his dick for a wank


it's supposed to he's a plant godzilla


>so he'd still be a match

Godzilla has his fucking atomic breath. How the hell can he match that?

>He doesn't get that the 5'11 is there, because he looks tiny by comparison, and it ties into the 5 foot meme
How new are you?


I'm 5'3, stop complaining, nobody cares about your height outside the internet.

I will never fully understand Chinese culture.

I mean its obvious.

Godzilla destroys skycrappers. Kong climbs them.

Hahaha are you guys fucking midgets?

Atomic shield

Kong's still big enough to fuck Godzilla up. He just has to punch him in the throat while he's doing his nuclear breath.

*blocks your path*

>Godzilla starts to nuclear breath
>Kong holds his mouth shut
>Godzilla self destructs

The atomic breath comes out of his ass and he flies away.

wanna see them suiting up kong with a mech suit to fight godzila

this is the right way to think about it. also have him team up with the pac rim nigz.

If I wanted it you'd be dead already!

They're going to use No Church in the Wild for one of the trailers to Godzilla vs Kong

Screencap this

>listing subhumans countries

Atomic gun.

Shit. You're right.


real life isn't like your fictional depiction of the east.

>kong piloting a giant robot version of himself
Would it be kino?

*Killed by MOAB*
*Two unrelated sequels*

>Would it be kino?
ofc it would be fuckign kino, except no one has the balls to execute

>laughs in pacific rim

That's why he's so mad.

Northern Chinese are tall as fuck, you'd be surprised