This woman pretty much has more balls than most white men these days.
This woman pretty much has more balls than most white men these days
Other urls found in this thread:
who Ed?
>"All women are stu-"
>Urban Cinefile
based woman > soyboy
Or you could go see the movie and make up your own mind.
GQ magazine got zapped with sjw wand pretty quickly didn't it
Well it's still a fucking week away, faggot. And im goingto wait a month so I'm not stuck in the theater with noisy niggers
wtf is the context of picture? non burger here
Well I'm sorry to hear that
It was during the height of black lives matter
Might be one of the best pictures for BLM ever
>also nice trips
>thinking people -want- to be in burgerland
even the illegal immigration numbers have dropped, lmao
im in east asia and its lit
>complains about too much dialogue and not enough punching
>irish spud
>complains the hero talks and reasons too much and doesn't beat up baddies
These are the literal definitions of plebs, I need a proper review because the ones praising it can't see past politics and the one's who've reviewed it badly seem borderline retarded
>2 bad reviews out of 100
It was a protest at a mall or something. People disrupting “white spaces” for perceived injustice against black people by the police. It’s funny cus the white girl looks so unaffected
me with the afro
how many threads is this now of people being mad Black Panther exists? do you really have nothing else to talk about?
You should be very proud you disgusting little brown gook. Beaners of the Pacific.
>goes to see a capeshit action movie
>expects philosophy and politics
do you go watch Baywatch for discussions about the human condition too?
RT should give burger and non-burger %s. This is by all acounts an ok Marvel movie and will probably sit at around 80% outside of America.
That reads like rapping
If a film gets 100/100 it should mean it's a 100/100 movie.
I'm saying reviewing capeshit badly for not just being 2 hours of quips and punching for once is just as retarded as saying this movie is unbelievable kino because everyone barring shit Bilbo and Gollum are black
>that Olive's review
He liked Phantom Menace, cut him some slack
>hurr phantom menace is shi-
>It's ___________
>and that's great
> Bilbo and Gollum
Literally /ourguy/
She def wants that Ed Power D.
how does a website like that fulfill the RT critic criterias?
fucking aussies
story was shit, acting was shit, characters weren't interesting, but the music was good.
>east asians
Holy fuck you're right
How does a film that's not out and nobody has seen "have a huge cultural impact" and "inspire a generation"?
Her smile...hnnnnnnggggg!
>watching movies
what are you? a kid?
Louise Keller is that rare exception - a woman critic who knows what she's talking about.
I'm gonna be liek dis when credits are rollin'.
damn Blonde-a Rousey really showed them
I really really like this image
Do none of these critics care that this movie looks like absolute shit on a fundemental level like the director and producers fucking hate you and just want to steal your cash? There's no passion no talent no nothing. Just shit like the color of Wakanda's people.
why are blacks so racist
>goes to see a shit genre movie
>it should get 10/10 because its shit just like expected
I like how the guy is mad that it didn’t attack Trump hard enough. Literally soy incarnate.
because if everyone says the same thing, it will happen. especially when critics do it. no matter how trash it is, people are content having the same opinion
>has more balls
>for making a review
Why are Sup Forumsfags so stupid?
we live in a time and age were critics are afraid to critique a movie out of fear of social and physical consequences.
leaving a negative review that will ostracize you and people will single you out, most likely call you a bigot or racist, does in fact take balls. I’ve already read articles singling out that Irish guy for leaving a bad review
>positive BR2049 review
>criticised TLJ for its characters and plot
100% /our girl/.
A website like that carries far more weight than some dumb cunt in Salon, GQ or HuffPo who most likely hasnt even seen the classics like TGTBTU and The Godfather, much less any films of artistic, thematic and cinema historical merit outside the IMDBtop100.
There should be a new aggregate site alternaitve to RT that has extremely strict qualification criteria. For one, anyone who uses political arguments in their reviews should be banned.
Irish independent at it again, good on ya lads
You whiteboys realize the average person doesn't even check movie reviews right?
Retarded as shit.
>people being mad Black Panther exists
movie itself isn't an issue
Wow, I always thought the white woman was photoshopped in, this makes it much funnier
Who else /would have seen black panther but now that they’re using it as a vehicle for their weird black power agenda you no longer want to support it/ here?
then can we stop having 28 threads going about it at once? that would be great
Just use Criticker. It gives you score recommendations based off of your own voting history. It’s a much better way to find movies that you will like.
Cause now, I will snatch every mother fucker birthday.
but user, I hate black people
I don't think you understand the attacks these critics are getting for writing these negative reviews.
>weird black power agenda
I'm not seeing this anywhere. There's definitely a racial agenda, but that word isn't always a negative, and I don't see negativity here. Do you? Is there some scene I don't know about where a white character is forced to say
>Dag-nabbit, now I realize Africans are the superior race!
Yeah, its called "living in reality". According to you like half the USA and 75% of Europe are SJWs. Have you ever thought maybe you're just exceptionally retarded/psychotic?
Just buy a ticket for another movie and then walk into the theater room playing black panther
i'll never know because i don't go to the cinema, but it would be funny if i watched this film and it turned to be actually good
oh well, maybe someone will download it at some point and force me to watch it and i'll find out
sounds completely different
aha but you see i also hate black people. but my racism is superior to yours because i also happen to have action films based around a superhero narrative.
you can praise me in my infinite wisdom any day now, for i have been red pilled
Hanging on RT is the equivalent of redditors comparing karma scores
Alt-RT for Alt-Right? Alright.
I'm more amused that other comment
> The next generation of real-life heroes
What the fuck does that mean? The closest we have to heroes are EMTs that go a lifetime seeing PTSD level horrific shit on a daily basis. Even then it's not heroic, it's honorable.
No. These publications are literally frothing at the mouth over their hatred of white people.
is this real? seems weird they would just refer to him as 'Trump'
lmao that fucking retraction
Not saying that particular group isn't bright but they arn't exactly a stellar display to humanities progress as a whole.
Why? You think they'd refer to him as "President Trump" or something?
>paying to see capeshit
Ill never understand
imagine being bald in your 30s and watching this
i still don't have an answer but... okay buddy, whatever you say
>white """""""males""""""" getting triggered over ONE movie that shows blacks positively over the hundreds of hollywood movies that shove white protags each year
why are whites such deceitful fragile sociopaths.
>Ed Power Irish independant
So is he just some drunk old man that wandered into the cinema and said "begorrah there be no punchin' in me superhero movie, t'is shite aye laddy" unaware of how people here are treating it like srs bzns?
I assumed Donald Trump actually. my issue was flow and structure. if this becomes the first mention of him in the article, they should state his full name.
based white woman laughs at subhumans lying on ground
In short, user, they refuse to use proper recognition such as "Mr. Trump, President Trump, Donald Trump" as that would be a respectful recognition, It would be akin to someone saying your name in a slanderous fashion with negative connotation.
If that's not clear enough your grey matter is depleted.
They're not legally obligated to respect Drumpf
i think that's a bit of a push, I assume they use his full name in the article
Do any of the positive reviews talk about the few or just socially empowering niggers?
The only two critics who aren't pandering this movie, a Irish man and an Australian woman.
Why are Amerifats so fucking nigger lover?
>it has bl..NIGGERS XD
>I, the Sup Forumstard won't even go to the cinema to see the movies I am hyped about let alone this one
The state of contrarians.
Another one is a French critic. You're right, American journalism is pathetic.
niggers are our plebeians and it is important that we keep them happy so democrats get votes
>100+ people who say the movie's good
Fucking shills/SJWs
>2 negative reviews
Finally someone's being honest.
It's almost like Everyone's already made up their mind.
Fuck you. I go to cinema at least once every week or two. Honestly I don't mind that this pandering capeshit trash exists. What pisses me off is the political correctness surrounding it with leftist faggots like you treating it like Citizen Kane because it empowers blacks. Go fuck yourself.
fuck off i'll watch it for free im not giving my money to the mouse
If given the chance I would go see it for what it is - a movie by a director I respect. I don't care about the surrounding politic drama.
because this it the first movie ever with black people in it