What is the point of those goofy helmets?

What is the point of those goofy helmets?

protect their heads

Easy to recognize, easy to sell toys

To fit their radios.

Why all the shit in the back?

protect their necks

>Endor rebel helmet is just a hat with a metal ring

Its to protect them from random shit falling on their heads

They didn't understand force powers and thought vader could mind control them. The helmets protect them from mind control rays.

kek please tell me this is canon

Protecting the neck when they're lying down on their stomachs, surrendering to the Empire stormtroopers

The helmets were rebel standard issue for many different species, one size fits all. It just happened that ship had all humans from Alderaan crewing it.

Why is one of them missing the black part on top? What does it mean?


Big helmets are neat.

The props were cheap to make.

For that far far away galaxy unusual look. Imagine them using real military helmets painted white instead and it's just not that cool and unique. Even in Rogue One where they actually gave rebels M1 helmets for 'nam aesthetics they still slapped some shit on top to make them unique.

What is the point of helmets in the first place?



In real life they protect your head against debris and shrapnel

or just banging into shit.

Look like a modified velodrome helmet