Sup Forums BTFO

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>Action movie doesn't have enough action is a dumb reason

>bad reviev for not being capeshit

They’re buttblasted over a single negative review to the point where they’re compelled to write an article about it... I wonder what this could possibly imply...

And here's why that's NOT a good thing.

>Black Panther gets first review period (not black appropriation)

Its just niggers nu-leftists, jews are a lot more subtle

No one has even seem the fucking move but already you're forced to say it's good or else.

Rotten Tomatoes has killed itself. It's completely irrelevant at this point.

The jews are behind it all though

when you have a mixture of political bandwagoning and corporate-paid shilling in a product marketing campaign, you get a very annoying result which is people defending the product as if they're defending a cause
it's like brand loyalty but way way dumber because they actually believe that said product has some kind of a moral value regardless of its quality

>We're pretty confident we'll be on the right side of history here when we say: Nope. You are incorrect, sir.

This has to be satire.

>someone doesn't like a superhero movie
>everyone is writing articles about this evil anomaly

It's been irrelevant for a while now. If it was the same Rotten Tomatoes from a decade ago, all of these stupid movies wouldn't get anything above 27%.

>criticize Black Panther without being racist
>get singled out for ridicule anyway

You really have to wonder what the future is going to look like.
Either they realize that none of this shit matters because we'll all be eradicated from nuclear hellfire, or the future will be full of lobotomized zombies with corporate dicks up their asses and give a standing ovation when the evil, racist constitution is finally burned.

>we are at a point where people will review a bad review

>for any movie starring women or minorities*

No we're not.

They're literally patrolling the reviews and then shame reviewers?


The leftist soys are the fascists but they are too stupid to realize it

It’ll be a mix of both

>action movie
>action is bad
Dumb reason, sure

>thunderous applause

George tried to warn you.

I'm starting to believe that blacks are incapable of understanding that the past actually happened, or that the future is shaped by the present, and either isn't just the equivalent of making shit up when you are "talkin' smack" on the street shuckin' and jivin'.

>And that's a good thing!


That's far from the dumbest reason.

.....and people arent happy

...and the internet is fighting back

Black panther got a bad review and that's a good thing!

>Earlier in the review, he also complains that the movie is "expected to stand for something bigger than itself," as if some Marvel executives forced director Ryan Coogler to use this historic milestone for black culture as a platform to explore black experiences. Power goes as far as to say this results in Chadwick Boseman's performance as T’Challa feeling "strained."

>see a KANGZ movie
>expect it to be about KANGZ, because agressive marketing said so
>don't get KANGZ
>be called racist

Damn you sound fat as fuck

expect africa, get hip hop

>you're not allowed to have a negative opinion of our movie goy, it's virtue signaling our political views!

Whats up with all the literal black people worship on the left?

>literally virtue signals their political views in his review
>just wants more action

greatest ally

Can we please send everyone involved in the creation and running of RottenTomatoes to death camps?

Is rotten tomatoes down for anyone else?

I expect a review of every bad BP review. This is entartaining af

It's funny because if it'd been a black reviewer saying he didn't like a white superhero movie because there wasn't enough action, you'd say he was a stupid ape for not appreciating anything other than violence and accuse him of just wanting the same dumb climactic fight and Marvel formula that's making the genre stale.

But since it's a white reviewer saying it about a black superhero, naturally you defend the reviewer and say all capeshit SHOULD follow the rote Marvel formula. You'll never admit to this though because in your minds you're already the victim.

Racial bias is a hell of a drug.

Who would’ve thought that a RLM fan would be a delusional self-righteous retard.

assumptions, assumptions, assumptions

Is this sarcasm? I’ve never seen RLM posters act this retarded

I was on Sup Forums like a week ago and people were making fun of the BLM-tier fags orbiting this movie. Why the fuck are there now those same kind of retards on this board like this fag swarming these threads?

>can't argue, easier to just keep playing the victim card
So predictable.

I think it's just that Sup Forums is contrarian by nature. Normally it would be against action, because "muh dumb capeshit", now it's for it because people are getting butthurt about someone being butthurt by the lack of it. It's not that much of a race issue imho.

no one pays that much attention to normal capeshit reviews, but since the token nigger capeshit movie is being shilled as some sort of cause/movement, this is a special circumstance.

The review has nothing to do with race. It's an honest opinion, white or black.
The issue here is they're only promoting this movie on the RACE of the people involved.
Racial bias is saying people can't hate a movie because of it being an all black cast.

>and say all capeshit SHOULD follow the rote Marvel formula
What if it was actually bad and there was actually not enough action and ass-kicking?

No one is playing the victim, you’re just talking out of your ass while saying “b-but!” with nothing to actually back up anything you’re saying.
You are treating a multi-billion dollar movie company like they’re the victims of anything. Delusional.

Because this isn't your hugbox.

>not liking a movie is a controversy worthy of media attention
This is the issue at hand, not the content of the review itself.

Imagine hating yourself enough to write shit like this.

>this isn't your hugbox
>stated by the political side that keeps trying to make everywhere their hugbox for political correctness
like pottery

Racial bias is also hating it for reasons you'd otherwise give a white cast a pass on.

The fact that people are fucking treating movies as part of their identity is sad and pathetic. When does it end?
The hyperconsumerism surrounding this flick is disturbing

>The issue here is they're only promoting this movie on the RACE of the people involved.
So? Their loss if it doesn't work. Seems to be working, though.
>Racial bias is saying people can't hate a movie because of it being an all black cast.
No one said this. This has only ever been used as a strawman argument. Find me ONE PERSON on earth who thinks you're racist if you don't like this movie.

>waah u wascist
Every single time. It's like this all you leftist fucks can operate on.
Like I fucking said, lobotomized.

>doesn't raise a counterpoint
>"n-no YOU"

people are overwhelmingly on her side

I dunno, these people are crazy

Are you trying to say Marvel movies prior to this haven't gotten negative reviews?

Literally the entire Mashable article is saying he's racist without saying it.
What world do you live in?

Is it me or do a lot of posters on here suddenly sound like they're being paid to counter anyone saying they don't want to see this movie?

Which is yours.

>left shitters and BLM autists acting like this is the only righteous black character ever in cinema
Yeah let's just ignore that Black Panther and his people were literally racist towards the other black people around them.

Not an argument.

>people are writing "news" articles about a negative review for a capeshit movie on rotten tomatoes
>"u racist tho"
Cunning observation.

Go back to r*ddit you fucking faggot

You say that like it's a bad thing.

I'm not criticizing it, I'm calling out the stupidity of people orbiting and worshiping this movie. Though I doubt they'll show that side of Black Panther.

Still not an argument.

that was unironically a great, timeless, quotable line

>writing reviews of the bad reviews
gon' get comfy lads

That is a counterpoint. You’re just so retarded that you’ll keep saying the same garbage despite already being called out for being an idiot.

The Western world killed God again a decade ago and has since lost its mind in another existential crisis. I say this as an atheist.

>Find me ONE PERSON on earth who thinks you're racist if you don't like this movie.
You will find (at least) a dozen articles in the week after it releases that will say that.

Serious question, will this be the highest grossing film of all time?

It’s not supposed to be an argument. You are a faggot, and you should go back to plebbit.

>saying without saying
Holy kek

Prove I'm wrong.

What a time to be alive. A whole article written about a negative movie review while at the same time the writer claims to support free expression of criticism.

they are literally tracking down every non-10/10 review now?

Why would they? They didn't show Hank Pym beating his wife.

>It’s OK when Disney does it.

Not allowed to criticize it as a movie because it's just leftist propaganda

No because it's not going to make money outside of a small vocal group.
Overseas won't really care because they're not so caught up in the "race war" culture US has.
It'll make money for a week then have a sharp decline in sales.
That's not racism, that's just reality talking.

The average post here has about as much quality as the average YouTube post. I can only assume the average age of posters here is 16.

Can’t believe some virtue signalling basic bitch wrote an article over a dissenting opinion

i'm not surprised this "empowered woman" wrote this shit article

>”prove I’m wrong!!”
>proves you wrong
>”n-not an argument!”
>proves you wrong again
“N-no counterpoint!”
how do people even end up like this

>not joining a side

Would that mean you're 16 too?

It's only natural marvel movies will only get more successful with time. Infinity War will probably what you're talking about but BP will likely be massively successful.

>the reviewer literally trolls them with one single review

oh man


>negative review
>he gave it 3/5 stars
what exactly do these people want? 3/5 is not a bad score and pretty much is what you should expect from big budget action marvel movies

If I was the average poster, yes.

Not even the Societ Union dared to fake 100% approval rating. This is beyond ridiculous.

Still not an argument.

waiting for armond's review desu