How do we stop hyperconsumer-focused marketing in media? It’s ruining film. You can’t criticize certain movies anymore because people have latched their identities on to a corporate product and take personal offense when you don’t like the product they have attached themselves to.
How do we stop hyperconsumer-focused marketing in media? It’s ruining film...
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t. marxist shill
Literally the opposite.
There was a really good doc put out by PBS on advertising that I watched in college. In that they talked about trying to turning marketing to an identity thing. So that its about making people feel a certain way and even comparing it to a religious experience. This shows how far it has advanced.
It’s borderline dystopian
Ban all forms of marketing/advertising
Kill all Jews
Make the entire population of the human race smarter
Any of these will do
Nuke burgerland.
Apple is a good example. Its an image thing more than about the product itself.
One of the defining features of marxism, at least currently, is that it holds group identity above individual identity.
>people have latched their identities on to a corporate product and take personal offense when you don’t like the product
I just can't wrap my head around this
I don't want to believe people are like this
Fuck off you fucking communist.
Eat shit and get fucking executed in your front yard.
t. dunce
The communists are the ones talking about “representation” in movies and shit you retard
Fuck off you retarded subhuman commie.
It's far too late for this generation
How have you not seen it already? OP is mostly talking about movies, Star Wars being the worst offender I can think of.
The most common I've seen in everyday life is car brands. People get so attached to different car brands that it becomes a part of who they are, and it's considered totally normal.
Is it The Persuaders? I might watch it now
>the same fucking movie as last year
Wrong. The most common is sports teams.
Some people fucking L I V E to see their team win and L I T E R A L L Y cry if it loses.
>Sup Forums this long to realize all movies are socialist propoganda
sometimes i feel embarrassed for you guys
That's true, I was actually about to write sports teams instead of cars but I'm not entirely sure if it's the same thing.A lot of sports teams have essentially become 'brands' but for most people it's still just entertainment.
Attaching yourself to a group of people competing in something isn't nearly as bad as doing it to a product being sold to you.
>socialist propaganda
>not just jews pandering and promoting their products to the most people possible
Fuck off brainlet.
It is in the big sports, football, basketball etc. The people competing change year to year on an arbitrary basis. Teams have massive roster changes from one season to the next and in a five year span it's likely that almost no one will be remaining. What are the fans loyal to? The mascot? The logo? It isn't even the city because those change too.
Capitalism requires consumers consumers to be rational actors. the problem is that advertising has turned consumers irrational, where brand loyalty trumps any other considerations. Film critics are no wall either, they've been clearly compromised by Disney, literally every Disney movie gets a very high score besides trash that's "safe" to hate on like The Lone Ranger. You can argue that it's just movies, what's the big deal? Well Disney is so large and owns and influences so many media outlets that they've become a threat to freedom of the press.
Disney tried to ban a newspaper from early access because that newspaper dared to report on some Disney World issues and they got lambasted for it hard.
I think that's a very cynical way of looking at it. People always formed emotional attachements to works of art that reasonated with them and i think that's not generally speaking a bad thing, 3even if the art in question is very low brow. People like being told a story they connect to or look at an image that resonates with them and sure, that can be exploited but there's nothing wrong with people appreciating works of fiction on a deep, personal level.
Maybe if we stop trying to make it left/right factionalism instead of making it the issue itself we could actually tackle it.
Left/Right have become the biggest brands in the US. Exactly the same principles apply to politics as products
I will never understand why Sup Forums thinks the rich upper classes using capitalism to consolidate power and cement themselves at the top are also marxists that want to spread socialist ideas
Do you not realize how retarded it is to say that the winners of capitalism are closet communists trying to push for revolution against themselves?
But at least they aren’t smoking weed. That’s more important then abuse of power after all.
>How does we stop neoliberals from hijackig culture and sterilizing everything for profits
Fight against PC culture and make sure they can't destroy the 1st amendment, try and get conservatives in tech and media, do something about the laughing stock of the academic world aka sociology.
Stop being politically correct and stop conforming to the life they have tried to foist on you
Shhh. You can't say that kind of stuff here, you'll be branded as a centrist fence sitter.
Its us vs them, goy.
>Fuck the Jews
The Left:
>reeee antisemites!
>Fuck the 1%
>reeee commies!
Does nobody realise they are all pointing at the same people?
This, also why would they want to shit up their own home countries by advocating for the importation of millions of third world subhumans?
>I will never understand why Sup Forums thinks the rich upper classes using capitalism to consolidate power and cement themselves at the top are also marxists that want to spread socialist ideas
They don't, they use marxists and the weird pseud meld between liberal idpol and actual communist ideologies to control and sterilize culture, mainly by promoting their liberal idpol. People in tech and media are especially biased in this way.
They aren't marxists, but they do promote egalitarianism in the name of cementing their power. Then rightists also mix in the establishment of academia with the elite which lacks a lot of the historical Dynamics between class and academia but whatever
>they're waking up
That's the one I never got. Why would the Jews want to replace the white race (who according to Sup Forums they've been exploiting for profit for centuries), with insane muslims who want to kill all Jews?
There's this eternal paradox of The Jews controlling everything, but are also trying to take over the world, despite already controlling everything.
Is there any chance of some kind of resurgence of Eugene V. Debs style actual leftist agitation in America or are we too far gone?
The conspiracy theorist in me is convinced America's current fixation on identity politics was specifically orchestrated to shut this thought down and turn politics into "blacks and gays good" vs "blacks and gays bad" so that any real discussion of economic change is avoided entirely.
who knows
Actual economic leftism is dead, it's all about culture now. Even economic issues are cultural issues, look at how the Democrats frame every economic issue into "evil white capitalists vs. poor minorities."
>the general population of jews = the giant jew bankers/onmillionares
because you got your basic facts wrong. the upper classes promote whichever agenda suits them most, it's as simple as that.
>huge corporate money-making marketing is socialism
this might be the worst take i've seen on Sup Forums.
>the "import refugees" sentiment came out of nowhere, it wasn't cultivated through the media
Desu a lot of lolbertarians use socialism as a synonym for statism
Nah all leftism is bound to get swamped by social identity crap. Case in point occupy Wall Street. It was about actual structural economic issues but then mysteriously various minority groups arrived in force. Que progressive stack and the original organizers and core forces of the occupy movement were demonized by the new minority activists. Movement was hijacked and the original people left, leaving the movement a rotten husk. Same will happen to everyone.
>Actual economic leftism is dead,
I wouldn't even call that a conspiracy. Keep the population focused on non-issues like abortion, gay marriage, immigration, etc. and they will be at each others throats forever.
Meanwhile you do whatever you want and nobody notices.
The true conspiracy is that the two parties are really only one and the 'pendulum swinging' is just a show they put on to make it look like voting matters. They'll keep fighting each other over abortion laws but both parties are completely ok with spying on you in your own home.
I think movies are very important because they are culture. Every single movie these days has a ironic plot that dont take itself serious, what does that say about our society?
>So, who talks first?
>non-issues like immigration
Despite acting like someone who is so enlightened, you're awfully ignorant about things.
>he actually believes mexicans are ruining his life
Kill all humans
You're definitely underage.
Marxism is just a marketing tool
This is corporate Marxism, the worst of both ideologies
Not him, but are you aware of the simple street safety and terrorism issues in Europe related to immigration, just as an example?
>The Donald Trump of leftism
No thank you
Whats the big deal about being spyed on anyway? If you get murdered right now they will at least have footage that can help catch the killer.
>my privacy
Robots do the filming and the footage is only seen by human eyes in extreme important cases no one is sitting on the other side watching you jerk off
>If you get murdered right now they will at least have footage that can help catch the killer.
You ignorant fucking retard holy shit
EMP the fuck out of everywhere.
the right can't meme.
>you can't go out in the street anymore in Europe without being blown up
>It's political correctness gone maaaad
Holy fuck you're a retard
t. imbeciles with no argument
>He isn't aware of how people.abusing the visa system drives down real wages
>He isn't aware that Mexicans not able to get a visa hopping the border has lead to a lot of the violence around border towns
>He doesn't want to do something about the Mexican cartels
It's more of a regional issue in the US but yes it's a problem. In the US we have pretty heavy vetting processes but in Europe where there are endless streams of unvetted "Syrian" refugees crime and terrorism is a major problem leading to huge spikes in right wing support
I'm genuinely amazed that there are still people like you out there, then again you're probably baiting or being willfully ignorant.
>principled and erudite guy who fights for a decent standard of living for everyone and wants to end aggressive wars
>brainlet with the attention span of a goldfish and temperament of a spoiled child who has no plan and no clue.
not even close.
Yeah I believe that is the one. Just skimmed and Im positive. Thanks for reminding me of the name.
probably because you don't know what socialism is
>berniebro cocksucker doesn't understand supply and demand
Shocking. Don't worry, if you donate, old commie fuck can still win, and can focus on REAL issues, like free college gender studies for every pasty middle class twat.
This. Socialism is the mechanism by which the utopian state of communism is professed to come about. That means even if they have to use identity politics and corporate greed to bring the "classes" into parity.
it's an issue of public space. the state is not contiguous with the public square
It would pretty fucking difficult, you would have to change the way americans see the media, and that's changing the entire culture. Americans think movies are like school, and above that they use super hero movies. That's tasteless and classless as fuck. That's like picking the worse but funniest teacher to give you clases, it denotes low intelligence.
Is part of the problem. People imported to lower salaries, but kept in ghettoes because racism and genuine cultural differences do not disappear in one day .
If you protest you are racist, but those who call you racist will never have their job threatened by those people, nor will ever live nearby.
A-critical lefties are useful idiots for the capital nowadays.
>Kill all Jews
>Make the entire population of the human race smarter
Doesn't make sense
The inverse is that Europeans have placed too much trust in institutions to deliver their "education". The appeal to authority fallacy.
>principled and erudite
>Labor Party
Boy am I laffin
Funny considering that OP made this thread using an Apple product.
Someone didn't file their comprehension license.
I think I have slightly more of an idea than the person who thinks billion dollar corporations are somehow promoting socialism.
They are using idpol as a veneer for virtue signalling device for liberals to pretend they are doing good, while at the same time giving their money to a company that doesn't give a fuck about fighting poverty or promoting higher standards of living for people.
Your neighboor could be torturing a 6 years old in his basement RIGHT NOW. Hell, have you seen the case of that guy that bought a eletronic babysitter but instead of connecting to the other one, connected to his neighbor and he heard little kids being tortured by the guy? Or even that other guy that had his daughter in his basement house for 16 years and raped her daily. Think about how much suffering we could avoid
No, I see what you're saying, but no, and it is not a competition my friend.
>Calls everything he doesn't like undemocratic
>Isn't the Donald Trump of leftists
Just because he has more calm mannerisms doesn't mean he is any different than an ordinary partisan
They encourage useful idiots through slogans and feel good platitudes into supporting and calling for centralization which they control through with their gov enforced monopolies.
Im just saying the problem goes beyond borders and takes on many forms.
I wonder what else they think it is when almost all mainstream media are sending out the exact same messages in movies and through news outlets. How exactly do they imagine modern day socialist propaganda would look like?
so if something makes a profit then it can't be propaganda? are you really this delusional that you can't see both hands help each other?
I don't know. Even Edward Bernays, the guy who invented propaganda, said he doesn't really see a way to stop this and that it can be used for evil shit. Group psychology is terrifying.
get it into your thick skulls
the best criticism of the vacuous woke liberals are coming from the left. See: Kill All Normies, in which Nagle wrote a whole chapter on how the tumblerite wreckers were killing left culture and sending people to the left.
also this:
t. brainlet
>the best criticism of the vacuous woke liberals are coming from the left
*Right, the left is completely polluted by liberal idpol whether you want to accept it or not.
Blame people like Foucault. He basically convinced the left to give up economic leftism in favor of sexual "freedom" and its idpol offspring.
Genetic markers, flood the world with shitskins for a few generations and release the ethnic bioweapons. Hey presto, no goyim left.
>In the US we have pretty heavy vetting processes
we don't even actively select for quality immigrants like supposedly open-borders-liberal countries like Canada do. we get by because our companies attract them, and yeah, we do make sure they're not terrorists at least. they just about balance out the hordes of Mexicans flooding the southwest, but we should still design immigration policy to benefit ourselves like other countries do. I mean, millions of people with no documentation/records participating in your society is going to cause problems even if they're all Nobel laureates.
Nice false flag
Being a fan of your local sports team is not the same as being a slave to a particular brand. While some people take it way overboard it is still understandable to consider your home town team to be a part of your identity, as long as it isn't your WHOLE identity. Those kind of people need professional help.