Why is she called jerk off instruction?
Why is she called jerk off instruction?
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Jesus Christ, a literal 10/10.
because she is a mechanism of control
Why is she so overrated?
Atleast do it properly
>J.O.I. is also known as J.O.E. (jerk off encouragement)
what is villeneuve's endgame with this
Just look at her
Wow she is gorgeous
Why did they give a virtual girl a flat ass?
Is it appealing to autistic androids?
cause it's patrician
kys nigger
coz flatass and small breast is a beauty canon that appeals more advanced cultures since ages - pic related
if movie is portraying a future, we assume it's advanced aswell so putting more primal, rounded shapes is bit out of place
this is objective, scientifically proved fact, not my personal opinion
Throughout the original Blade Runner movie there are Coke ads saying "Enjoy." I think it's a play on that since she's advertised everywhere. Also, in the original there's a part where the Coke ad is cropped in a way that it just says joy. I honestly think they saw that and put an i at the end of Joy.
desu I just want any girl at this point. I don't care how big her ass is
Hmmm maybe
She's so beautiful and the feels from this movie are making my eyes a bit watery
Again, please stop making shitty ass screencaps with your shitty ass version
get a room you two
atleast take the screencaps without the black bars jesus christ
she probably smells like heaven
>not smelling like refried beans, salt water, and cigars
But if that is your thing.
Joi needs our help
She was way hotter.
this is the literal meaning of dishonesty.
>Emma Watson is winning
She's just so lovely and beautiful and cute that I couldn't even fathom of jerking off to her. I just want to touch and cuddle her and have her fall asleep next to me.
*le sigh*
fool thinking with his dick again. Dicks aren't smart enough to determine what a 10/10. Only brains can do that.
this. Luv
oh you
Fucking depressing
>baby sweet
feminists have taken control of the polls too
Idk but imagine the hell you would be in if you couldn’t jerk off with her feet :/ fuck they are perfect.
I'm so lonely, bros
Jerk off instruction and jerk off encouragement are two WAY different things. fuck those mean joi vids
she reminds me of a young jennifer connelly
>Ana de Arma will never make a joi vid
Why even live?
whiter than you mohammad
maybe she will one day
I want a sloppy bj from ana ;_;
>not CEI
nevermind, i searched for it.
Cum Eating Instruction
the thinking man's fetish
Fuck CEI. There aren't anymore good JOI vids because soyboys can't get enough CEI
> (OP)
>Not wanting a qt3.14 venus.
Neck yourself faggot.
Bailey Jay has some good JOI
uhh he's a guy
uhh she's clearly a woman (male)
>this is objective, scientifically proved fact, not my personal opinion
lord jesu
fuck it, this is now a JOI thread. Post recommendations
Yes; problem?
Mistress T. Just....avoid the recent scat videos
why she cri bros
She did scat? Aww man.
what are some good gf simulator films? i've seen Her.
nooo. not into the mean stuff.
Anybody got any of the nice ones?
Subtle influence to get more guys to stop watching cuck shit and watch more joi videos.
Donnys Villiannova does it again
Best gril
shes white
Ultimate r/movies vs Sup Forums battle
changed her name to wallace wtf
>spaniards aren't white
Is she a cuckquean?
she's unironically hideous
>cute AND would let you fuck other girls
fuck. no wonder she's perfect
Why the fuck do you think?
is this a new meme? my ex texted me recently and asked if I ever ate my own cum. i told her to fuck off but I've been wondering why she asked
4Kbro, nice webms
I want to travel the world and have mysterious rainy cyberpunk nights in dark neon megacities...
You're a lost cause.
>scat videos
or maybe its for pottery payoff that luv kills joi
I really, really enjoy ironic shitposting lads
>year 2049
>people still smoke cigarettes