What's Sup Forums general consensus on his version of Tony Stark?

What's Sup Forums general consensus on his version of Tony Stark?

Iron Man 1 was great. Every other iteration has been him playing himself.

>Pompus amoral douchebag who spergs often and doesn't listen to reason
Yeah, pretty accurate. He had moments like this during the silver age.

He's fine. But Marvel has been too willing to play Tony for laughs at times, which makes gravitas really hard to convey meaningfully.
But that's been the Achilles Heel of the MCU for a while.

I like him but I understand if people don't since he's fucking everywhere. I'm glad the Russos gave him an arc that's actually stuck unlike IM2 and 3


pretty accurate to the comics on the whole, with smarmy RDJ mannerisms instead of Howard Hughes

there has never been a more perfect casting, but because of that he's been worn out. i feel like everyone is pretty tired of snarky RDJ tony now. we've had almost a decade of him

how can a manlet be your dad?

>Avengers, time to work for a living.

what does that even mean? they don't make money off of hero work

It's kind of like when people tell you to use some Elbow Grease, but you don't actually have greasy elbows.

>He's so cucked by capitalism that he can't understand that labor can have value without having price

MCU Tony is a good, enjoyable character. However he doesn't have much in common with 616 Tony character-wise.


616 Tony doesn't have much in common with 616 Tony character-wise in any given year.
Just Saiyan'.

He's kinda like sci-fi Jack Sparrow in that way

He literally meant work for a living, as in if they don't they'll die, which makes sense considering they're protecting everyone.

it's all just a roundabout way of avoiding "Avengers Assemble" but there's tons of other, better things he could have said to really rally the team together

This. He was amazing in the first Ironman, but now I'm just bored of him.

I liked him at first, but he is overused and got annoying already

he's hot

He's a pompous fuck who has his head so far up his own ass that I'm surprised he doesn't taste what he had for breakfast. Tries to act smart but can't accept responsibility for his own mishaps.

how much does being a recovering addict help him with the role.

I liked him in Home Coming.
He actually seemed like an important character within the MCU in that movie.

Yeah, and it's not that he's a bad actor or that he's messing the role up, it's just that there really isn't that much left for RDJ or the MCU to do for the character. Tony's story is complete in my opinion. Anything added beyond Avengers can only continue to make audiences fatigued. Let's hope Infinity War is a good send off/goodbye for him.

Funny thing, does anyone really remember RDJ before Ironman?

depends on how old you are, under 30s won't remember him aside from kiss kiss bang bang, but over-30s probably remember his younger roles

Liked Kiss Kiss Bang Bang during his comeback Also a Scanner Darkly. His Role in Weird Science and Natural Born Killers

I'm 30+ and I don't remember him from much. Wasn't he in Gothika?

His version would not exist with Ultimate Tony, and I actually see that as his biggest source of influence.

His portrayal of Tony Stark was so iconic it rewrote the character.

PRE-MCU Tony wasn't this smart inventor mind with an even smarter mouth that constantly cracked wise while fighting crime. That was Spider-Man's angle (though even HE didn't riff as long as RDJ.)

Add a dash of "tragic rock star" to his appeal and you've got RDJ as Tony Stark.

If you accept that adaptations are not even remotely concerned with staying true to their source material then he is GREAT.

Good character, doesn't translate well into comics. Marvel should stop trying.

Past Iron Man 1, he's been treating the role like he was in Due Date again. I liked Due Date and all, but that doesn't show much range

You really don't recognise his best role - Chaplin?

>I've never read an Iron Man comic in my life

Why do you people come here and pretend to know things you so obviously don't?

They think we're normies who'll fall for their lies.


Someone post those sneakers

MCU is the best version of every hero (not side character or villain) besides Spider-man

>I've ready every Iron Man comic since the first movie came out! RDJ is EXACTLY Iron Man in the comic books!

That's precisely my point.

He made Iron Man the most popular Marvel character I think. Before, it was much less recognisable than Spider Man or Wolverine or even Hulk.

More like Tony SNARK

Cap is pretty bland. They didn't exploit very well the "man out of his time" angle.

Too gay and he sucks.

There is of course no consensus.

I wish he would be slightly more serious, maybe 5% or so. But then: who the hell am I? RDJ fucking did for the character what NO ONE ever did before.

Less than zero.

So... is your condition endemic, or is it the result of years of self-abuse?

>SJW cuck butt-hurt by me calling RDJ gay.

yeah, because the internet exists.

he got over being blown away by modern technology because that's boring, and instead hung onto old ideals leaders like fury and pearce discarded.