Now that we have seen Domino, what are your expectations for Cable...

now that we have seen Domino, what are your expectations for Cable? Will his costume/look resemble the comic version at all?

Probably since Brolin doesnt have a problem doing makeup

Hopefully Cable is better than Domino in appearance dear God almighty.

Going off of their choices with Domino, I expect Cable to look something like Yao Ming.


user, they clearly stated that Kiera Knightly would be playing Cable.

Holy shit, she's ugly as fuck. Why a literally who nigger with an obnoxious afro of all people? The cast was doing so, so well with Reynolds as Deadpool and Brolin as Cable.

Not even casting Anya as Magik redeems this.

Cable will just have silver spray paint on one arm and wear glasses with one lens that lights up.

Didn't Brolin already show him getting makeup on his Instagram?

Also how is he also Thanos?

I'm sure his costume will look fine, since Domino's costume looks very similar to what she wears in the comics.

But I do love how many people are upset that she is being played by a black woman and they are screaming that it is so against the character, and yet none of this outrage existed at all when they changed literally everything about Negasonic except for her race.

> what are your expectations for Cable
Half-asian half-hispanic transgender bodybuilder.

Bigger miscast than Flash Thompson?

Oh, definitely.

I don't care about the casting, the costume/hair are garbo. There's no reason they couldn't have used makeup to make her look like Domino, or like the inverse of Domino with jet black skin and a white dot.
Here she just looks like a brown woman with a skin condition that's not super noticeable. There's no contrast. She doesn't look like a mutant, she looks like a human with a skin condition.

It's almost like Negasonic only had a handful of appearances and was more of a plot device than a character, and therefor didn't have anyone who gave a shit about her.

It's also convenient that you make it about race when most of the complaints seem to be that they didn't even make the slightest attempt to make her look anything like Domino, which is disappointing when Deadpool at least went whole hog with the titular character and Colossus. The whole point is that Domino's ethnicity doesn't matter, because whatever color her skin was, her mutation turned her unnaturally pale (and sometimes blueish-white).

Proper makeup could have quashed all of the complainers except for a handful of Sup Forums shitposters.

domino to me was always Asian , with albino skin.

this chick screams 70's blacksploitation , which is cool i guess for another character but not for domino. maybe in the movie she'll get vertilago and transform to something more familiar but this for now sucks , much like jared leto did for joker

implying I am not the only person mad at negasonic not being a precognitice psychic goth girl.

>Proper makeup could have quashed all of the complainers except for a handful of Sup Forums shitposters.
No. She still has ugly facial features. Large nose, square, chiseled, masculine jaw and eyes too close together

>much like jared leto did for joker
Casting a man with the right race is not the same as casting a woman with the wrong race.

>square, chiseled, masculine jaw
Have you ever heard of Domino? That's pretty accurate to how she's drawn. Maybe you just have shit taste.

>and yet none of this outrage existed at all when they changed literally everything about Negasonic except for her race.

Negasonic had less than half an issues worth of appearances

bitch, did you see suicide squad? he had the right face but the bullshit they tattood on him, hot topic styled clothes and dialog "booga booga', he largely fell flat.

just like first impressions of lex luther in batman vs superman, this is a let down

>they changed literally everything about Negasonic except for her race.
? Negasonic was black.

Deadpool isn't part of the MCU so there's no conflict

well if going off her design is anything, hell be a robot with a man arm from the past

Jesus, why do retards still label anyone who complains about black washing as Sup Forums? You retards need to accept that your bogeyman isn't the sole dissenting voice in your narrative. Domino was shit casting and they haven't even remotely justified it beyond "you're a bigot if you disagree"

Your virtue signalling is disgusting.

Honestly having any dissenting opinion whatsoever is enough for the prepubescent kids to call out Sup Forums.

I think painting a black woman white would've made more people (ones who aren't guaranteed to see the movie like the fucking neckbeards bitching) not see the film.

as is your use of buzzwords

Very close to this, minus Brad Pitt, since the leaked Domino concept is the same as the one we got.

literally nothing in comics says that Domino is a white woman.

>People tripping out over this even tho half the comic characters in part 1 looked different too.

heh were you guys crying over negasonic and Angel Dust too?


I can't tell if people care this much about Domino, people are just this racist, or people are just this racist and don't realize it and think they care about Domino this much.

That just sounds like a lazy fucking excuse to not have to put in actual fucking effort. The actress is fine, but the complete lack of even trying to get her to look right is inexcusable.


Nigga you high? Ajax and Angel Dust sure but Colossus and Deadpool's costume was a 10/10. Even Nega Sonic still had the goth motif and had the best X-Man costume in a movie to date, they just gave her Speedball's powers. Hell even fucking Weasel and Al were pretty close to comic accurate. This just looks like they put some shitty black leather on her from the original X-Men movies and slapped some white dollar store make up around her eye

Thanos is full CGI Brolin is only the voice and is distorted a lot

god damn. You can't even tell who she's supposed to be. The vitiligo mark isn't distinguishable enough. I'm going to watch this movie but she's entirely going to be referred to as DomiNO when I watch it.

I hope they cast a queer disabled muslim for Cable

He is an ex man after all

thats a stuntwoman.
they don't have to get her shit perfectly accurate, since you're not supposed to notice that that isn't Zazie.

I mean he's already 1/3 of the way there

Her entire family is white and so are her features, let's not pretend you can't tell ethnicity apart besides from looking at the skin.

I do not care one bit that she's black, even though it makes me sad that we'll never get to see a proper Domino cause white skin and black hair are top aesthetics, but I do care however that she has a stupid afro, hairy armpits for no reason whatsoever and a vitiligo spot instead of a mutation.
Lazy and boring all the way. Specially the armpit hair. Nothing about Domino ever suggested she was ever rustic about her cosmetic practices.

There's a growing group of dudes that get bitchy about comic book females, be they drawings or actors in roles, not fitting some fantasy idea they have in their heads of female attractiveness. Some perfect bodies are fine, but actual diversity in people is what makes stuff interesting.

Half the time they post to the sameface art of J Scott Campbell for the one THEY choose. Every actress cast can't be the same woman that's managed to get close to his stylized art.

If they contrast up the spot in post and tied her hair down in some way it could work.

But I have no attachments to the character so If she acts well in the role I won't give a shit. I'm guessing most of the bitchy guys don't care either they just want to Sup Forums it up.

Even "perfectly accurate" Zazie looks nothing like Domino.

the user I was responding to was complaining about the mark not being distinguishable enough, which is true on that stuntwoman. The fact that you can't handle Domino being a non-white woman is your problem.

>what are your expectations for Cable?
Thanos references.

I hope Cable's glowing eye changes sides periodically like in the comics.

>The fact that you can't handle Domino being a non-white woman is your problem.

Go fuck yourself, she could be literally any race so long as she looked the part AFTER makeup. There's literally an Asian woman in the lineup I posted, dipshit.

>so are her features

dude most comic characters, regardless of race, are drawn as white and then just colored.

so your only issue here is her hair and skin color?

are you mad about Cap and Hawkeye not being blond?

This is Domino's mother. Though she looks more Asian than White.

>replying to false flagging bait
Fucking brainlets I swear.

No, my issue is that she doesn't look anything at all like the character. I would not be able to recognize her as Domino, even in costume, without having been told that's who she's supposed to be.

I hope you're not actually that bad at deduction because like... that's not a claim flattering to you.

>Cap and Hawkeye not being blond?

Cap is blond though

I am, in fact, disappointed that Clint wasn't blonde.

Now this is just hideous looking.

>what are your expectations for Cable?

i want Cable to be a Korean guy.

The makeup is laughably bad, it looks like she felt asleep under the sun with a bologna slice on her face.

Design on the left would be perfect with a couple of pouches and maybe some shoulder pads.

such a bland design

She looks more like Agent Preston lost 15 pounds and undid her pony tail.

Seems like a missed opportunity to cast Keira Knightley and have Deadpool crack some 4th wall jokes.

She needs to be blacker, and the spot needs to be whiter, there isn't enough color contrast to make me pleased with her interpretation.