Post fanart of characters from stuff that makes them look waaay better than in canon

post fanart of characters from stuff that makes them look waaay better than in canon.


Almost any fanart of the kanker sisters.

Every fanart for SU is better that cartoon.


Concept art of nuLobo from n52
>concept art
>fan art
Get the difference

third post bird post

what's wrong with that cirno



Oh fuck off those bitches look as if they were all on their goddamn pajamas.




So any Steven Universe fanart.

Why does he look like a Japanese adult?






Stolen from the last LQ thread



Pretty much, corporal.









Unless it's on-model fan art.






Are there any news about infinity train? Or is it just doomed to fall into obscurity?









While that may be true and SU does look genuinely like ass, the fact is that making a single page of art is much easier than planning a cartoon show, with deadlines and a budget.


anything by gomoku569 is beautiful

He looks like a One Piece villain.






As far as Steven Jewniverse goes, anything by Blush mallet.



Blush's art isn't that radically different from the show itself. If anything, a lot of his faces are skewed or not placed on the skull properly.







Blushmallet is shit
Out of all decent artist you chose the one which sucks



Expressive emotions? In my family guy?!?



Before anyone asks, "Dude, That's My Ghost".










>tfw there will never be another cartoon using this style again


There is Magiswords, it just doesn't have energetic enough animation to do the designs justice.








It's calshit.





