How does he fly? I mean...

How does he fly? I mean, what sort of explanation is there that enables him to somehow lift off the ground and zip around at mach speed? There's some explanation out there that someone wrote, I bet.

His body emits gravity canceling energy. It's the same thing that allows him to lift large objects without them breaking apart.

Gravity field.

I always consider that he is jumping really high. And kicking the space really hard.


Low-key tactile telekinesis.

On Clark, it serves only to fly and carry heavy and big objects without breaking them. On Conner, it was his mainly power.

Huh. It always bothered me that he can lift a plane without it collapsing.

>tactile telekinesis
What the hell does this even mean. If you're touching things, that's just carrying them. It's not telekinesis.

It's holding the things together

>His body emits gravity canceling energy.
But how can he go "I want to fly THAT WAY" and go? Also How does he regulate his flight speed.

He flexes his muscles iirc, it was in one of the origins