Villain Tropes That Need To Happen More

Villian tropes that should happen more

>all "defeated" heros will be confirmed to actually be dead
>vents in the villains lair will be too small to crawl through
>villain sets huge weapon to go off at like one minute and seventeen seconds so the heroes thought they had more time

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Berro ther fillo gramer natzi xd

>When the bad guy kidnaps the hero(es) don't go into a monologue or let them talk, just kill em

>Villain is actually the main character...FROM THE FUTURE!

>They just shoot the heroes instead of standing around like morons.

Okay seriously, what's with all the fucking trope threads this week?

i unironically love this

These are some of the only "good" threads Sup Forums has to offer. Don't rock the boat, man.

Very yes, gud thrid


>villains henchmen spread out in minimum groups of 3, and in a triangle so nothing can sneak up on them

I love threads like this, let's keep it going all night (or all night for me)

>Villain from a previous plot comes back stronger than ever, gives the hero a run for his money

In a world of superheroes, the villains don't have their main HQ ON THE SAME FUCKING PLANET. Imagine Thor is after you - he's really not going to find your underground lair inside of 30 seconds?

What if someone stands in the middle?

> villain has an uncomfortable and most likely sexual interest in the hero.

>Villain is actually the hero

What is this, that looks cool as shit

The only trope that really bothers me is when a group of mooks/police/military/whatever all start shooting at the hero and they're still able to escape unharmed. That's just weak writing.

>Villain stalks retards who think Sup Forums is TVTropes and brutally murders them

Destiny + Stands?

Normally love this but didn't like it when The Flash CW series did it

>Villain is mad about people liking things and expresses that anger on an anonymous Kiribati interperative dance fan forum but then feels like he's wasting his time after he pressed "Post"

>Villain realizes he's spent an inordinate amount of time on the internet instead of improving his life and enriching it but keeps coming back for more

I tell ya something buddy, I'd like warlocks a lot more if they looked like that and had stands

>villain song is an upbeat gospel number

>comically inept- slapstick-prone villain
>also a cute girl

>the villian respect the hero for everything that he's done

What WAS his true identity?

hello tumblr

Literally Hitler

>the bad guy has a good reason to do what he does and the world is against him out of ignorance, the heroes learn the truth and understand and thus fail intentionally

>The villain fucks the hero's wife before his eyes, over the bloody corpse of his son, while the hero is helplessly tied with nothing more than rage and a questionable erection.

The first multi-company super-villain.

I think that one goes to Satan, but coming in second isn't too bad. Unless you're fighting a world war.

Possible crossover event?

>The villain is a fucking faggot

I.e. the most pathetic kind of villain.

> Villain is a Jesus-like figure

>Villain sets up a bomb to blow up with a timer on it that counts down, giving the heroes that timeframe to defuse it before it kills thousands

>clock actually has nothing to do with the bomb and the bomb itself is remote detonated.

>villain's greatest power is not superhuman abilities or fighting skills but the knowledge of what makes people tick and how to use their psychology to his or her advantage
>villain gets so deep inside the hero's head the hero starts to resemble a villain

>He turns people into paper


Also whenever the villain has good publicity or has some even political influence, much to the point where the hero looks bad for standing up to them but the villain's hands always look clean.

>the villain is actually multiple characters

>The villain isn't real

>pathetic joke character is reconstructed to be competent and powerful.

>The villain is just an asshole
I, for one, hate this idea that every villain has to be somehow more heroic or long sighted than the hero. We're supposed to be opposed to the guy/gal for a reason.

>villain doesn't have much of an emotional range
I can see how it can fuck a villain up if done badly and make them boring and uncharismatic (see MCU Malekith), but goddamn I love it when it's actually done well and it feels like you're dealing with something completely inhuman and alien.

but what about the tier list?

Villian just really doesn't like the hero



>Villain has no real plan, just wants to harass the hero
>Villain loves to be evil for the sake of being evil and has a lot of fun before the hero shits on their parade
>Villain ruins actual parades
>Villain is a spoiled child (or the equivalent of a child for their species, or even an extremely childish/stupid adult) with god-like power

I love all of these.

>>or even an extremely childish/stupid adult) with god-like power

>The villain isn't evil, just opposed to the hero
>Neither of them hate the other, but the hero's goals are so important to him, and the audience, that the conflict is tense anyway

Yugioh 5D's spent two years building up to the villain being the hero from a future where he destroyed much of the world, then pulled a switcheroo at the last second and it was a stupid cosplayer who had plastic surgery to look like the hero.

It's been 6 years and I'm still pissed. But everything in that series was wasted potential.

>The villain comforts a young hero who is on the edge of despair for being too weak to defeat him

It is not infallible.

woah bruh


One of the best

Villain takes a literal giant dump on everyone.

>the villain becomes a better hero than the main hero just to prove his superiority

Literally the plot of watchmen

I love this unironically

>prove his superiority

My spider-senses are tingling.

This trope comes from the damn 80's, fag.

The one thing I don't get about this is why does Lex wear the S? You'd think he'd use a hyper stylized L or something.

He did it after superbro died. Before, his suit usually had his L corp logo