Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD

Soon I will be drawing far less characters in these scenes, I assure you.

“There’s no kinship among thieves, and there’s even less among devils. If I had to pick one over the other, I’d go with the thief. Judges help the man who picks a devil for a traveling companion.”
– Amvater ya Imven, Bone Monk

They can't just outright be betraying Allison can they? That doesn't seem too smart.

I'm pretty sure it's just the acrobat betraying her. She does seem to be waiting until the others are out of sight.

maybe not all of them, but wire-devil's already done what they're good at so why not make them the traitor and have allison kill them anyway?

>The heist plan I just filed with Oscar lists me, my men, Cio here but only one human

The red demon is a big guy.

Holy shit that filename

hes gonna hold onto the rope and be all like
>oh I saved your life eheheh

It's a good series user.

Oh shit treachery

Oh, if ONLY Allison could teleport, or something...

Nah, she's going to do some cool trick where she flicks the rope and Allison find herself doing a bunch of flips and landing perfectly on her feet in safety without realizing what just happened.

>one by one they betray her
>one by one she murders them
>just chio and oscar left

I hope they don't all betray her. Cat master is husbando.

If Cat master dies, we riot.



Any bets on how Goldie's C H A I R E D?

>Allison pulls some shit
>Cio pushes her
>Oscar pushes her
>(Free Space)

Allison summons annother S T A N D

The Verdant Devil should have been behind Allison. Did he crawl on up ahead of her like Cio apparently did?

They probably passed her because she was taking so damn long.

Humans get to be the last to travel wires and drink from separate fountains

Allison pulls some key shit that swaps places between her and Suur, so she's safe on the ledge and the devil gets chomped by chairs

Suuz has no idea what she's doing, has she.

I don't think Cio explained exactly what this heist is all about either, or why she brought Allison along. If they knew I'd expect them to keep a closer eye on her, just so no one else pulls some shit like this to steal the key for themselves.

Just get ANGERY allison

She could've just said that Allison is an important client and it's best for everyone if she stays alive. Not sure if they'd believe it though.

I agree. He's not going to let her fall, but it is going to be a power play.

How do those bowl stay full of coins?

>How do those bowl stay

*How do those bowls stay

Pipes probably. Better question would be why but the answer is most likely because why not.

I don't know why you guys are freaking out. 90% chance it's like said.

Cause the alt-text implies there gon be some body counts

>there gon be

*there gonna be

That's just a red herring.

Doesn't necessarily mean right now.

Mate, I made the choice to spell that incorrectly.
There should be a 's at the end of there anyway if you're going to correct me.

Any update on the physical release of book 2? I own book one and I'm holding off reading online, I'd rather read the physical copy.

> theyre just normal chairs

Nah, they're probably gonna just split up

On one hand that's predictable, on the other sometimes predictable is predictable because it's good. Backstabbing so early would be a bit boring though it can still happen.

>split up

Yeah, Allison's gonna split up Goldie alright


Half of them go to see the strong man.

Goldie's mask isn't gonna be the only thin bifurcated on her in a panel or two.

And then 'body count' actually turns out they're just doing a head count...after everyone is safe.

>Cat master is
he will die last

cant he just live and be happy with his cats?

Prediction for the next page or so:
>Gold devil makes it look like she's about to kill Allison, flips thread at the last second and saves her in some cool acrobatic way, grabs her so she doesn't fall off in a suggestive matter. This bothers Cio, becomes secondary plot for rest of arc.

I mean, yeah, I could see her kinda just bouncing Allie over to the ledge as a fake-out.

Looks more like Etrian Odyssey. Especially since there's a deer on screen.

his pitch came with a berserker mode variant. he's probably gonna go out in a blaze. Maybe to protect a kitten, but I think he's gonna bite it.

That is the joke user, I made it for some MSpaint Sup Forums thread

So there goes the Stealth. Because I bet the dragon can sense a Key activating in his vicinity.

Going across a rope just with your hands requires quite a bit of upper-body strength. Did Allison get a physical boost from Incubus as well as magical?

She punched her shower wall with enough force to crack the tiles when she first got back from Throne.

She's had the buff upgrade for a while now.

Probably unconsciously being enhanced by Key of Kings. As long as she wills herself to keep going, she should be able to.
Keeping Princess's personality intact when remasking Vladok was another example of unintended Key power, same with

>he isn't Scrooge-mcduck as fuck rich enoughto have plumbing systems installed solely for his money

Look at this fucking pleb.

Incubus, at some point: Yo let's get you exercising, you can't beat Jagganoth with those flimsy noodle arms

>Not having the people you (((dragoned))) into pre- and -posthumous servitude march up and fill them by hand

And that's why you're just a Collections-Cleric and not a full-blown Accountant-Deacon.

You still need plumbing for the coins to flow down like this. user didn't say anything about how it was filled just the transportation method.

>Not putting in an option for Princess to do it...

Princess hasn't really done anything yet other than stomp on coin mimics and stare angrily at everyone.

>Fucking over the guy who honestly beat you in a drinking contest and then defied the universal rules of your own biology to bring you back to life
>Who also happens to be the only guarantee that you're going to get up to your former power level