HOH: Shannon
Veto: Shannon
Nominations: James / Chuck
Twist: player has the chance to become a replacement Head of Household through a power that was revealed in their bag.
Twist winner: Keisha
previously on /bb/
HOH: Shannon
Veto: Shannon
Nominations: James / Chuck
Twist: player has the chance to become a replacement Head of Household through a power that was revealed in their bag.
Twist winner: Keisha
previously on /bb/
first for Ross
first for ross is a rat
First for best Latina waifu
would waing/10
Ian great interview, bro
How dare you
w-where is devin
She's gonna win prove me wrong. You cant
>yaw the host says she wins but it is actually someone else
damn, i sure never heard this joke before
>those 4 picked either Ross or Marissa to win unironically
why arent they showing the jewmangi joke
because CBS is run by jews
Ian missed a big opportunity by not picking ari or shannon since they're both single
instead he picks Ross...
they skipped like 2 days lel
>women's alliance already shattered
I'm shocked
I didn't watch feeds today, will the blindside happen or no?
>yfw big munch turned Ian gay
you have to wait and see
more likely than not, but who knows
Who would win, a team of 8 Franks vs a team of 8 Devins?
you saw on the ep how it took than forever to decide to use the veto or not? the flip has been like that it's dumb
this shit needs to go ahead and end so i can make a chicken pie
Devin would invite 2 Franks into Bomb Squad and it would destroy Devins' games.
>The Virgin Bomb Squad
>The Chad Tank
This. They could have condensed this shit to an hour. Only should be 2 hours on the finale
Devin brings in 8 Franks, While the Franks are too busy counting all the cash in their pockets 5 Devins will have jump over the back wall and got more Devins
1.5 hours would have sufficed.
>tfw those 4 winners picked either the jew or the gay guy
>Dan picked the gay cuban and now Shannon to win
Dan is honestly the GOAT
They could have done this all in 25 mins. I've had to shit for the past 1hr 15
>I hope you guys vote for me
careful what you wish for chuck
the rest of the 2 hour eps are going to be double evictions they'll be better
even double eviction nights would be fine as 2 hours
not this shit
>vote for me
lmao ok
lol. Who'd he walk in on?
rip chuck
really sad I didn't get to build a bigger chuck folder
feeds should be spicy when they come back
>derrick's retrospective (90 days) is less than 2 hours
>BB cannot make this 5 min episode for some reason
based meta
I knew it was gonna happen
LMAO Metta
Ross should have thrown the hinky vote for lol's
blindsiding the 2 female nbombs
what did they mean by this?
Omarosa will know the jig is up
what was the point of this bloated ep
Omarosa wins HOH as in tradition in bb gordball
they literally only included metta in the plan because they didn't want it to seem racist by leaving out all the black people
We're 3 (THREE) episodes into CBB and it's shits all over bb18 and bb19 combined!
Metta brings the lulz.
Omarosa is gonna when HoH
RIP Shannon
Omirosas gonna flip shit
Fuck, I missed it. What'd he do?
>those digits
hi ian
i'm rofling at this truth
Who here getting /comfy/ for feeds fire
he didn't wait for Julie to say hi and started asking his wife to be his valentine and then voted and left before Julie said anything
Didn't even give Julie the time of day.
did he get to fuck her?
I believe it
retarded editors cut to 2 different people before omarosa after the eviction reveal
>2hr ep
>no live hoh comp
i feel sorry for Chuck
even if he is a Neanderthal
I'm sad for Chuck :(
Keisha is so boring. Why did they cast her?
>2 nigs literally making an alliance and stating it is built solely on the fact that they are nigs and nigs are amazing
Not racist
>Rest of the house figuring out their alliance and heading it off at the pass
This is why Western Civilization is doomed.
buy the feeds
was hoping for a cornbread fuck ya'll
the fat girl and someone had a full conversation about it I'm not even joking that's why they told him
watch the season and find out faggot
Omarosa just crapped her panties
poor chuck deserved better
Marissa is classless
>blacks can be racist
TAR shoutout
>me on the left
this interview is a disaster
Keisha sound super fake
hey ian why did u copy josh