Why was Prue such a bitch?

Also who was the best girl and why was it Piper?
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Phoebe was best girl until the writers turned her into an unlikable cunt in season 5

Gosh I'm looking forward to the new one with the sexy molesty angry time freeze lesbian witch sister!

Doherty was the actual bitch. It comes through in all the characters she plays.

To say that I didn't want to bang this sister over the kitchen sink and making damn well sure she's the future mother of my children is a goddamn lie

>>it's a Billy Drago guest stars episode

I fucking hated his character always coming back god damn it die.

It was her show. She is a cunt and wanted to be a cunt. Also the best character was her crazy boyfriend. Man was career minded as fuck lol the warlock equivalent of scarface. Someone should make an edit with just his episodes and have it be about dude being a cutthroat living the American dream and become a God timekeeper.

I couldn't enjoy the show once they killed Cole off.

>not liking best demon

especially since he went out like such a bitch, pining after a woman who hates him

Season 5 is definitely when the show jumps the shark

Man, cancer is shit. Really fucked her up. Made her age 15 years.

It's a shame, because he was such a cunning power house. He stone every scene he was in.

Fucking hell man.

damn looks like she's in her late 60's

Jesus, she really looks like she's around 60.

She reminds me too much of my older sister in personality and sort of in looks to want to fuck her, it was really weird when my brother said she was the hottest.

I kind of wanted to fuck my sister when I was 14. It's not that weird.

I was 17 at the time, he's 7 years older than me.


best girl was paige

I lusted so much after her during BH90210, so many faps to that one Playboy pic of her with her titty out.

Hard to see her like that.


Best girl was Phoebe.
That middrift gave me many semi's while I was watching with my cousin.

Milano and Doherty were the hottest and the hairiest.

I hope they will put some hairy chicks in the new version too.