Disregard others calling you a pussy or a faggot. What movies have actually scared you? If only for a moment...

Disregard others calling you a pussy or a faggot. What movies have actually scared you? If only for a moment. I'm looking to get spooked.

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The Ring scarred me for life, the tape was just too much.

I was high on pot and the second COnjuring made me jump and yell like a retard

Unironically, Sinister did. Jump scares are shit but the way Sinister made me feel actual dread was refreshing.

The fucking moan was super creepy to me.

Can't quite put my finger on why but this spooked the hell out of me

I wasn't afraid of things until I saw Poltergeist as a child. Then suddenly everything was a danger. My yard had skeletons in it. My closet and televisions had ghosts inside. My stuffed dolls were going to kill me...


Those and that fucking statue in that fountain that tried to drown you

The Grudge

Watched it as a kid.

My cunt of a sister told me that the little girl died making that movie because it was so scary (might have been part 2). I was scared to watch it alone for a long time.

As a kid this fucked my shit.
It's also the best Stephen King book.



this x100
>grow up in 1980s AZ
>this movie terrifies me as a child
>get told this happened less than 20 minutes away from our house
and cue nightmares until I was 14

I loved Sinister. It was actually kind of funny in a lot of ways. It rode a very fine line there because at the same time it tried to be so frightening, yet it was cliched in a way that was almost humorous. The way they built up tension was masterful, even when he was just looking around his house at night because he bumps. I didn't like the stuff at the end with over exposing the ghost kids though. The acting was really good at times too: youtube.com/watch?v=iDsMEZ0wi1Q

Anyway Oculus and Ouija 2 are both great recent horror flicks

the Conjuring was cool in that it just built up in intensity more and more and didn't let up

Watched the first Conjuring with a bunch of friends and the whole time, when it was getting tense someone would scare me le epic meme xD and for some reason, ever since then, the movie has always scared me. James Wan is a great director and all, and the movie is fairly scary, but the movie terrifies me.

Rec 2

Watched the omen as a kid, that priest scene made me feel some real dread, bonus points as i was religious back then.

Fuck that PMS ghost and everything it stands for.

based Rocco, always giving 100% even when it's just a dumb horror movie

Kairo apparitions are legit scary, shit goes ape shit if any of you have experienced a midnight paralysis.

Marble Hornest youtube series made me fucking terrified of my backyard

The original IT still spooks me to this day, only the Pennywise scenes obviously

saw Drag Me To Hell on pot and it scared the shit out of me

It spooked me too. I love Sam Raimi's style of making the demons giggly and jolly about being evil.

Pulse and White Noise always got me but I was locked in my room days on end when little and I heard a lot of similar noises in my delirium.

White noise is one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life, wtf. And that was back when I went to see every shitty horror flick that came out

Green Room (more scared for the characters than scared directly with this one)

I noticed while watching that Oculus' soundtrack is mostly just rhythmic, deep pulses and brown notes. It is strangely effective / unnerving though

Hush by the same director had a similar soundtrack. That's a great movie too.

lol creep? creep is just uncomfortable and odd, not scary imo

My friend thought it was funny.