Other urls found in this thread:
>falling for jewish tricks
>if you buy cheaper movie tickets you're a racist
They're now just trying to bait us r-right? They aren't s-serious, are they?
Fuck this movie. Honestly
fake and homo
How does this make racist?
This is a brilliant smear campaign
It's anuddah shoah!
Disney is tricking the world, famlam
>this is the reality we are living in
>see movie scenes online
>worse CGI than captain america civil war
>i'm racist
Aight I’ll be honest. This is pretty good.
Honestly, this. They are literally asking you to pay a larger amount.
I really feel like we're actually living in a simulation. I dont know how to properly phrase it, but everything just feels so uncanny. Anyone else feeling the same way?
I can't find this on their godawful site. Give sauce if it isn't fake.
reminder that the movie theater will order less black panther if you don't each spend 35 dollars at the concessions stand, the racists want you to passover those milk duds
Wait. They want people to pay more or....they’re racist?
Is the villain having the same suit as black panther a copout or do they do something cool with his character?
you're not racist, are you?
Maybe blacks should check their privilege if they can pay $20 per ticket for imax
Who is this little boy with long hair?
thread deleted in 3, 2, 1...
rrRobert, wwhat showing should I buy? help.
>create a false flag scenario where negative reviews for a movie will be from racist trolls
>literally have website ban negative reviews, now negative reviews will be discarded completely as mad trolling.
>create a false flag scenario where people are suddenly trying to buy cheaper tickets not because of economic reasons but because of muh racism
>pressure people into buying the most expensive tickets to support "da culture"
man these moves by the mouse are absolutely genius
Shut up racist.
she looks like she fucks black guys
her grandson is very eloquently spoken
couldnt they had used a darker brother for lead role at least? this nigga is practically scandalnavian
Because he's #woke.
It's fake you idiots.
that is a racist compliment you racist
I'm disappointed. It'd be a brilliant move if it were real.
>'People' believe this
it's funny how easily triggered you all are
Time to add coin tosses and cheap tickets to the list of things considered racist in 2018.
>the internet is serious business
coin tosses?
>go on Twitter
>"don't tweet at me, them's the RULES!"
what are you trying to say dum dum
This will become a new copypasta
A black Olympian lost the coin toss to carry the American flag for the opening ceremony and cried racism.
Do you guys think Anthony Cumia willl enjoy this movie?
The article is fake, the words aren't. It's based off a tweet some guy made.
you're serious? is this really what happened? that person ought to be ashamed of that display if true
Random people on twitter are often (1) idiots and (2) chantards trolling.
Not very compelling.
This fucking country is over.
Yes. The groups that voted for who should carry the flag had a tie.
A coin toss was the tiebreaker. He lost, and said it was racism.
And wile looking that up, it appears that he boycotted the opening ceremony to pout.
Another false flag, but made me laugh at least.
it was over more than 15 years ago
>recreational outrage
stop that
Disney pls.
not sure the average buzzfeed article makes a stronger case
I looked it up, he comes off kind of like one of those people that think they're better than common nicety.
When will the Russians come and give us sweet release?
Yes, a seven year old said that.
Nuclear apocalypse when bros?
Even if this is fake, it's fucking plausible. Like I wouldn't be the least bit surprised
Is this campaign sponsored by pol or our our own little Sup Forums's this retarded?
She's a qt.
(The blonde on the right)
Kikery abounds when Disney's around
Bout 10 years or so, consider when the millennials are of age to finally act like grown ups in theyre 40's and their children will be even softer/more pathetic - then its steam roll time. Whos gonna stop them? Gen x'ers and older will be too old by then.
>some idiot says a thing on the internet
why am I supposed to care?
If you don't go see Black Panther you're literally Hitler btw.
Disney really knows how to milk these anti-Whites for all they're worth don't they? Based Mouse does it again.
Weaponized labeling. We’ve reached the third act of this timeline
>causality is racist
BASED cause and effect
The ovens must be relit.
>at the Winter games
The fuck is this?
He sounds like an autist
This is the most hilarious marketing campaign I’ve ever seen.
I love this timeline
matinee tickets are 5 bucks where I live so I guess its all good.
Giga-fro homie knows how stupid he looks
How is a coin flipped dishonorably?
It's $8.75 vs. $11.25 for my local theatre.
he seemed to indicate that it's black history month and that means it's dishonorable not to have him carry the flag by default
are you joking?
Erin Hamlin is qt
Because it was flipped by a white person who did so from a position of privilege
It was dishonorable to flip instead of hand it to him because he's black
>If You Don't Tithe 20% of Your Monthly Income to Persecuted Jews and Racial Minorities, You're a Racist, and Here's Why
I mean, it's pretty brilliant to be honest
because he didn't win
Read the article. It was dishonorable to even flip the coin instead of recognising his greater deserving
posting "ironically" about how you're not triggered means you're triggered.
Blade is a better Kang movie tbquitehonest
I knew the second I read this post that it was that nigger speed skater who refuses to speak to reporters and acts like a total jackass. Had a feeling he was a little insecure black nigger bitch to boot.
the absolute state of Sup Forums
>it's february
>I call that black history month
>I'm black
*rubs thumb and forefingers together indicating gibs me dat*
There was a genuine balck African skier in the previous winter Olympics. He was shit at it, keeping barely on the track, but people were amused and a common phrase "the Olympic Spirit" was brought up a lot when he was discussed.
all this fake news is really starting to do my head in lads, it's getting harder and harder to tell reality
If this isn't blatant fucking propaganda I don't know what is.
It's fake news, poltard.
But it is user.
Very srs.