Your consciousness and memory stored in your saliva's DNA

>your consciousness and memory stored in your saliva's DNA

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it's not a new idea

it’s not a new idea

It is when your mother spits

This bothered me more than anything else in any other episode of Black Mirror tbqh. There's no technology that could or will ever exist that would make this possible. Broke my immersion, and the worst part is the entire plot and theme of the episode hinges on me believing this horseshit fantasy.

But wot if

He probably scanned their memories some other way. They already had that tech in earlier episodes. It may even be company policy to have your mind backed up on a server and regularly updated.


The episode was already overlong, they couldn't take two minutes to explain that the company regularly backs up their mind? Fucking fake news.

The tech used in Be Right Back to recreate the guy's personality would have been the perfect explanation, except the point of that very episode was that you CAN'T recreate someone using their social media presence, because people are more complex than that. So if they same technology was used in USS Callister, the audience would feel nothing for these phony-bologna digital recreations because we know they're not real and the writers' entire hamfisted point would be lost.

Just turn your brain off haha
That's what Black Mirror is all about, right?