What's with the sacred cow status of Jackson's LotR adaptations? Can't any of you stop sucking his dick long enough to consider everything he did wrong?
What's with the sacred cow status of Jackson's LotR adaptations...
nah, shit was tight.
Fuck you, Tom Bombadil.
the movies have some flaws but most of them were already in the book, therefore not Jacksons fault
and fuck Saruman of many colors
theres still some good in the films mr frodo. good thats worth fighting for
Casting was way off and it had too much of a rural, peasant visual language.
No. Fuck you. Name one flaw of the movies that was Tolkien's fault you illiterate fuck. Just give me one flaw that Tolkien owns rather than Jackson.
>Casting was way off
what the fuck
Why didn't Gandalf just magic the ring into mount doom
Ignore the black man.
They should have an entire army march with them and break off once they got near mt. doom. yeah attention and shit but Sauron already was aware of the rings movement from the beginning so it didn't matter
the one black guy in the ee that you get a glimpse of?
Because Gandalf is a wizard and only sorcerers can access teleportation, and only at level 20.
>Sauron already was aware of the rings movement from the beginning
No, he wasn't. At all, which is the fucking point. He thought that Aragorn had the ring, if he considered for a moment that his enemies would try bringing the ring into Mordor he wouldn't have moved the army he had guarding Mt. Doom. Sauron did not believe his enemies would try to destroy the ring. This wasn't hubris on his part either, he knew for a fact that no one could resist the ring's influence.
Yes he was. He has spies everywhere. Boromir blasts his loud as fuck horn right when they take off to signal it. It even becomes evident to the party once they try to cross Caradras and fail because Sauron was manipulating the weather
No he wasn't. It explicitly says in the book Sauron believed Aragorn had the ring.
>once they try to cross Caradras and fail because Sauron was manipulating the weather
See, you haven't even read the book, where the fuck do you get off blaming Tolkien for Jackson's fuck ups? Neither Sauron or Saruman created a storm on Caradhras in the story. Mountains and trees and rivers and shit are animate in Tolkien's world. Caradhras threw them off of itself because it's a pissy mountaint.
>It explicitly says in the book Sauron believed Aragorn had the ring.
Ergo, it had only gotten as far as Minas Tirith before Aragorn and company attacked the Black Gate. Sauron knew the ring was headed in the direction of Gondor, he didn't know it was going past Gondor. If he had he'd have kept his mountain blocked off.
They believed Sauron or some other force was creating the unusual weather. Read the book again
It was Caradhras, and that's not even the point here. The point is Sauron didn't know they were taking the ring towards Mordor. If Mordor wasn't in the same direction as Gondor the Fellowship would have never had a chance of success.
>It was Caradhras, and that's not even the point here
Exactly you aren't understanding my original point. Sauron was aware of the ring's movement from the beginning so might as well take an army with them
>Sauron was aware of the ring's movement from the beginning
Insofar as it was headed towards Gondor. The moment the army moved into his territory he'd know what was going on. At that point it wouldn't even matter if the Fellowship could defeat Sauron militarily (they absolutely couldn't) because he'd seal off the forge completely.
>Insofar as it was headed towards Gondor
>Insofar as it was headed towards Gondor
YES again you didn't read my post then. That they should march with an army then break off once they reach the territory near mt. doom
The casting was horrendous. Too many British people and too few European people for a mythological tale.
>The moment the army moved into his territory he'd know what was going on
woops that was supposed to be the second quote
nice bait australia but you should have said something about black people
Outside of Gondor where would they have gotten an army?
Elves, Dwarves. Do you want me to continue?
>no scouring of the shire
you can't leave that out, it's crucial to the story
Considering the movies are like 11 and a half hours in total, I understand why they cut it. I would have like a fourth movie dealing with that though.
Rivendell couldn't muster an army, it wasn't a city. Lothlorien was barely any closing to the Fellowship's starting point than Gondor was. Not that the Elves would have gotten involved anyway.
The Lonely Mountain was farther away than Mordor was.
But please, continue.
Elves and Dwarves could have mustered a regiment far greater than the fellowship and have easily overcome many obstacles but that wouldn't make a good book would it ?
Why don't YOU tell us what he did wrong since that's what YOU claim you fucking cancer?
What obstacles even? They didn't anticipate that Saruman was building an army. If he hadn't the worst dangers they would have faced in the story were that warg ambush they easily dealt with and a few run in with the ringwraiths that weren't really any problem either, considering that both Aragorn and Gandalf could fight back all nine of them together singlehandedly.
Ringwraiths, trees near the shire, barrow wights, having to navigate based on pursuers, moria
>Casting was way off
It’s theoretically possible to be more wrong, but for the life of me I can’t think of any examples
also Caradhras
Not a problem for the Fellowship.
>trees near the shire, barrow wights
Happened before the Fellowship was formed, not a threat.
>having to navigate based on pursuers
Would have been infinitely harder with an army in tow.
Gandalf and Aragorn had each used Moria as a shortcut multiple times during their travels. Gimli's cousin, what's his name, and his band of settlers lived there for years before they were killed. Moria is huge and empty, there was little chance of running into more Orcs than they could handle and the Balrog hadn't done anything for centuries. It wasn't terribly risky which is why Gandalf was more concerned about the fire he set on Caradhras than he was about going through there. Granted everything went to shit as much as it could have but there hadn't been much chance of all that happening.
How would Caradhras have been more navigable with an army?
>Can't any of you stop sucking his dick long enough to consider everything he did wrong?
>That's what SW-fags did to prequels and you know how it ended.
fucking retard wizard is the sorcerer prestige class, they have access to all the sorcerer skills if they maxed out their level before the did the job advancement quest
Oh, and being sneaky was the only way something wouldn't have gone wrong in Moria, also. Sure the Orcs could have been dealt with better but no army was going to defeat a Balrog.
Not in the second edition stupid, new rulebooks didn't come out until after Tolkien had written LotR already, God.
>Not a problem for the Fellowship.
What? are you serious?
>Happened before the Fellowship was formed, not a threat.
Not a threat? They almost died there if not for Tom
>Would have been infinitely harder with an army in tow.
You mean infinitely easier
>there was little chance of running into more Orcs than they could handle
What? First of all they wouldn't have to go through Moria if they had an armySupply lines, nigger. Faggots galore
Thank goodness the movies are over and there is no possible way a sequel can be created (even Tolkien gave up half way in writing the sequel), so the more "modern" and "progressive" elements in the story don't seep into it and retroactively shit on the previous movies like in Star War. The Hobbit had the markings of it (Tauriel) before the explosion of all progressivism all over everything but didn't ruin the Lord of the Rings going into. It was Hollywood schlock but at the very least it's core values weren't taken away.
Eat shit, OP. Only thing wrong with Lord of the Rings is none of the rest of the Dunedain came to the aid of Aragorn.
>What? are you serious?
Having Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir was more than sufficient for dealing with the ringwraiths, considering that Aragorn and Gandalf alone could each get the job done.
>Not a threat?
Not after the Fellowship was formed, no.
>You mean infinitely easier
How does an army evade pursuers?
>First of all they wouldn't have to go through Moria if they had an army
Again, where'd they have gotten an army put together before making it past Isengard? Erebor, Lothlorien, Rohan, and Gondor, the only places that could have supplied an army, were all on the other side of the Misty Mountains.
Nobody wants to watch movies with characters portrayed by limp wristed continental Europeans. Find something at the same level of Tolkien from your own countrymen and make your own movies. Face it, Anglo culture has come to be synonymous with high fantasy with honorable mention of Wagnerian German culture.
>so the more "modern" and "progressive" elements in the story don't seep into it
>"The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain, & not only in South Africa. Unfort[unately], not many retain that generous sentiment for long." ― Letter 61 — Written to Christopher Tolkien who was stationed in South Africa during World War II
>"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White." ― From a Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959
>"I must say that the enclosed letter from Rutten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries? ... Personally I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine." ― Letter 29 — In response to Tolkien's German publishers asking whether he was of Aryan origin
>"It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil at heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace." ― The Two Towers, "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit"
aragorn didn't do shit against the ringwraiths except run away.
saruman wouldn't have had enough mana to cast multicast on that many targets
>Having Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir was more than sufficient for dealing with the ringwraiths, considering that Aragorn and Gandalf alone could each get the job done.
And having an army is better
>Not after the Fellowship was formed, no.
So barrow wights aren't a concern? You are delusional that is the biggest moment where they lost
>How does an army evade pursuers?
How does army defeat smaller army?
>Again, where'd they have gotten an army put together before making it past Isengard? Erebor, Lothlorien, Rohan, and Gondor, the only places that could have supplied an army, were all on the other side of the Misty Mountains.
They would still have Gandalf if they didn't have to go through Moria
Except National Socialist racial policy was for most of the world akin to the craziness that we see in modern 'SJWs'. In the sense that they saw it as the only important influence and let it define all their policy. Tolkien wasn't progressive he was conservative. The National Socialists were the progressives back then in the sense they had a revolutionary doctrine about the state of Man and wanted to reshape the world in accord with that.
>So barrow wights aren't a concern?
Once the Fellowship was formed in Rivendell they were well past the barrows. The cursed dead of Arnor were no longer a threat because they were behind them.
So they didn't need Tom Bombadil's help when they got rooted under the willow tree? They could have done that by themselves?
NatSoc are just racial commies desu. The fact they are placed as “far right” is a shambles because they don’t follow right wing fiscal or social policy
>Tolkien wasn't progressive he was conservative
Yes but unlike the conservatives of today he wasn't racist either. He hated racism in fact. And he was very concerned for the environment, unlike conservatives today who would look at a pristine old growth hardwood grove of endangered trees and see only how much money could be made from the lumber.
>he thinks a capitalist is a conservative
I thought we were discussing what good an army would have done once they got to Rivendell. If they could have just conjured up an army in Hobbiton then that would have been preferable, yes.
He wasn't racist in the modern sense because he wasn't forced to associate with niggers. When you look at a map of america for example, racist attitudes and % of black population correlate almost perfectly.
Yeah the classic liberal attitude, loves blacks and brown people but never met one. Tolkien would be a racist in today’s Britain
>Having Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir was more than sufficient for dealing with the ringwraiths, considering that Aragorn and Gandalf alone could each get the job done.
Are you serious? Clearly if you read the books it's not enough
>Not after the Fellowship was formed, no.
So I am operating under the fact you haven't read the books and realize that the barrow wights are before the fellowship. I will continue to engage you for this post and only for this post but I want you to read the books again
>How does an army evade pursuers?
How does army fight? Gee?
>Again, where'd they have gotten an army put together before making it past Isengard?
Elves, and Dwarves. Shit you can't even read and make a cogent point
I thought we were discussing the fact that Tolkien should have sent an army with them if the enemy knew that it would be moving out anyways
Sauron didn't know the Ring's exact location and if he did he would have sent everythibg he had against whatever army was protecting it.
>Sauron didn't know the Ring's exact location
he did
>he would have sent everythibg he had against whatever army was protecting it.
he did
He knew it was in the fucking shire. Why would he think aragorn had it?
No, he fucking didn't, you autist. He needed Gollum to tell him it was in the Shire and after that he only had a vague idea of where it was heading.
And no, he didn't send everything he had, he only sent the Nazgul and that's because his enemies were sneaky and moving in a small group.
If they sent an army like you suggest then Sauron would just throw his massive forces against it till he gets his Ring.
You can't fucking fight Sauron, that's the whole reason they bet everything on the Fellowship sneaking into Mt Doom and destroying the Ring.
The Nazgul follow Frodo for quite a while after he leaves the Shire and in RotK Aragorn uses a palantir to contact Sauron and tell him "I have your ring, faglord".
sauron would have known that aragorn didn't mean it literally. A mere human would have been corrupted by the ring.
>would have known
Well, he didn't and fell for the ruse so I don't know why you are pretending this is hypothetical and not something that happened.
>A mere human would have been corrupted by the ring
And? Getting corrupted by the Ring just turns you into a twisted asshole. Aragorn would still want to defeat Sauron even if he was corrupted.
Good thing Aragorn is no mere human, then
His ancestors couldn't resist the ring, not even gandalf trusted himself with the ring. Aragorn would have fallen under its spell. Sauron falling for a bluff doesn't hold water.
But he falls for the bluff and that's what we are arguing, not Aragorn's resistance to the Ring.
My point was that Sauron didn't know where the Ring was once Frodo got away from the Nazguls aside from knowing it was probably heading to Gondor, which is why Aragorn managed to fool him.
If they tried to get there with an army, Sauron would have found out and they would have to deal with endless hordes of orcs and anything else he could have thrown at them. Not to mention that the whole army idea ignores the issue of having a bunch of easy ti corrupt humans near the Ring.
I'm saying if sauron is such hot shit he should have known whether the person he's speaking to is under the influence of the ring or not. Especially considering how long it would have been in his possession at that point.
Well, he didn't.
Why not? Even though hobbits are resistant to his evil power he managed to control one after only a few seconds of exposure.
He doesn't control shit. The Ring corrupts you but it doesn't make you Sauron's slave.
Like I said, even if Aragorn was corrupted by the Ring, he wouldn't want ro give it back to Sauron, he would want to use it to destroy him and become the next Dark Lord. Thus him marching to Mordor to fight him made sense and that's why Sauron really believes Aragorn has the Ring during the Battle of the Black Gates.
>He doesn't control shit.
He controlled one of the hobbits for a little while after the retard touched the crystal ball iirc.
>even if Aragorn was corrupted by the Ring, he wouldn't want ro give it back to Sauron
I disagree and galdalf has my back on this. The ring only answers to sauron.
This, decision to completly remove this reddit character from the world instantly makes movies better than books.
They were the first successfully realized high fantasy movies ever made.
There were others, and they were all extremely flawed, however charming they may have been.
These were the movies that nailed it. That made normies "get it".
No, we don't need a nigger infested GoT retard-grimdark take on it.
The movies got the perfect balance of light and dark.
Why the racism?
Relax faggot, it's Sup Forums, you don't have to pretend to like niggers here.
>He controlled one of the hobbits for a little while after the retard touched the crystal ball iirc.
I don't remember that and it doesn't have shit to do with the Ring. Also, Aragorn is strong enough to resist during that brief talk.
>I disagree and galdalf has my back on this. The ring only answers to sauron
You are again disagreeing with facts. Many characters through the story make it clear that it's possible to make the Ring's power yours, but that would just corrupt you and turn you into Sauron 2.0.
That's literally the whole point of the bit where Galadriel tests herself and even Gandalf tells Frodo that's exactly what would happen if he took the Ring.
>Many characters through the story make it clear that it's possible to make the Ring's power yours
And they were all wrong. gandalf straight up said that nobody, including himself can control the ring because it only has one master, sauron.
Gandalf was one of the people who said that and even so his word isn't law.
The Ring CAN be used by people other than Sauron but you would just destroy Sauron to replace him as the next Dark Lord.
At least watch the fucking movies propeely before clinging to a phrase Gandalf says once which contradicts what everyone else says about the Ring.
>his word isn't law.
I'll take gandalfs word over some random poster on Sup Forums but thanks anyway.
How about Gandalf's word over Gandalf's word and Galadriel's too, retard?
Again, watching the fucking scene where she tests herself to see if she could resist the Ring. She makes it clear that if she took it, she would replace Sauron, not become his slave.
The stuff galadriel says about becoming a benevolent queen etc is obviously the influence of the ring tempting her with lies that appeal to her desires. Are you legitimately fucking retarded
This is what Gandalf says, by the way:
>With that power I should have power too great and terrible. And over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and more deadly....Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to become like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the desire of strength to do good. Do not tempt me! I dare not take it, not even to keep it safe, unused. The wish to wield it would be too great for my strength. I shall have such need of it. Great perils lie before me.
I'm still pissed at the railing of all things Gondor they got the astethic right and literally nothing else.
Nope and I will quote Tolkien to prove how much of a retard you are:
>It was part of the essential deceit of the Ring to fill minds with imaginations of supreme power. But this the Great had well considered and had rejected, as is seen in Elrond's word at the Council. Galadriel's rejection of the temptation was founded upon previous thought and resolve. In any case Elrond or Galadriel would have proceeded in the policy now adopted by Sauron: they would have built up an empire with great and absolutely subservient generals and armies and engines of war, until they could confront Sauron and destroy him by force. Confrontation of Sauron alone, unaided, self to self was not contemplated. One can imagine the scene in which Gandalf, say, was placed in such a position. It would be a delicate balance. On one side the true allegiance of the Ring to Sauron; on the other superior strength because Sauron was not actually in possession, and perhaps also because he was weakened by long corruption and expenditure of will in dominating inferiors. If Gandalf proved the victor, the result would have been for Sauron the same as the destruction of the Ring; for him it would have been destroyed, taken from him for ever. But the Ring and all its works would have endured. It would have been the master in the end
>What's with the sacred cow status of Jackson's LotR adaptations?
Hope this helps, OP.
You're only backing up my argument
>It was part of the essential deceit of the Ring >On one side the true allegiance of the Ring to Sauron
So basically you're confirming what I've already said. Galadriels rant was the ring lying to her and the ring owes allegiance to sauron. Thanks for playing.
Hello Chris Tolkien
In all seriousness, I fucking hated Gollum in the movies
Are you this retarded or just shitposting?
The fucking quote says it is possible to make the Ring yours and use it to overthrow Sauron, even if you would be corrupted in the process.
I don't know what you two are getting angry about (kinda lost track who's arguing for what) but it's definitely true the Ring "lies" as you put it. IIRC Aragorn was also shown how he can "totally become a big king, I swear, just put me on". Also, Denethor being all like WE CAN USE IT
Making people think they can use it for good to trick them into becoming Sauron's servants is definitely part of the Ring's bag of tricks
Whoops, sent post too early. Addendum:
That doesn't mean you can't use it if you're powerful enough.
Basically you're both right you idiots, stop being angry
They are great movies Kino everything. But still nowhere near the best possible way you could adapt the books. But it could be worse, it could be the horrible Harry potter movies.
The Ring corrupts but it doesn't make you Sauron's servant. Literally none of the people who were corrupted by the Ring even considered doing shit for Sauron.
Worst case you would end up like Gollum or turn into a wraith-like being.
it says it's theoretically possible but if gandalf himself is not strong enough to do it (stated by gandalf himself) then nobody is. So such a course of speculation is pointless.