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look at her lips

>still no decent rip



how did she know his name?

It's Superman, everyone knows his fucking name you newfag


I hate Gal Gadot so much I can't describe it

to be perfectly honest she looks pretty good in this movie

BvS Wonder Woman (I mean in costume) >>>>>> JL Wonder Woman (btw her hair looked red in some scenes, which is good, I like reds and based commies)>>> WW Wonder Woman


calm down OP

BvS Batman is still best onscreen batman minus the killing. Fight me

I only saw Just LEague

>that webm
My hate has grown stronger



go get laid

omg where is your head right now oh jeez oh man just WHAT will you do now haha

rat-like features
boyish physique
can't even speak English properly

One of the most passable trannies ever to live.

Seriously that's a male skull

>I heard you like AYYY LMAOS user

I want to lick her

I want to be her gentile foot slave

her face is so punchable here. like i want to destroy her face

This is not a lady, guys.

I'm attracted to many Jewish girls so no. I just don't like her mannerisms and her stupid smile, rubs me the wrong way.

he looked stupid and neckless

>I'm attracted to many Jewish girls
Wow I guess that absolves you of everything you sniveling redditor shit

She does act like her shit don't stink

>Our franchise already has a strong following among the black and latinos demographics, how can we reach out to the Irish or East Asians?
>I got the perfect gal for you

Calm down Morty

that's an amazonian's skull you sad sad faggot

Gal Gadot was born a man and that's a simple fact

shoo with your fetishes gay boy


>attracted to manface "women"
>nu un you're the gay one

The thick brow, the brawny, square jaw, the long and square torso, the long, lanky hands and limbs. From the front he is extremely convincing, but especially when you catch a glimpse of him from profile, the masculinity of his bone strucutre pops out. Keep an eye on "gal's" body; it is the signature bony lankfest of a tranny. There's a reason he's wearing that waistline up to his nipples. It creates the illusion of a shorter, more feminine torso.

Left is a dude, right is a female. Fucking jews

>being very annoyed
>not repressed latent homosex

pick one and only one

is this part of your gay fanfic? Go back to roleplaying on F list senpai.

How did we go from this

to THIS!??!?


>wrote a "comedy" scene just to have her tall waifu make out with her for 20 seconds


>durr you're [insert sexual deviancy] because I'm offended
He's very convincing here. But notice again how high the waistline is. He is like 6'. So is Taylor Swift, another famous transvestite. A large part of the reason why these individuals are selected for their status in society is because of their being transvestites. The elite are just into shit like that for some reason.

what the FUCK is with that aspect ratio

is this Whedon's doing?

Can someone post the webm of gal wagging her finger at the goyim


C’mon ....,

you sound offended though. I'm not.

Just look at this webm and pretend the makeup and hair isn't there. Get the idea "this is a woman" out of your mind and just imagine for a few seconds that "I've never seen this person before."

>A scene that literally shows absolute superiority of white male Vs women, black, asian and brown people.
What did Snyder mean by that?