Episode 3 teaser

episode 3 teaser


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literally kill me famalamborgini

t. cucumbers

The people complaining about the popularity of "Rick & Morty" are far, far more annoying than the show's actual fanbase.

>tfw I got banned for posting that
Fuck the new reddit mods

And people complaining about people complaining about rick and morty's popularity are even more annoying

It's almost as if nobody wants to hear you being a whiny little bitch.

Imagine that.

>enters thread being a whiny bitch
>accuses others of being whiny bitches
what did this retard mean by this

I know this was made in jest, but it's legit funny, and honestly if you tweet this at Roiland he'll probably enjoy it and share it.

If you have to ask "what did he mean by this" about a simple declarative statement, you are the retard.

There's no way you weigh under 300 pounds

I can smell your pizza breath from here

You're just not smart enough to understand this intelligent and deep show

Sometimes can't tell if you guys are having fun, just trolling, or being butthurt.

You cannot smell anything about me because you cannot smell things over a TCP/IP connection and you are not within five feet of me.

This is what unchecked autism looks and sounds like.

No, Chris-chan is what unchecked autism looks and sounds like. OP is just butthurt trolling; autism is not necessary for that (though it does help).

OP here. I have literally 0 butthurt. Are you projecting, m8?

You cannot measure butthurt -- or emotions, for that matter. Saying you have a numerical value of an emotion is impossible.

do you have actual literal autism, dude?

Is there such a thing as metaphorical autism?

Anything can be metaphorical you dolt

Huh. I guess that makes you a metaphorical retard, then.

Shut up retard

There was way too much effort put into this bait.

>when the smuggest cunt in the room is the most reasonable and level headed
The absolute fucking state of this website jesus fuck

Unless you have a gun held next to my head or the authority to ban me from posting, you cannot silence me.

thread theme?

Now, to be fair, I am not a cunt. I am a dick. I lack the depth and warmth necessary to be a cunt.



Don't blame me for your butthurt. I didn't make Rick & Morty a thing.

...or did I?

This is the universal rule for all fanbases.

everyone in this thread is justin roiland

>Someone asks if I ever watched Rick and Morty
>Say I heard about it
>They start doing the worst Rick impression

...Justin? Is that you?

>Inb4 this is actually Justin
Can you fucking tone down on the over arching story element a bit? One of the funnest parts about the earlier episodes is that they didn't take themselves as seriously, stick to that tone but trickle in the story still.

Would you're reaction really be any better if they were doing a decent impression? It'd still be cringe.



Please put pickle rick is in the house tonight on the show

Please kill off Beth

I'M IN Sup Forums, MORTY


Why is this thread 100% shitposting?

Is there at least one non-faggot here who can tell me what he thought about Episode 2? I thought it was OK. Nothing bad, nothing outstanding. Cliche setting, no interesting concepts, but also no annoying or dull shit. Probably is 6/10 still because it managed to be entertaining.

Summer was hot

Eh, a couple of ass shots, some panty-shots trough the gauzy post-apocalyptic skirt, nothing outstanding. Summer isn't exactly a bombshell. They probably made everyone on the show stick figures exactly for that reason, a more realistic style would cause outrage over sexuality, so they had to compromise if they wanted to keep sexual elements in it. lol, the US and it's "adult" shows.

proof or you're bullshitting

i'm attracted to stick figures

reddit and memey sucks

The first two seasons averaged a 7/10. What exactly should I think about your post, that you're trolling or that you're retarded?



is it even possible at this point to have a rick and morty thread without it devolving into incoherent shitposting? yall need a containment thread or something

That would make sense if it was the Rick and Morty fans shitposting. But these are retards who think because the show is popular with normies, it's no longer should be allowed on Sup Forums. Whether they are hipsters for whom it's too popular now or paranoid fucks who think it will attract normies on here, I don't know nor care, but they are definitely not fans of the show.

False, penises don't have the ability to type on Sup Forums. I recommend immediate psychological counseling for this discrepancy.

I don't like the fanbase this show has, but like a real mature adult, I can ignore them and enjoy the show for what it is.

shut up bitch

shut up bitch

I've yet to see these supposed cancerous reddit fanbase, all I see are the faggots who complain about it and shitpost like mad. Ironically, the only way for them to know about it is to use reddit, so they are the very cancer they hate.

t. reddit


I laughed harder at this than I should have.

stream where

I actually found that funny

Sup Forums has been full of nothing but shitposting for the past year and a half. Why are you acting so surprised?

Mods are deleting generals while this thread continues to sputter right back to the front page. Sage only so it doesn't get bumped if you have that much of a problem with it.

>tfw to intelligent for rick and morty haters

t. Scary Terry

Hows the sauce taste?

Stop shitposting and get back to work faggot.

The whole point of the episode was to show how the kids are not handling the divorce well.

In the lawless world they are allowed to express their chaotic teenage angst without anyone or thing to stop them.


The answer is all of the above. All the time.

And the people complaining about the people complaining about the people complaining about the fanbase are yet more annoying

Rick and Morty is better than Pet Sounds. Prove me wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>he doesn't know
literally lmfaoing @ ur life

You fucking nigger

>penises don't have the ability to type on Sup Forums
Demonstrably false.



Doesn't it not air until tomorrow night?

They're not really present on Sup Forums.

But man some of the Reddit caps I've seen do not bode well. They ooze with self-importance and pseudo-superiority.