there is nothing wrong with liking mainstream blockbusters and nothing else
Hes got a point
like cats and dogs is unproblematic.
can someone translate this for me I don't understand soynglish
I think he's having a stroke
I have no idea what he's even trying to say.
Really showing your lack of intelligence here Sup Forums.
Sentiments two occasional affronting solicitude travelling and one contrasted Godzilla. Fortune day out married parties Fight Club. Happiness remainder joy but earnestly for off. Took sold add play may none him few Big Lebowski. If as increasing contrasted entreaties be. Now summer who day looked our behind moment coming. Pain son rose more park way that Titanic. An stairs as be lovers uneasy Office Space?
Typical spineless fat cunt can't lock down a point of view.
Is he suggesting Uma would have been more of an extension of the Tarantino brand if film critics talked about her shit films or is he saying the opposite?
I hate that I took the time to read this fat blabbering shithead.
If I understand him correctly what he's trying to say is disregarding popular entertainment for being low-brow and at the same time embracing "ironic" and faux,intellectual outsider art leaves you detached from the the things people actually want to see and kinda locks you in a bubble of undeserved elitism.
Isn't moviebob Sup Forums? He wants to murder A LOT of people for disagreeing with him and become dictator of the world.
Bob makes 4 posts - none of them address what the original person said or make any coherent point at all.
He's a fucking loser manchild. It's pathetic, and he knows it.
He has completely marginalised himself from everyone. His only fans are people who haven't figured out he's an evil retard yet.
But Bob is a self described elitist with a distinct disdain for plebs, who fully supports the current dogmatic group think among critics who embrace popular movies out of spite for the audiences who like Shit Flavor A over Shit Flavor B (i.e, Jumanji Reboot over Ghostbusters Reboot).
Anyone have a screenshot of his megalomaniacal tweets? They're comedy gold
Not true.
He believes in positive eugenics (breeding programs that produce elite humans) and technocracy (rule of self appointed experts).
If I remember correctly he gave both the Jumanji reboot and the Ghostbusters reboot fairly positive reviews.
The first guy's point was that movie critics who don't stray outside of blockbuster franchises can't really consider themselves critics
Basically what this guy said none of what he said makes any sense or addresses what original post said
why the fuck is this even a thread? who are these people? fuck nu/tv/
you gotta be a special kind of weird to not like atleast some popular movies. but then again i see top 10 movie lists here filled with movies from 1973 so it never seizes to amaze me hownmost of you are autistic
>who are these people?
>not knowing who movieblob is
>Bob Chipman
>"having a point"
You have to go back
>knowing who movieblob is
creating a thread using a tweets from bob chipman is like going to mac Donald's and shitting on the counter then asking for your money back
Hes just trying to sound intelligent to deflect from the fact he just got highlighted as a worthless turbopleb
imagine you had to talk about movies for an hour with someone that only watches MCU, DCEU and Star wars. Now thank me for saving your life.
>elite humans
>makes posts about how the US is turning into mexico and that's great
me and my mates watch everything including indie and the big movies
You can review fastfood places all day long if thats your thing, and if people are willing to pay to listen. Get that green.
But when a restaurant brings out a new experimental $600 menu, don't expect to a) recieve an invite to review it, or b) have your review taken seriously when you take a break from digesting chemical mulch to spit out a few amateurish buzzwords.
While art is subjective, some art is much easier to access and digest than others. Taste, however, is much less subjective. You can't expect to be regarded as havig good taste if all you watch is Transformers movies.
Seriously, it's complete gibberish, what the fuck?
>his megalomaniacal tweets
that's all of his tweets.
>Retweet’s pro-socialism accounts
What is WRONG with this “man”?
>it's liberating to refuse to acknowledge the humanity of people whose politics you disagree with
"fuck donald trump and fuck white people"
movieblob is a legitimately bad person, and i say that as a racist pedophile who doesn't seed
>moral argument for corporate pop-mythology as long as it's MAHVEL
Never heard of this guy before...
I don't like his SJWism, but I do like his gleeful elitism and his dismissal of most conservatives as morons.
he's at his most gleeful when there's a never-ending pasta bowl.
why would large flying blonde women remind nazis of their mothers??
Bob Chipman the retarded fat faggot is unironically the living embodiment of the Nintendo Switch Wojak.
I love cinema. I watch a shitload of movies, both the flavor-of-the-month blockbusters, classics and non-mainstream non-American movies, etc.
It might sound arrogant and pretentious, but I have nothing but disgust for people who watch only what's in the mall cinema.
Nah, you sound disdainful and petty.
This would all be fine if he was even the least bit self aware that he would be one of the first "subhumans" to be got rid of, his ego in proportion to his abilities and accomplishments is baffling
>fifty shades of grey
>beat-off material
>beat-off material for women
this is what happens when the only women you know are trannies.
Political revolutions hinge on his type of person not knowing that.
He's the very definition of an useful idiot that is shocked when they're the first ones killed after the revolution is over and they're no longer necessary.
Does this nigga think miramax movies are an intelligent alternate to blockbusters? Surely no one is that big a pleb
>caring what other people think
He's not wrong, have you seen the women seeing those movies?
Yeah, neither militant leftists nor Sup Forumstards realize this. In the aftermath of a revolution, the majority of members of both groups would probably have no power at best, get killed at worst.
eh? eh?
That claim's meaningless in association with a constantly whining fatfuck like Trump.
>his ego in proportion to his abilities and accomplishments is baffling
>one imagines
>If I remember correctly
Why do you know that in the first place, user?
>it's a twitter jews arguing about capeshit episode
That's the spirit, user.
>it's a Sup Forums arguing about twitter jews arguing about capeshit thread
>mass-reevaluation of the Miramax era
Is this actually happening? And why would any sane person think that bad producers affect the aesthetic worth of the work they funded?
You suck at this.
>there is nothing wrong with liking mainstream blockbusters and nothing else
Yeah, if you are 10 to 12 years old.
>I can dehumanize poor people as much as I want
>I can claim to be inherently superior to poor people as much as I want
>as long as those poor people are white
I'd love to beat the shit out of this fat fuck
Isn't he the faggot who hates first person shooters because they're massively popular?
nice retort
Because otherwise life isn't fair!!
My english isnt good u cocksucker
So he's Thesaurus-ing words to defend the fact cinema is overflowed with superhero/Star Wars/bland action movie shit? I mean the action movie stuff has been around since forever and it occasionally brings a good film amongst the 50 Dwayne Johnson turds, but man fuck you if you're avidly going to defend Star Wars going from an event that happens every 3 years to a bi-annual product, same goes for superhero shit
He hates Call of Duty games because he thinks the people that play them are the same people that pushed him into lockers 30 years ago (not a joke).
I can't get past his pseudo-intellectual mumbo jumbo. What is he talking about mass reevaluation of Miramax?
i prefer Must Fuck Dogs
He wants us to condemn the past and hail Disney.
>Bob Chipman: 21st century man
He is so comfortable with his acknowledged intellectualism.
>Liberal tells someone down for speaking a different language before English
So what does this have to do with Sneed's seed and feed??
Holy shit I wish I never opened this thread and found out this bob chipman character exists
>He wants to murder A LOT of people for disagreeing with him and become dictator of the world.
sounds antifa
I have never been able to sit through one of his reviews. Never. I can't believe they sometimes get 1 million views. He is so bland as he is undecipherable. He speaks quickly to avoid telling us what he thinks of a film.
There isn't anything wrong with exclusively watching blockbusters. That's your thing. But don't expect me to hold your opinion of film in any kind of regard.
>two jews going at it.
Bod stood by AVGN, though.
>food analogy
>Nearly a strawman example of elitism in his tweets
>Makes terrible video reviews for less money than a burger flipper
Wakarimasen lol
Little dictators the lot of them. Anyone who tries to take away your rights because "you can't be trusted with them" wants power over you.
>Hate people who only like mainstream video games like Call Of Duty and Madden
>Thinks its just fine to only watch flicks
At least be consistent in your fucking snobbery.
>Live in your Brothers shitty basement
>Only other place he has ever lived is his parent's house
>Made myself worthwhile
Maybe my favorite image on the internet
>implying they aren't two sides of the same coin
When soys on twitter use big fancy words instead of making concise and coherent statements, it really shows how fucking insecure they are about intelligence.
Never thought I'd agreed with a fuckin yid, but hey, at least that fag chipman fuck got btfo.
Those books are beat off material though. They were originally some fat woman's erotic fanfiction for Twilight before the characters were altered. I mean we can get technical and say that women don't "beat off", but jill-off, finger blast, whatever you want to call it, that's what they're doing.
>dumbasses can't into baneposting
literally /ourmeme/
I have an honest question: why has no one in real life found this fat sack of shit and put their foot up his ass? It seems like sommething that should've happened by now. Or is that just me?
His crippling diabetes is already killing him slowly and painfully.
Why give him mercy?
Memes aside, I don't want to see the guy dead, but knowing he'd pissed his pants while someone Clockwork Orange'd his fat ass would make me gleeful.