How would he feel about the current state of this board?

How would he feel about the current state of this board?

>How would he feel about the current state of this board?

Soyboys don't have feelings.

He could give two shits, he's out living life.

Reddit 2.0

How did a chad end up creating a safe haven for all the neckbeards, pedos and other unsavory undesirables?

Full of capeshit, star wars, eceleb, and sneed cancer and shilling. It's a cesspool of shit.


anybody else notice that hiroshimoot is selling "Sup Forums currency" on the 404 page?

yeah i don't get it. is it some kind of a joke?


moot trying to be a man is literally worse than him in a pink skirt

>anime loving weaboo soy boy who wants to be the little girl


moot never cared that much about Sup Forums. He didn't hate it and I am sure he thought some memes from here were funny but there were other boards he was more into


>/biz/ was right again!

Can't believe how long it's been since he left.

Where did the time go

I fucking spit my drink. This newfag...

This image is a shoop, newfaf

hes a cuck

literally who?

>Sup Forums memes this into becoming the global currency

I know you fuckers can do it.


He was a /trv/ meme

>I love tofu
could moot even be the original soyboy?

i miss m00t

He would be disappointed for the lack of baneposting.

Who is this cute little girl and where does she live?


>being such a newfag you think moot is a chad and Sup Forums is a band of outcasts

Is Sup Forums the nigger of Sup Forums?

that would be /mlp/

iirc he hated Sup Forums because it was the /pedobunker/, at least it was before the-dolan swept them out.

>This image is a shoop, newfaf
fuck off cunt

I don't think he ever cared about Sup Forums

This board is leaning more to the left and I am loving it

Don't believe you, put your emeritas trip on

Kys falseflag faggot

And That's a Good Thing

>Chad Australian shitposters
>virgin moot

What falseflag? cunt

He will be suprised about the fact that now 50 years old maga pedes making the most shitposts

Why did he abandon us? ;_;

Career opportunity

Heres why

Disgusted. If he could see what a mess this shithole has become he'd be rolling in his grave

all part of the plan

And it's Beautiful

what a jew

Trump fags its sleeping time

whadda chad

waifus sell

How do I acquire a pretty little moot girl?

Top 10 Reasons The Political Right Is Unpopular With Millennials And Why It's A Good Thing

>its just a bunch of fucking memes

he wouldn't ignore all the bullshit like hiro does. /people that consistently start off topic threads and constantly complain about jews and blacks instead of talking about movies would get banned like they should be.


Is the final Q&A video of him still up somewhere?

Sup Forums got nuked really the board is dead and the next target is Sup Forums the board is too fast thanks to migration from nu-Sup Forums full of magapedes who are spaming the board non stop with black panther eceleb/pol/ shit and co. We need a creat Thread limit per hour or someshit.

Probably glad he managed to get off board

i think your bot broke

the only board where the rules are enforced is Sup Forums, everything else is thrown to the dogs

sour puss

friendly reminder moot said he doesn't even watch tv or movies, but still banned things he didn't like because it was 'creepy' and it was 'driving away normal posters'
what an absolute faggot bros

Back to your home board redditor

Go to reddit and you have your wish

>I take my 4chans very seriously

Because he has a brain not like you.

>your face when da burrs win da superb owl


I wish he nuked the site. The amount of manchild rage it would have provoked would have been legendary

>doesn't care about tv or film
>only likes baneposting
damn..what high iq bros...

I am not from reddit though

calm the fuck down please

fuck off newfag

Go back to dressing like a faggot, moot

How would sneed feel about the current state of this board?

Look at these newfags,I would rather have baneposting than the current shit.

go back to 8gag and bane all you want

First you should go back to your homeboard /ptg/ aka r/t_d you unironically defending the current state of the board wow.


Like I said, go to reddit if you want people banned for hurting your feelings

>he could give two shits

You have finally revealed yourself as a reddit cunt. Please go back

moot only cared about Sup Forums and Sup Forums was the board that loved him the most. I think by the end he had already realised that the rest of the site would go down the shitter quickly


Sup Forums is for chads

moot was a good mo-

What gives you the impression I support him?

who the fuck is that lmao



i think it was kaiji that he said got banned 300 times

and user may tell himself "my mom's basement is not my beautiful house"
and user may tell himself "my mom is not my beautiful wife"

Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

friendly reminder that moot did NOTHING wrong

i could care less grammar mistakes

I remember when he had some cuckolding tips video playing on Sup Forums as a joke and Sup Forumstards thought da joos were trying to brainwash them
it was so funny, but so sad too. Sup Forums is the main reason this site has gone downhill

same way he did about everything on Sup Forums ie "will these older cooler ADTRW d00ds be impressed?"
yeah, he'd say "d00ds"

You're absolutely retarded if you think /r/t_d keeps to /ptg/. Wake the fuck up, Sup Forums is now the biggest board on Sup Forums, twice as popular as second place. It's the new Sup Forums.

But you could of made less mistakes

pretty funny thread
can't believe it's 2018 and waifu posting is still one of the most sensitive and touchy subjects on this board.