Was he redpilled?

Was he redpilled?

Other urls found in this thread:


Please fuck off man. Not everything has to be about your retarded bullshit, or the retarded bullshit of the people who rant about your retarded bullshit.

I speak as a simple man who wishes to have his board for children's entertainment back. Why do you want to make 1,000 threads which are a clone of each other about the same bullshit OP?

What's your offer bud?



Fuck off back to your MRA hidey-hole and go jerk off your other incel bastard friends.

You guys are honestly the most autistic people on the planet, I know it's hard to tell if someone's being ironic or not but this is pure /qa/-tier autism.

>board is constantly flooded with thinly-veiled Sup Forums bait
>the questions and statements of the OPs reveal they do not actually read comics or watch cartoons
>actual comics and cartoon fans complain
>"gee you guys are so autistic this is just like this other board shitstorm why don't you like Sup Forums"

Shut up, boy, I want a Courage thread.

Only you faggot-ass "I HATE ALL WOMEN" motherfuckers use the word "redpill" seriously, so go fuck your faggot-ass MRA incel friends up their asses.

I honestly did want a Eustace thread though, and when you guys accuse me left and right it's hard to focus on a topic. Do you actually have something to say other than blind insults and mindless accusations?

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Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=gIR0a7jryaw

Yeah. I have an order: GET THE FUCK OUT.

Why did you start with such a shit OP then? Where did you honestly see this going?


>Getting this triggered about a fucking word
Just try to smile

smile in hell you trash

>mfw I have my thread derailed over "redpilled"
How come he always was the first primary character to die or perish or get left behind? He honestly was my favorite one out of the three.


If this was your OP, the thread wouldn't be so shit

The hell?

You used the word, dipshit. Now you know better. Now go fuck that incel who moved into your basement last week.

>Please fuck off man.
why is this so funny to me

t. Sup Forumsmblr

>constantly pissed off
>had a shitty childhood
>every member of his family treats him like shit
>insecure as fuck
>can't allow himself to be happy even when he landed a 10/10 wife

Eustace would belong here if he hadn't somehow gotten married.

nigger holy shit. stop samefagging. i accidentally hid your other posts but youve been bitching from the third post. go away god damn this isnt ever gonna be a safe space for your triggered ass

Would he be a Sup Forumsack?

Neither of those posts are me.

While I don't really disregard that as a possibility, Eustace seems too self centered to actually give a fuck about anything greater than himself, so I really doubt he'd care for politics or society.
He does read the paper regularly, but for all we know he just reads the comic strips.

Stay triggered you dumb fag you made a shitty thread and now you're thread is dead.

Maybe. He's greedy, self-absorbed and likes to blame his problems on other people.

Nope. Sup Forumstards are all bark and no bite, they'd piss their pants if they had to wield a weapon in front of a real life individual.

What about robot Eustace? I imagine young Eustace finding comfort within the seemingly welcoming warmth of /r9k/ but an older Eustace I imagine would be into the calmer boards most likely.

If Eustace had had an Internet connection when he was younger he would have never met Muriel. Robot Eustace is a very probable scenario, though.
Who knows, /r9k/ can sometimes fix robots just by letting them be themselves and build some self confidence. Perhaps Eustace would be less of a dick in old age if he had been able to vent out on the Internet.
On the other hand, he might have just livestreamed his suicide.

Maybe he would have became a cute trap.

His brother was pretty masculine. Perhaps he would have decided that since he couldn't beat him in manliness he could at least be more feminine. His parents did call him sissy.
Although I'm not entirely familiar with how traps come to be so the scenario I am proposing might not be a true way people turn into traps.

Eustace is too bald to be a trap though to be honest; hell maybe he'd live as a farmer for the rest of his life and shitpost randomly on /r9k/ or Sup Forums. /k/ is another I'd see him getting interested in, but never actually using firearms or hunting

>but never actually using firearms or hunting
user, they had an entire episode dedicated to this.
Eustace wanted to go hunting with his older brother and his brother basically called him a faggot and left him at home.
Later on Eustace went back to hunting with his brother's gun and ended up on the run from a deer with the same kind of gun.

Although I gotta admit; a life of farming and shitposting does sound kinda comfy. A blend of rural and urban.

Yeah the deer beat the hell out of him; I just never understood why the deer had to have those glasses and a brain that showed. Plus that laser gun thing, did Cartoon Network fear that the use of real guns would be dangerous or do you figure it was just Courage the Cowardly Dog style writing?


Well, in the pilot Eustace was supposed to shoot Courage in the face with a shotgun as a bit of slapstick, but he had to change it the mask we all know now because he wasn't allowed to use real guns, so I'm guessing it was the former.

I would really like to see what Dilworth would write if he was given free reign over his show.

The mask is better

See, that's a recurring issue with a lot of these kids' shows though. Like imagine but instead of Beavis & Butthead going on adventures to "score" and them confusing a small snake for their penises imagine them in a setting where Cartoon Network would have them; that would be shit. I never really was a fan of the whole kiddy-aspect of the show, or how out-of-place a lot of the characters were. It'd be rather interesting to see more realistic, human characters.

It is better, I won't deny that. But the shotgun would have also been kind of funny.
I respectfully disagree. I feel Courage found the perfect balance between childish and weird with dark and creepy. The childish aspects of the show sometimes add to the eeriness of it all. I am still intrigued by the possibility of adding more mature situations to the setting.
The show could get pretty graphic with Courage's mangled body after a beating. I'm guessing they'd have shown more nudity, dirtier gags and perhaps more blood.

>more nudity, dirtier gags and perhaps more blood
Everything except nudity I feel would be expressed more; I feel like it'd still hold on to that childish undertone but manage to have a grasp of classic horror as well. It would also probably have less animalistic characters and I'd find it comparable to the Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror

>Please fuck off man

Well Satan, as for nudity I imagined more horrifying monsters that evoke dirty thoughts due to their similarity to certain body parts. Or something like making an actual sphinx, the ones who were topless and all.

The animals do add in to the weirdness. Like that roach in NY renting apartments while everyone else is human. I feel that kind of imagery does wonders to establish an atmosphere.
I feel they could try exploring more adult horror themes.
Cosmic horror, serial killers, sexual offenders... They did delve into these a few times, but they weren't the norm.


lol do you feel safe now pepe

Ah, I imagined a different kind of imagery. Maybe old, wrinkled monsters or something like that would fit in nicely with the show's atmosphere. I never really liked the animal villains as much because it seems almost childish to me; and by sexual offender do you mean Fred?

Fred was a pretty good parallel for one. You also had that wife beater dog, and that zombie movie director who was a a convinced serial killer who made snuff films.

Also, them being childish was the point. This was a cartoon on a children network, of course. That really depends on how much childishness you can take. I am not bothered in the slightest by it.

what's eh

>obvious shitpost op derails entire thread

Wow, you sure showed them user

I thought it was a fine question. Like - would this character be a conservative maga irl? Yes, he would.

He deserved all lot of the shit that happened to him because of how he treated Muriel and Courage like garbage. He is a funny character though.

What is there to show to a bunch of faggots getting triggered over a word?

He's not a farmer, I can tell you that much.

I'm sure you could've shown more than a tired meme, user.

Your incel dick.

I'm not the same user

I'm not doing this for free m80

Seems like you're doing a fine job of making an ass of yourself for free, son. Showing off your tiny never-been-sucked dick won't make things worse.

I can relate to this .gif

Feels bad man...

Why are you so invested in seeing my dick bro?! I'm Sorry, I'm not that kind of man

And here I thought incels wanted people to see their dicks.




The fuck is an incel?

I repeat, I'm not showing my dick, you have earn It first

Delet this NOW

>The fuck is an incel?

"Involuntary celibate" -- you know, like half your women-hating MRA pals are.

Calm down

You stop wanting to murder women because they won't sleep with you, and maybe I will.



Ooooh, I get it, you think I hate women and like men. Look, I support you choices you fucking degenerate piece of shit but I don't swing that way.

MRA and feminists are both shit. A healthy couple with children is the way of the white men

Cool, cool, totally believe you, promise I won't tell the other incels on you, comrade.

You got that trap porn I asked for, boy?

This. Seriously, I get it, Sup Forums can be annoying at times. But that's no reason to derail the thread, especially when it was just ONE WORD in the OP.

Now you think I'm commie scum? You clearly got the wrong picture

Where you want me to dump it?


Don't worry, CoMRAde, I promise that your secret is safe with me.

HAH. I never asked for any trap porn. And you called me a degenerate!

Ok, now be a good boy and stop derailing this poor user's thread about Eustace. That's really rude and the thread hasn't even reached 100 posts, It still has hope

Roses are red,
Daisies are yellow,
This whole fucking thread
Was dead on arrival

That doesn't even rhyme faggot

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
At least I am not
An MRA like you

Probably, He didn't dance around calling people lazy monkeys. He told em how it is.

>and now you're thread is dead.

*and now your thread is dead.

Go back to shitlord.


What was is mom's problem?


Fuck you

Feminazis want to murder men 'cause they won't go after them. MGTOW fags want to murder women because they won't screw them. Both obsess twenty-four-seven over some 'Chad' or 'Stacy' fellow on facebook. Chad, being dumber than a sack of bricks, is none the wise... And he's too busy getting laid!





He belongs more in the AnCap territory.

>engages in financial deals beyond all regulations
>pursuit of capital so platonic that there is hardly a trace of anything he ever gained from his schemes
>Enforces the NAP breach whenever that pesky dog intrudes his personal space
>lives on a dirt patch with hardly a road to it


He took the YellowPill I see

What did Muriel see in Eustace?

One soul worth saving.
