Just watched BLACK PANTHER and here is my unbiased REVIEW of the movie

firstly this is in my top 4 maybe even 3 MCU movie's.

this is the first MCU movie that ive watched that actually looks like its shot well, and by well I mean not bland. a lot of the other mcu granding to me looks bland, every scene of this movie looked amazing, especially the scenes in asia.

the movie had way more comedy than I thought it would have, especially from black panthers sister whom of which is hilarious, the 'WHAT ARE THOSEEEE' joke was perfectly timed. also CLAW is played to perfection very very funny and to me the highlight performance.

also for a Disney/Marvel movie theres a lot of racial overtones. white men are refered to as 'the colonisers' some even refuse to talk to white people. when killmonger is in London at the museum he tells the museum staff that he will steal the vibranium the same way white people have been stealing from Africa for hundreds of years. one of black panthers body guards has to wear a wig, she mentions how wigs look ridiculous and she doesn't like it (I think this is saying how ridiculous European wigs look ontop of afro hair) killmonger also says all life comes from Africa, and black people world wide should stick together and wakanda is watching black people worldwide suffer. a lot of interesting racial undertones.

the action is perfect, infact the entire movie is perfectly paced.

only let down to me is the CGI, and ive noticed as of late marvel seem to be lacking in convincing CGI.

speaking of convincing, the majority of the accents are convincing. forest's accent is a bit meh but all around good.

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>firstly this is in my top 4 maybe even 3 worst movies of all time.

t. butthurt CAC

I'm not going to watch it lol

Hetro-Honkeys, your wrath upon us kangz is over

>white men are refered to as 'the colonisers' some even refuse to talk to white people

Sup Forums was right again

>this kills the racist

>this enables the cuckold

Notice the dissonance?

Sure it is.


>paying to seem movies from big studios
what if wrong with you OP, supporting this rotten system

>all life comes from Africa
This is a whole new level of retardation.

>He didn't say what I wanted them to so it's biased
This is the level of discourse you can expect from these people

>this is the first MCU movie that ive watched that actually looks like its shot well.

>the 'WHAT ARE THOSEEEE' joke was perfectly timed. also CLAW is played to perfection very very funny and to me the highlight performance.

>the action is perfect,


Holy hell man if you wanna watch your wife fuck blacks then go for it but stop trying to seek validation for it.

Fuck off Disney shill

>the movie had way more comedy than I thought it would have
Why are people STILL saying this despite the fact that these fucking movies are basically 100% comedies by this point?

If you go into a movie expecting to like it, you'll like it. that's a bias


It's gonna be like Nov 2016 all over again.

>also for a Disney/Marvel movie theres a lot of racial overtones. white men are refered to as 'the colonisers' some even refuse to talk to white people. when killmonger is in London at the museum he tells the museum staff that he will steal the vibranium the same way white people have been stealing from Africa for hundreds of years. one of black panthers body guards has to wear a wig, she mentions how wigs look ridiculous and she doesn't like it (I think this is saying how ridiculous European wigs look ontop of afro hair) killmonger also says all life comes from Africa, and black people world wide should stick together and wakanda is watching black people worldwide suffer. a lot of interesting racial undertones.

Well, you just convinced me this is going to bomb if this is real.
I'm gonna laugh once normies refuse to lap this shit up, and they will.

Enough is enough.

Why do you guys always talk about cuckolding? Is it some deep fear you have?

Is there a decent copy of this movie on the internet yet?

>just watched
No you didn't

What's Killmonger's opinion on the Bantu people raping and eating Pygmies?

>firstly this is in my top 4 maybe even 3 MCU movie's.

How do you even rate that? They're all on the same level of "overall decent, I guess." There aren't really any that stand out one way or the other.

Reminder that Disney shills are, in actuality, aging moms clinging to merch in the face of their impending menopause...

.also for a Disney/Marvel movie theres a lot of racial overtones. white men are refered to as 'the colonisers' some even refuse to talk to white people. when killmonger is in London at the museum he tells the museum staff that he will steal the vibranium the same way white people have been stealing from Africa for hundreds of years. one of black panthers body guards has to wear a wig, she mentions how wigs look ridiculous and she doesn't like it (I think this is saying how ridiculous European wigs look ontop of afro hair) killmonger also says all life comes from Africa, and black people world wide should stick together and wakanda is watching black people worldwide suffer. a lot of interesting racial undertones.

Do they just stop and monologue about this kind of stuff or is it just short comments here and there which add up

>firstly this is in my top 4 maybe even 3 MCU movie's.
>the movie had way more comedy than I thought it would have, especially from black panthers sister whom of which is hilarious, the 'WHAT ARE THOSEEEE' joke was perfectly timed. also CLAW is played to perfection very very funny and to me the highlight performance.

That you even have a top 4 MCU movies shows you're a shit-eating pleb with no taste.

Hope yall know this is one nice paragraph of bait squished between false, but believeable commentary to get a rise out of you

>firstly this is in my top 4 maybe even 3 MCU movie's

>Wakanda is watching back people wordwide suffer
Yet they don't even help their own african continent with their Vibranium to make it thrive. Yeah they sure care for the suffering black people alright

Doesn't Wakanda withhold the cure for cancer from the rest of the world in the comics?

I'm pretty sure numerous people do. Reed, Doom etc.

You talk like a certified faggot. Opinion discarded.

>the 'WHAT ARE THOSEEEE' joke was perfectly timed
>white men are refered to as 'the colonisers'
> he tells the museum staff that he will steal the vibranium the same way white people have been stealing from Africa for hundreds of years

there's part of me that believes this didn't happen, but for some reason they all seem like plausible things to happen in this film

not just cancer but all diseases and don't share cause they don't trust anyone


>Of course, Wakanda doesn’t really exist, but then, Europeans so exploited the continent that we’ll never truly know the full extent of what Africa could have taught the world. (No wonder Wakandans pejoratively refer to white people as “colonizers,” a not-unreasonable epithet that’s virtually certain to enter the national vocabulary from here.)

yet they have a valuble precious metal that could help the entire African continent and cures for all types of diseases including cancer that could help the world and be a staple on the world stage but don't cause they don't trust outsiders

we /deadmemes/ now, marvel?

You cant all UNIRONICALLY fall for this bait, r-right?
you're all ironically getting mad over this right?

Why no screener yet?

that whole review is pure,unadulterated shit

>potentially bigger than ever this time around (for a Marvel movie, at least), since there has never in the history of cinema been a film that allows an ensemble of black characters to take charge on a global scale quite like this — and many have waited their entire lives to witness just such a feat (the way that “Wonder Woman” was a hugely empowering game changer for women).
>Without disparaging the rest of Africa, Coogler and his crew suggest what the continent might have become had it never been stripped of its resources
>Of course, Wakanda doesn’t really exist, but then, Europeans so exploited the continent that we’ll never truly know the full extent of what Africa could have taught the world.
>At the end of a big rhinoceros battle, a male character submits to Gurira in the film’s single most iconic shot, while an earlier scene in which she tosses aside a bad wig ranks as the most gay-friendly Marvel moment to date.

fuck off shill

>white men are refered to as 'the colonisers' some even refuse to talk to white people. when killmonger is in London at the museum he tells the museum staff that he will steal the vibranium the same way white people have been stealing from Africa for hundreds of years. one of black panthers body guards has to wear a wig, she mentions how wigs look ridiculous and she doesn't like it (I think this is saying how ridiculous European wigs look ontop of afro hair) killmonger also says all life comes from Africa, and black people world wide should stick together and wakanda is watching black people worldwide suffer.

Thanks for letting me know, i won't watch it now


>n-nothing is real,you are just baiting!

I'm white and I'm sorry my ancestors did bad things to Africa can you please fuck my wife?

You need to go back to school to learn when and when not to use an apostrophe.

niggers gave us aids. that counts as something

niggers and jews are getting too upitty

>what are those
That’s when I realized this is bait

I'm not even a fan of super heroes, but this movie has been getting so much press coverage both good and bad I will check it out to take my own conclusions. Critics have become too unreliable, the best thing to do at this point is to just go to the movies and see it by yourself..

Just calling something what it is. Why are you getting so defensive, cuck?

Curing cancer would effectively make everyone immortal. It's a fucking stupid thing to do unless you agree that 90% of the population needs to be genocided out of existence and won't hesitate to actually do it.

By then it's too late and they already have your money.

I can't tell if it's always been like this or if the userbase has gotten much stupider over the last few years. Very rarely do I see bait not taken

>curing cancer would effectively make everyone immortal
what is old age, death by natural causes, dying in car accidents, getting murdered, or the myriad of other diseases you can die from

>whom of which is hilarious

I unironically believe you OP purely for he fact that Ryan Coogler is directing.

I've liked Creed and Fruitvale Station from him he has actual talent unlike the hacks so far who just follow a formula.

Who would win?

just wait for the movie to be proven wrong,screencap this

>we’ll never truly know the full extent of what Africa could have taught the world

>the movie had way more comedy than I thought it would have
Could there be a more obvious shill line for a marvel quipfest?


>black people worldwide should stick together

Yes please yes this is good. Please go back to Africa and stick together and create a wakanda. Be strong Africans and live in peace and harmony while the whites destroy the rest of the world.

>>Of course, Wakanda doesn’t really exist, but then, Europeans so exploited the continent that we’ll never truly know the full extent of what Africa could have taught the world. (No wonder Wakandans pejoratively refer to white people as “colonizers,” a not-unreasonable epithet that’s virtually certain to enter the national vocabulary from here.)
Please let this happen. The more Blacks and other non-Whites antagonize Whitey the faster we get to the Race War.


That's just expected from the MCU now how is it still surprising after redditors of the galaxy vol.2 and Thor Ragnarok

The fact that it's not even top 3 Marvel movies disappoints me. I like to all of them as mindless entertainment and it's disappointing that for all the obnoxious racebait shilling , it's not even top 3. Especially considering that they were aiming for this to be their "high quality " movie for 2018.