Why has Disney removed all dolls and merch referencing Slave girl Leia?

Why has Disney removed all dolls and merch referencing Slave girl Leia?

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cool rhetorical question, it's probably because you're a faggot.

because slave girl leia from 25 + years ago still looks 6 gorillian times better than the goblins that were employed for the new starwars

im sure that room smells lovely

yeah, like girl farts maybe

girls dont fart

based lyn me girl

There aren't any women in the film currently who could appear on screen in a bikini so they had to scrap the whole thing.

God i wish that was me



>white slaves
ugh thats so unrealistic

It's great how all the cute ones are in the front, and all the ugly, and fat, ones were told to go stand in the back, or off to the side.


Based realism poster!

Same reason a twi'lek hasn't appeared in episode 7 or 8, and probably won't appear in 9.

Does anyone have the jiggling ass pasta?

hnnnggggggggg imagine carressing her tentacles and listening to her softly moan

what if she accidentally cut his tentacles haha

>see ayy looking employee with big tits
>cast her as an alien species known for being sex slaves
Bravo George!

B/c fat uggos get offended by true beauty and Disney also wants to homo-size/trans-isize america

I wish I was kidding.

>"He explained that in space you get weightless, and so your flesh expands. What? But your bra doesn't, so you get strangled by your bra. That's why I couldn't wear a bra in the first Star Wars. George actually came backstage when I did the show in San Francisco and told me that."
George was always based.

>That face
You just know


>you will never pull her tentacle twintails while you do her doggystyle

man George used to be handsome as hell

Hnng... the tall girl in front middle looks like someone I used to fugg.

They haven't.

I choose to believe they all lezzed out at the end


>*shows off naked body*
>Yeah, this is totally the key... to poetry and stuff




They will appear in Solo, but they will most likely be lesbians and only in the background. They gave too much focus to the human singer.

haha that'd be terrible haha

>that belly butt

>not having a slave gf

shiggity. feminism polarised women and now the ones who reject it are willing to be total slaves for the right men as a rebellion against the status quo. good luck with this info.

Meh. I don't want an actual slavish submissive gf. I want a tough independent woman who likes to role-play as submissive in the sack. Luckily, there seem to be plenty of those as well. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

This, there's a select few that realize that a lot of men are just going to realize that being with some demanding cunt just isn't worth their while and if they want a long term relationship they have to start acting like a woman. The alternative is finding some beta faggot they can boss around but this usually isn't so appealing.

t. Guy who is browsing Sup Forums on the couch while his gf makes lunch


damn i bet it smells like the ocean in there

Because Disney doesn't like money.

iktfb. i was raised by a feminist and im struggling to come up with things to tell my girl to do because i have nothing to compare it with. instead of like my old gfs this one literally begs me for orders and i just start barking shit like clean this cook that suck this do that. and she loves me more for it.

>big tits

Well, there's no actual contradiction between feminism and acting like that toward your gf, as long as everything is consensual. Feminism doesn't mean women aren't allowed to live out their submissive fantasies, it just means they shouldn't be forced to actually be submissive if they don't want to be.

Huh, you know I actually totally forgot about this. So far both Padme and Leia had their hottie moments - next to being impeccably dressed the whole time - but Rey is pretty much impossible to dress up.

i dont care what she wants. the magic of feminism is its whatever you want it to be :D if she wants to be a person who is with a person who doesnt care what she wants, thats feminism. if she wants a person who respects her, thats feminism. its a huge meme and not to be taken seriously by anyone with any coherency.

Do the makers of those figurines even care?

Or just don't see relationships as a competition with a winner and loser from being a child of divorce.

Feminism doesn't mean anything.
That women shouldn't be forced into unwilling acts is a concept far older than feminism and not not dependent on it. It's called Rationalism, or Humanism.

>You have to live exactly how I say. BTW I hate organised religion UGH!

this is the diversity I want

Sure, but true legal equality for women wasn't achieved until about 100 years ago in the West, and still doesn't exist in some parts of the world. The word 'feminism' dates back about 120 years ago, from what I can tell, which makes sense. You can consider feminism a subset of liberalism, or rationalism, or humanism, etc.
4channers have too much of a kneejerk reaction against feminism sometimes, drawing an equivalence between the irrational subset of feminism and feminism as a whole.

It's because self respecting feminist star wars would never approve of something like that, it's Star Wars, not Star Whores.

cause it made men happy

I doesn't matter. Star Wars is fucking dead from here on out. Anyone dumb enough to give a shit about Star Wars at this point is someone so delusional that the person literally would be better off dead.

>irrational subset of feminism and feminism as a whole.
Feminism is an irrational subset of Humanism, Rationalism, Egalitarianism that is to say.
>true legal equality for women wasn't achieved until about 100 years ago in the West
It wasn't for men either. Do you know how fuck Feudal societies work? Do you think spewing shit that emphasizes women as the sole victims makes the nature of the history arbitrarily disappear where men also lacked all the same rights women did in the respective class level of society?

This is why Feminism is an extremist subset of Egalitarianism. Because it ignores facts and it ignores a whole other gender to focus on its own woes, therefore leading to massive confusion, bias, and stupidity.

>point at rewritings and censorship in dictatorships and facist states
>its not the same! we're doing it for the right reasons!!
uh huh sweetie.

>It wasn't for men either. Do you know how fuck Feudal societies work?
Uhh... are you claiming that the West was feudal 100 years ago?

Don't insult bunnyfu

Star Wars has been dead since the fucking 80's

More than half of Europe, and one biggest Empire in the world, were still Monarchies bubba.

The British Empire was already effectively a modern republic by that point, with a figurehead monarch. I mean, it's true that things weren't as liberal as they are today. For example, there was widespread conscription. In any case, "men didn't have equality" doesn't mean that women didn't have a good reason to want equality.

I want to fuck.

Effectively a republic where noble families ruled over a lower class as the "republic" and both men and women of the higher class could shit all over those lower than them regardless of gender. There are no laws that were gender specific, only class specific.
In a society where inequality in rights is class specific, to talk about women as a specific entity is not only intellectual dishonesty, but also the root of why Feminism is by definition regarded as an extremist, shitty, and stupid subset of Egalitarianism.

>There are no laws that were gender specific, only class specific.
Sure there were:

>In a society where inequality in rights is class specific, to talk about women as a specific entity is not only intellectual dishonesty, but also the root of why Feminism is by definition regarded as an extremist, shitty, and stupid subset of Egalitarianism.
Why so hyperbolic? You can criticize some aspects of feminism without going to these ridiculous extremes.
Some feminism is bad and irrational. Not all feminism is bad or irrational.

>dat pale skin
>dat tight body
>dat slight peak behind the loincloth

>King Henry VI of England established in 1432 that only owners of property worth at least forty shillings, a significant sum, were entitled to vote in an English county. The franchise was restricted to males by custom rather than statute.
Congratulations, you just proved my point.
Women of higher class were involved in the voting as well genius.

>Some feminism is bad and irrational. Not all feminism is bad or irrational.
Well good thing we have something that is all good and no bad, like Egalitarianism, as opposed to a cancerous off-shot of bile and piss.

no he wasn't, having a beard to cover your rat chin doesn't mean you are handsome.

>By definition, that's not legal equality.
By definition a Monarchy isn't bound to equality,
while women of a higher class weren't barred by customs because customs don't apply to noble lineage, as a series of Queens can showcase if you haven't missed that giant swathe of British history.

>You're simply incapable of discussing the matter without absurd hyperbole, aren't you?
Discuss what? That Egalitarianism sheds bias while Feminism embraces it to the point of stupidity. All the faults of feminism are gone under Egalitarianism, and since Feminism profits from faults then it is no surprise it detached itself from Egalitarianism as an independent entity.

yeah i bet that's awful haha


The rational aspect of feminism is the part that's just egalitarianism that's applied to women. There's no extra "special to women" stuff, it's just helpful to have a name for egalitarianism in the context of women
As for history, well, a few rich women having political sway and maybe even being able to vote is not the same thing as suffrage for women in general. Men attained broad suffrage earlier than women did in the UK and in any case, it's not a competition. My point is that it made perfect sense why women would want to fight for equality back then - if they hadn't, there's no guarantee they would have gotten it.

fuck kill marry

Does Disney not care about Halloween? They have 0 characters in either franchise that any woman would want to dress as.

>doesn't mean that women didn't have a good reason to want equality
women have never wanted equality lel
they just wanted all the benefits of being male with none of the drawbacks, while retaining all the benefits of being female and getting rid of all its drawbacks

Women in corporate offices? Hell yes we always need more
Women collecting trash and cleaning sewers? No we do't need that

Women allowed into the army, even combat roles? Yas queen slay
Women subjected to conscription? Fuck no

Women allowed to become doctors, firefighters and police officers? Yassss
Women expected to work full time for 30+ years and reach the same standards as men in these jobs? Nooooo

Even as the fucking sufragettes whined about equality for women, they were throwing white feathers at teenage boys and shaming them into getting killed in the mud a thousand miles away, because it was their 'duty as men'.
Feminism was born of hypocrisy and has always been thus.

Don't give a fuck about the brown ones. I would murder my own mother for the pale one

>just egalitarianism that's applied to women. There's no extra "special to women"
Thta's by very definition making it "special to women".
When you apply a singular phenomena to a singular entity without consulting the factors of other entities, then you end up misinterpreting, misinforming, and even whoring for benefits.

Take the latest Uber survey. There's a gender paygap between men and women. You'd call equality laws over it, yet the study of the paygap resulted in showcasing that it is not a result of gender inequality but women choosing shittier routes and a few other factors which contributed to a lower average.
So what now? Give them a bonus for shittier driving to equate to men?
That's what Feminism would postulate.
Egalitarianism would instead postulate to give route mapping lessons to BOTH men and women and accept any unequal averages as a logical conclusion of individual incompetence that can't be avoided among humans.

Feminism politicizes for undeserved benefits, while egalitarianism provides a solution that covers both men and women and maintains realist expectations, rational expectations.

You're conflating irrational feminism with feminism in general.
>Women collecting trash and cleaning sewers? No we do't need that
Only a subset of self-described feminists would say such a thing.
>Women subjected to conscription? Fuck no
Almost all feminists who oppose female conscription also oppose male conscription.
>Women expected to work full time for 30+ years and reach the same standards as men in these jobs? Nooooo
Again, only a subset of self-described feminists would say such a thing.
>Even as the fucking sufragettes whined about equality for women, they were throwing white feathers at teenage boys and shaming them into getting killed in the mud a thousand miles away, because it was their 'duty as men'.
Maybe a few suffragettes acted like that, I see no reason to think that most did.

>having facial hair that makes you more attractive doesn't mean you are attractive

>Thta's by very definition making it "special to women".
If I make up a word "entomology" and use it to describe the particular branch of biology which focuses on insects, it doesn't mean I'm saying there's some way in which entomology differs from biology in general, other than that it's a subset of biology in general.
>...the rest of your post
You're also conflating irrational feminism with feminism in general. Not all feminists believe that the pay gap is caused by oppression.

jesus look at all those faces of oppression

Very literally because it triggered Kathleen Kennedy. She ordered all companies to stop making any merchandise of it or referencing it. You can find interviews of her talking about it.

God Almighty, Lord in Heaven... can you IMAGINE the smell in that room? Mmm...

I pray to the Lord you don't unironically believe this. You need to be prepared for how much more severely awful women's farts smell compared to your own or that of your male friends. Especially when they get their period. Jesus, it smells like death itself.

>can't tell sarcasm on Sup Forums

You need to go back... or lurk moar.

>If I make up a word "entomology" and use it to describe the particular branch of biology which focuses on insects, it doesn't mean I'm saying there's some way in which entomology differs from biology in general, other than that it's a subset of biology in general.
However when you are trying to solve a problem of global biology by using insects as the sole tracer, you are making a fuckup for all the other animals in existence and maybe even making the broader climate worse.

>You're also conflating irrational feminism with feminism in general.
No True Scotsman.
There is no rational or irrational feminism, it's just an empty brand.
Feminism doesn't own copyright to any of the virtues it tries to push.
Eastern Europe did feminism more successfully than you dumbasses in the west mainly because it didn't refer to it as feminism because it turns out that the symbolism behind properly naming things actually fucking matters in the bigger picture of how a movement will progress.
Name yourself in bias and you will go down a routs of bias and irrationality.

Name yourself with a neutral all-encompassing word, like egalitarianism, and you will be reminded to take things relatively and not gender-specifically.
When it comes to complex phenomena such as human society, the best solutions are always the complex and tough solutions that require 10 times more work which is in line with the complexity of society.
All the shitty solutions that make more problems are solutions of shortcuts, like fixating on a single gender.

>not a single black slave Leia.

Based Jabba.

>However when you are trying to solve a problem of global biology by using insects as the sole tracer, you are making a fuckup for all the other animals in existence and maybe even making the broader climate worse.
Again, you're also conflating irrational feminism with feminism in general.
Look, I agree that it would be better if there wasn't the special term 'feminism' and we just talked about egalitarianism. However, the fact that the term 'feminism' exists doesn't mean that the people who describe themselves as 'feminist's are, therefore, not egalitarians. Some are, some aren't.

Sex positive feminism vs sex negative feminism.

Black women universally don't like Star Wars.

imagine the smell


What kind of unwashed slags do you people hang around with?

>pennies for hungry the hungry
Because the dollars were eaten up by the black afro pig over there i presume.
Jesus fucking Christ the retardation of this picture.

Behead those who insult Bunnyfu.

Because girl power and feminism. They think people find it offensive and want to erase it from history like they erased all the racial stereotypes from their Disney cartoons. In reality no one finds it offensive at all besides the most disgusting and insecure females. Men loved buying the merch and women love cosplaying as her.


The redhead is Haydn Porter.

Old hag with shitty teeth. Daisy is much cuter, younger, and has big pearly whites perfect for cummies.

Is there a vid of her fucking a black man?
I hope there is, i need to fap.