Let's discuss this kino

Let's discuss this kino.

Let's also discuss how beautiful Elizabeth Olsen is.

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Her tits are huge and I want her to smother me with them while she only responds when I call her mommy.

good post i agree

I'd wedge my face in her ass crack.

Good kino. Loved it. Nothng special tho.

I feel like the screenwriter was like "hey this would be a kickass last 30 minutes of a movie, oh shit I have to write an hour and a half before it, ok just jot down some bloated inconsequential talky bullshit with snow and maybe a gunfight or two and then we can get to this good shit"

That was a good movie

I really liked it, but how did Elizabeth Olsen survive a shotgun to the chest at point blank. I feel like that would've of killed even though she was wearing a bullet proof vest.

It wouldn't penetrate the vest, but it would result in broken ribs and massive bruising

Oh cool, I didn't know that

Also it doesn't have to penetrate the vest to kill you. Enough trauma can cause internal bleeding. You can survive that but you're not going to get up and walk away easily.

>Oilers killing people and raping
Plot is dumb, desu senpai. I hoped Renner was the killler. Also, can't take these Marvel actors seriously, especially Renner.

Is that supposed to look like a bloody butthole? Even the title "wind river" makes me think of bloody wet farts.

Have you tried getting more fiber in your diet and drinking enough water?

>Oilers killing people and raping
did you even watch the movie?

Renner as the killer would have been some hacky m night shit my dude

I drink plenty of water and it still looks like an anus.


Yeah, that's true

Let's discuss how /k/ this movie actually is

>out in the wilderness where there's bears and wolves and hunters
>not one single officer brings a long gun
I'll forgive the getting blown 10 feet as theatrics though. 5/10

gimme more snowkino NOW

The whole detective aspect of the movie was so underwhelming

>girl dies
>perpetrators happen to be the only people in the area
>the end

>possible murder investigation in some of the harshest wilderness imaginable
>let's send our smallest female agent alone
>yeah she'll be fine without a hat or jacket too

Maybe? The plot did revolve around a girl getting raped and murdered.

Both of these were very clearly explained in the movie multiple times.

The best part is when Renner blasts people with his big boy gun

w-what? no, please. not liz.

she's ugly she looks like the Olsen twins with fetal alcohol syndrome

nah shes way hotter than her sisters


So what were the rapists plan after 5 sherrifs and a federal agent?

>Elizabeth Olsen
Great tits and ass, no complaints here!

people don't rape and murder because they are smart and plan ahead, unless they are the zodiac killer

everywhere he goes he must also rape

>wind river
>no real river to speak of throughout the entire film

what did they mean by this

Zodiac never raped anyone

Are you ppl retarded or did you really not understand his question?

prove it

i was just about to post this. were they going to take out the entire police department, and inevitable FBI team that would eventually visit? did they think they'd get away with it? if so why even shoot her?

we understood and answered pretty clearly, the only retard who can't read here is you. try again

They didn't have one but they weren't going to let themselves be arrested. They knew they fucked up when they were drunk and beat their friend to death.Now it's just hoping they can cover everything up....somehow.

There was wind though. A veritable river of wind.

you sound like a jealous woman

I found it hard to believe those private security guys would pull their guns on cops.

indians call the asshole the wind river and they raped the girl in the ass

This movie is an overrated sham. Overwrought dialogue, a terrible performance from Olsen, weird, inconsistent action, continuity errors out the ass, it goes on and on.

The writer of Sicario directed this, his first attempt as far as I know and it really shows. It’s basically the same plot-naive establishment girl steps into world she does not know and has to be shown the truth by the aged wolf kinda shit. But this film has none of the dreadful atmosphere or tension of Sicario. Just a cheap monologue from Renner, who does do a good job, and a ridiculous shoot out.


If you can convince yourself that you can get away by hiding a corpse in the snow once...

>how beautiful Elizabeth Olsen is
Kelsey > Olsen

>long gun
Eurofags fuck off

What a cute little ass. Does she have indigenous blood? Says on her wiki her father is Chinese.

Spotted the actual eurofag.

I really liked the movie. The script is what makes it good, the direction... meh.
I'm obssesed with Lizzie Olsen, really. I think I may have a mental problem

oh shit that's her

i still prefer liz

It's a fairly standard revenge/"justice" thriller using injuns as a pretense for some sort of social awareness or depth
It's just okay

your first movie after capeshit op?

that cant be official poster

what a terrible design work

>dat spoiler
I don't know what people see in her. Kelsey is cuter

It looks like a bleeding asshole.

Sup Forumss going to hate this, but relying on a magical white man was a bad move. Renner does a good job, but I wish they’d found a native guy to be the lead, if only to see some new talent. Spend more money on a female lead but this is was One place where casting politics stood out to me. Especially because it would have made more sense for the story.

i don't believe you, post proof