'Arrival' Composer Drops Dead


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Just like the longevity of that meme flick

Sorry dude. I hope the sound of infinity is a melody most salubrious.

oh, the composer of THAT soundtrack...

yeah man, what a loss

R U fuk me?
I'm subbed to his youtube channel

The dishonesty of 2049 strikes again

Fuck. He was a legitimately good composer. He died before his time.


>cause of death was not immediately known.
Zimmer's horn kills again.

He died by being replaced with Zimmer and Wallfisch for BR2049
But really that's a bit sad, the atmospheric soundtrack for Sicario was absolutely perfect, godspeed dear kino prince composer

Holy fuck, right in the prime of his career
Press F to pay respect, boys

>tfw Johann is dead, soon John Williams will be too.

What did he die of? Why are they keeping the cause a secret?

Jóhannsson is death process

Have some respect, cunts

john williams is a faggot




>first Kamen
>then Goldsmith
>then Bernstein
>then Barry
>and Williams just turned 86

Came here to post this or to react to this :(

He ate two Fentanyl patches

Killed by Hans Zimmer


overdose or suicide

not before Ennio Morricone


It's part of the ongoing Patton Oswalt investigation


good, that film was trash

the soundtrack wasn't

So the rumors that he was unstable and was fired from Blade Runner were true. Dude holed imself up regularily in his Berlin shithole apartment (seriously, it's basically THE ghetto part of Berlin),

>inb4 every part is

and didn't answer the phone. Rumors have it that Villeneuve got tired of his shit after putting up with him for Sicario and Arrival.

Where'd those rumors come from? I'd figured that he was let go from Blade Runner because the studio wanted a bigger name for the music.

Some TMZ tier "rumors" you have there.
Villeneuve says nothing but praise about him, basically sucks his cock in any interview he can. Their ideas for Blade Runner just weren't on the same page so Villeneuve hired Wallfisch and Zimmer, but he said immediately that he will most probably work with Johannsson again, if Johannsson wants to ofcourse.

Usually the music is written quite speedily. Forget about all those fluff pieces about directors working closely with the composer and trying to capture "the essence" and "the mood". Most composers can shit out a soundtrack like it's nothing and usually have something on the backburner in case they need to fill in (see Danny Elfman for Justice League).

Johannson had nothing and delivered nothing, he suffered from a massive deperession and coasted through the last three movies on his backlog. When the reality set it that he had to score Blade Runner and had to do it quickly he stopped taking calls and didn't answer the door. The studio put pressure on the production company and had Villeneuve put additional pressure on Johanson as Villeneuve vouched for him as they were pretty close friends.

Him being axed from Blade Runner probably was a big relief for Johanson and then swung back into another massive depression

Source: I worked on it.

hi hans

beautifully put user, thanks

His non-soundtrack work was great too


Man, that’s a damn shame. Feel bad for his family. Death is never “timely,” but when it comes early it’s even more of a shock.

he was dropped from mother! too


Yeah, RIP.

Im honestly really sad about this, he did some actually innovative, atmospheric scores. Now we're left with boring Zimmer impersonators.


I don't normally care about composers but this guy made some pure kino soundtracks in some great movies. RIP your soundtracks will be missed, we probably gonna miss out on a lot of great soundtracks that he was going to do.

Another Clinton voting nu male soyboy dead
Who cares

He was a republican actually.

As opposed to a Trump voting nu male soyboy?


Arrival was brilliant.


I really liked the Sicario soundtrack.

That's sad, because I know exactly how he felt...I hope he's in a good place now.

Fuck off, dumbfucks.


Must be why he left Blade Runner so suddenly. Tough loss.

fuck, he was at the start of an awesome career. RIP Johann.

hes not in a good or bad place, hes just dead

*tips fedora

seems like a good place to me

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

figure of speech you fuck

A heart attack brought on by a clip of 9mm rounds, such a tragedy.

Fuck. I really liked Sicario's soundtrack.

I guess so is your empathy.

his music is unlistenable outside of the movies they are in

Jesus Christ



You fucking faggots don't even know. He was a brilliant artist, it's a terrible fucking loss that film as an artform has suffered today.

Really sad.

this, but unironically


why would you post this to Sup Forums, there are more film score anons on Sup Forums

can we talk about how hans zimmer and his students blow away all other composers? the last good score was geostorm by protege lorne balfe

being dead is good though

shit, Sicario's score was genuinely great

I've been a follower of his since I saw on an article citing Karlheinz Stockhausen, Neu! and Suicide (the band) as his main influences. RIP.

He was pretty good

OD'd on soy?

go ahead and waste your time worshiping useless idols you sad delusional cunts