
Has a show ever gone off the rails so quickly and hard? The first season and a half were pretty fun teen fare with a murder mystery, now every plot is the most absurd soap opera shit
>Archie is an informant for the fbi
>Betty has a secret brother that has never been seen until now and ends up having to cover up a murder because of him
>Veronica becomes heavily involved in organized crime and is enjoying it
>Jughead is exposing systematic government corruption for the school newspaper
>Cheryl's mom is now a hooker for no reason

>Not enjoying the Gingerfellas saga

Maybe I could accept that by itself, but secret brother is the kind of shit you'd see in a fake parody soap opera

its clear the show doesn't have a direction or plan its going in, so it's using the "everything but kitchen sink" approach

unless they decide on a clear plot, quickly, the show's momentum will grind to a halt

Seriously it’s been getting worse every episode since the winter break

This. At least they had a major storyline in season 1. Maybe they should have extended the Jason’s murder plot to the second season?

With the last episode and the murder they jumped the shark HARD, i might drop this shit

I kinda dropped it already, I skim through the episodes when I can but I’m not as invested as I used to be. I’m only watching it for the Archie scenes basically.

i started watching this the other day because it's talked about here pretty often. i thought there would be something unique about it at least. Instead it's cliche-ridden and super campy, and the story mainly progresses through characters being utter morons (already got caught once being intimate with your teacher in the middle of the day? Make sure to fuck her in the classroom the very next day, really being careful there) Not to mention the hamfisted feminist pandering nonsense in that episode where they find the jocks keeping that scrapbook (attractive, rich white girl living in america unironically calling others privileged was laughable)

so when does it get good, if ever?

They jettison the whole Grundy plot like four episodes in, it gets much better then.

i was surprised at how quickly that was resolved. guess the writers rightly came to the conclusion they couldn't do much with it and it was already shit

Sounds like your average soap opera desu

It's meant to be cliche and campy

>took something innocent and made it ebin mature and edgy

wow genius

Let’s be real, the first four episodes are garbage, but it gets significantly better after that. Sadly, it drops quality siginificant after episode 9/10 of the second season.

>Archie is an informant for the fbi
I really hope last episode's ending was the truth and not some shitty lie and this storyline is finally over

Maybe it gets better after this MONTH LONG break

I guess they want to kill the show

I just want a comfy slice of life show, almost like the comics but without the campiness

I like this show because it's so bad I can't watch it sober, really speeds things up

sounds like typical CW shit where every side character needs to have their own drama

I really like this show. But I do have to agree. It feels like too much shit started happening, I remember watching one episode, I think it was like episode 9 or something when I visibly noticed how many plotlines relating to really serious shit are going on at once.

I’ve never really watched teen drama shows so I wouldn’t know but are they usually like Riverdale? It has like the most ridiculous and outlandish plots and people doing the most degenerate things while everybody act like it’s perfectly normal to do these things.

I think it's more they were getting complaints about how the were handling what was essentially a rape plotline.

yeah the show is trash.
The first few episodes were corny but tolerable, but once the hot teacher left (6 eps in) I lost interest.

The comics are no longer campy, they got a reboot a few years ago.

Why are these Mexicans part of the Italian mob?

>Veronica is pawn in her father's crime empire
>Archie is basically the same as of episode 13
>Jughead is a gang member
>Betty is covering up murders

Is this exotic flower the only good person left in Riverdale? She did some bad things in the past, but genuinly seems to try to help others now
>that sincere concern for Betty in the last episode

you have a wrong spoiler. the fbi man is a fake hired by the Lodges to test archie's loyalty

Why is Hiram Lodge so based?

But they’re still slice of life I imagine? Better than Riverdale

Do Betty and Veronica hook up yet?

And that's disregarding the fact she clearly had the hardest life out of all characters

>always play second fiddle to her brother, who is groomed to become the heir of the family fortune, while you are just a trophy wife to be sold to some rich, old pervert for political gains
>still love brother nevertheless
>despite your love for him, accept his decision to leave the town with the girl he loves
>try to help him, he dies in mysterious circumstances
>later find out your own father murdered him
>your father commits suicide, your empire falls, be left with pretty much nothing
>your mother becomes a whore, more for shit and giggles than any actual monetary gain
>you are almost raped
>everyone at school hates you
>your mother hates you
>the rest of your extended family is looking for ways to stab you in the back
>the guy you liked rejects you
>get intimidated into making false testimony
>your late brother's children, the only thing you looked forward to, are kept away from you

>your father commits suicide, your empire falls, be left with pretty much nothing
Why didn't she take over with her mother?

This show is a tumblrite/generation Z wet dream. First season was something for Archie fans, season 2 is for the younger demographic. CW has very predictable writers.
