Can she become a serious actress?
Can she become a serious actress?
Why doesn't she start doing porn? She's pretty much already there.
No pedo but watching her grow up has been painful
Where the fuck are her parents
ABSOLUTE trash. So yes
shes fucking revolting and looks like a tranny. So I guess it's no surprise that this board finds her attractive.
I bet she cries herself to sleep every night and is suicidal. I feel bad for her.
this desu
who is this, the one that got fucked by daddy?
serious pornographic actress yes
she's on the lindsay lohan express train
gonna be fun to watch
Jesus Christ, this is legitimately sad...
made for black cock
She's gonna burn out and maybe OD before she's 30, sad stuff, something really fucked her up.
In denial?!
3 niggers on her
As soon as she does porn I don't care anymore
No doubt in my mind she was molested a lot growing up. No one becomes this much of a trainwreck for no reason. Very sad.
Yes she can become a serious (porn) actress.
Who is this person anyway?
Isn't this Elon Musk's gf?
I would still fuck the shit out of that body
Disney is a hell of a drug
She already admitted she was molested during the whole #MeToo campaign.
Her dad died when she was very young. She's raised entirely by a family of females.
>born in 1997
I kept seeing her posted here but this is my first time looking into it. I thought she was my age or older because she looks so coked out, but no she's 5 years younger.
This is your fantasy, nobody here thinks she is particular attractive. She was just a cute kid turned into a giant disgusting slut. It's basically proof what a feminist society does to women.
>go from okay to meltdown in the span of 2-3 years
young celebs not even once
Damn, that's an intense thousand cock stare if I've ever seen one.
I give her another 5 years before the drugs make her so haggard not even layers of makeup can hide it or she straight up ODs so hopefully she gets a sex tape out before then
I dont care what everyone says, she gets me rock hard and I'd love to have anal sex with her.
This girl is Courtney Love 2.0 waiting to happen.
>thousand cock stare
Can't believe I've never heard this before lmao
My man
I can. They do don't use it much on reddit. Go back there lamo
She has become such a whore, I know what her last step for the "no return" zone is: Getting blacked.
Such a waste
She's one of the most extreme butterfaces I've ever seen.
Absolutely perfect body, gross tranny face.
She's acting the same way McKayla Maroney acted after her rape I wonder what's going on with her
>clevage make-up
truly crack-whore tier
shes rich as fuck and has a boyfriend who is probably rich too. I think he is a DJ or something. Shes fine. And you are the pathetic one
my dudes, this is a behind the scenes vid from BLA***D
naomi woods btw
get your facts straight!
Porn doesn’t pay well.
>bellatap killed himself for this turboslut
Jesus Christ she's revolting.
The truth is most cute kids grow up to be douchebags
The non-Miley Cyrus girl probably turned out ok, every actor/actress smokes. Kid on the right seems to be doing alright as well if that's the worst pic they could find of him.
>every actor/actress smokes
>killed himself
But smoking is a bad habit for your skin and every actor wants to be forever young
absolutely patrician
I am retaining control over my sexuality REEEEE
>things soys care about.
When is she going to spread her legs for us?
That doesn't mean anything.
You know, historically acting was not considered to be a moral profession. I can see why.
why does she makes an effort to look like a trannie whore?
What do you think she looks like with zero makeup on? Probably pretty scary too bee awnest
>moral profession
Just when I think I've read the dumbest shit,
It doesn't matter if you're a high profile celebrity or a mop monkey wageslave, you're contributing to the pile of jew gold that ensures Satan' legacy.
>I know what her last step for the "no return" zone is: Getting blacked.
First things first, checked
2nd Why didnt you save her
Why not just kill yourself then
Her face is so fucked, she looks like a doll
Why should I kill myself? I was just pointing out why your beliefs are fucking retarded Sup Forums nigger.
Go read you bible.
Oh shit, is she the girl that was interviewed on a morning talk show and mentions her dad's death when they ask about her family?
She was a qt before she became a Hollywood skank.
The way you wrote your post made me think you were saying all professions contribute to piles of jew gold
Lip injections and pointless nose jobs will do that.
Shes the type of slut i wanna fuck in the ass, then piss on her and then shot heroin with.
A once in a lifetime experience.
Honestly this is very very sad. I don't even want to meme about it. I'm just hoping she'll somehow get better, even though I don't really believe it.
why isn't presenting your child to hollywood's psychic vampire executives considered a form of abuse?
Bella makes my dick diamonds
Didn't Miley unJUST herself though?
she was such a cute loli in that shitty show years ago
doesn't even seem like long ago
what a degenerate whore
the west must burn and be rebuilt
She really should work as an high-class prostitue.
They do, unless you're a farmer or something who lives off the grid.
And what would you fags know about a moral profession? You're always the homos who cheer when slimy real estate cucks throw people out of their homes and move factories and such out to venezuela to save a couple of pennies.
Moral profession jesus christ.
>It's basically proof what a feminist society does to women.
It really isn't. But nice try.
Why are you posting like you're from Sup Forums, quoting exact talking points from there, yet calling others Sup Forumsniggers
She most likely already does fuck Arabian oil sheikhs for money.
Post lewd Bella.
>complaing about outsourcing jobs makes you a MAGA faggot
Way out yourself redditard.
How can a boyfriend be okay with his girlfriend doing stuff like this?
She was always been sexual even as a kid. I remember having to deliver a script update to her in her trailer, door was unlocked but I knocked and she told me to come in. Usually she had a relative or an assistant with her but not at that moment. She was soaking wet, half dressed but was wearing a towel as a cape and was sitting on bean bag which looked comically huge because of her. I gave her the update, told her some stuff and as she poured over the script nodding, casually let the towel down. Now this would have been fine had she stopped there because she was wearing a black shirt but the damn kid folded her right leg to prop her chin on her knee then swung her left leg open. I don't think I need to tell you guys what I saw. She glanced at me for a moment to see if I was looking probably then went back to reading the script. Told her I had to go and her reply was "If you have to." Needless to say, I never went back there without a woman along, often just grabbing whomever I could find at a moments notice. I never told this shit to any of the guys I worked with either as I was afraid some of them would dare initiate something. I really hope she got through unscathed in Hollywood but with that attitude, I seriously doubt it.
Oh, she was 12 btw.
I mean when you're complaining about cucks, Jews and satan I think it would be natural to think you're from Sup Forums
damn, trannies are becoming more and more convincing.
Why? Has nu-male syndrome really become this entrenched in society? Let me tell you (whatever it is you people like to be called, I know "guys" is no longer acceptable) about how women work. You take any woman, and I mean ANY, and show them attention, and they become whores. That's just how it is. Always has been, always will be. That's how women work. It's literally, the only predictable female behavior.
Who is this semen demon?
She'd be a good actress for porn.
why is she so trashy?
the average porn star is a lot classier than her
you can be a huge slut without looking so cheap
Jealous much?
Requesting Bella in high heels
>Actually my dad died last year
>move factories and such out to venezuela to save a couple of pennie
That would be a very dump thing to do because there is an embargo on venezuela
How would you know this if you weren't Sup Forums yourself? Really snuggles my peanuts.