Annihilation (2018)

>Alex Garland's sci-fi horror deemed 'masterpiece' by critics
>Just saw #Annihilation, and damn, it’s gorgeous. Beautifully done, riveting and smart. Going to need to process this one for a while, and I want to see it again!
>Alex Garland has crafted a thrilling, beautiful and scary sci-fi.
>This is the type of sci-if we always say we want to see. Bold, challenging, singular, visually dazzling. Would not be the least bit surprised to see it hailed as a masterpiece (and it might actually be one).
>#Annihilation is big budget Alex Garland with all the head-spinning intelligence of "Ex Machina." It's violent and patient and then suddenly so transfixing you're pinned to your seat.
>Make no mistake, #Annihilation is a new sci-fi classic. Brilliant, thrilling, and provocative, it has as much metaphoric depth as it does narrative tension. I’m floored.
>Alex Garland’s #Annihilation is another example of the kind of brainy sci-fi we don’t see enough of.

>There were real concerns about how the film would be received. There were concerns that the film was “too intellectual” and “too complicated” and the idea of making changes in order to increase the film’s appeal according to The Hollywood Reporter. The studio ended up making a distribution deal with Netflix, who will now handle its international release.

Looks like Garland is the real deal, boys. Ex Machina and now this. What will the man do this? Could he be the chosen one to tackle Lovecraftian/cosmic horror?

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book is overrated

>What will the man do this?
What will the man do next?*
Garland said he diverges heavily from the book. He's doing an AMA over on /r/movies today.

looks dishonest

Might be cool but is it as good as black panther ?

Coogler is actually a decent director so maybe Black Panther won't be garbage.

>sci-fi movie
>with aliens

The book is generally considered interesting but extremely mediocre in execution, it's hardly overrated. The movie is getting interest more because it seemed like the director was trying to make a competent sci-fi horror movie, which hasn't been done for a very long time.

pleb response 2bh

Never read the book and trying to avoid spoilers but I'm looking forward to it. I'll take any big budget scifi that isnt Disney right now