For how much long we will have to deal with nu-star wars apologists trying to justify their shit taste?

For how much long we will have to deal with nu-star wars apologists trying to justify their shit taste?

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There are many more reviewers who see it for what it is.

Until you stop watching them.

People who try to act cynical and elitest usually have shit taste themselves. YMS and IHE are perfect examples.

YMS is a fur faggot who can't have an opinion of his own so he gives anything mainstream a 7 out of 10 and says the same shit every time, regardless of quality.

IHE is a fucking faggot pretending to be edgy and apologetic... while doing everything he can not to offend anything. The cuck took 10 minutes apologizing and whingeing about women before reviewing a female director anthology.

Fuck them both


Only until Solo drops. Once they have a white male lead to attack reviewers will be freed from ideological constraints.

>implying TLK wasn't pure kino
honestly kid

>the last kike

Of all of the IHE shitty opinions I think the worst of them is denying that Rey is a mary sue

Until they get bored with the franchise and go back to Marvel studios/Disney live-action remakes of cartoons.

Which won’t be long since these shitty movies are making less and less money.

Well, we're still dealing with prequel apologists, so possibly it's going to be for quite a while...

>Rey for pay Daisy Ridley

absolute kek

Attack is the Clones is unironically better than The Last Jedi.

this but unironically

Until they grow up

Probably (I haven't seen TLJ because TFA sucked so bad), but that's not saying much.

I remember his responding to comments video in which he took a 5 second pause before reading "shit" out loud

Based on IHE's videos, he lives in or near a town called Bath in the UK. Considering its a hub for social science students with poor taste, it didn't suprize me this faggot lived there.

I dont getnit. Instead of complaining about this britcuck why not we all kill him and liquefy the body in acid?

The reason we have prequel apologists is because it was insanely popular with kids and now the kids that saw TPM are adults now. TLJ isn't popular with kids though, everyone is going to forget about it quickly.