Be Dunston

>Be Dunston
>Check in

Other urls found in this thread:

Great job Dunston keep up the good work!!

>Be everyone ITT
>Check em

Is this movie actually worth watching in a 'so bad it's good' context?


good if you're looking for a long fap sesh

Woah, Dunston looks like THAT?

based dunston


Simply astonishing, but try these digits on for size

unironically a childhood favourite; remember sitting up in the dark when me and the family went to spain at 10pm just watching this with all my family and everything being perfect

What are some essential monkey kinos?

Is it kino?

Very impressive

Why can't this just be a thread about a stupid monkey?

>monkey kinos
'Monkino', if you will.


Fucking nice


Dubs and Dunston fucking dies and so will you if you don't reply to this post LOL

He's probably dead anyway, he's a fucking monkey and the movie is old.

I hate you guys.

It's a solid kid flick that i could see some adults enjoying. It's a kid movie but the humor in it is pretty universal. I loved this movie as a kid and recently rewatched it. Great little flick i would recommedn this and also "monkey trouble" if you want to watch cute monkey movies.

>be problem child

"Any which way you can" and the sequel "any which way but loose" for the prime orangatan film experience.

Any which way you can. Watch it and try not to think about how Clyde the orangutan was abused horribly between takes.

someone post the webm of the monkey watching the human woman shower then him locking the bathroom door with them both inside

>be me
>get dubs

top ape kino of all time


That webm is from the movie "any which way you can" i think.


too bad the direct-to-video sequel went in a weird direction.

>be baby
>have day out

cucked by fate

>drool on burglars

no but check em

> be white
> check out

Black Panther


Junior was a national treasure.

Obama's Inauguration.

lil monkey fella

laughed obnoxiously loudly at this post

it's from Llink (1986). Starring Elizabeth Shue




Fucking loved this movie as a kid

This. Dunston will eternally be /ourguy/

yes it has jason alexander



>Be Star Wars movie
>"I've got a bad feeling about this..."

It's always some white guy that gets triggered by blacks because Tyrone kicked his ass in school.

>mfw posted it as joke to ruffle some feathers

le epic dubs, check my reddit kino

I'm more ruffled that you're shitting on a hood kino movie.


Black Panther looks good


Superior ape movie is Monkey Trouble
if you watch it, google up "American Beauty" later, the actress in Monkey Trouble takes her very-different-size pale titties out in american beauty

amy good gorilla