Good Non PC bullshit TV series?

Seriously i have had it with good tv series getting the political propaganda and race baiting/mixing poison or full of faggots like that Stranger Things series...

What are some good watchable non politized tv series we may have missed?
Thanks for taking the time to answer by the way..

Tits for attention.


Banshee. It's soyboy repellent.

The wire.

Soyboy repellent? Well shit im checking it out! Thanks!

The Mist

I really thought I was the only one on Sup Forums that still remembers banshee.

you almost got me, faggot.

gtfo troll! I mean really? Did you even watch the first episode?

Any show by Jerry Bruckheimer

>didn't watch the show

Just watch The Sopranos, nothing PC about that

almost anything pre 2000s.

they make fun of gays, women, handicapped people, minorities, nerds, jews, transgenders, old people, young people.

it really was a different time.

>ugh just look at these misandric toxic males: the show

how things have changed

fucking lmao

Yeah sure it was retard. Stupid underage faggot.

just watch al bundy (and the rest of the cast) slutshame his daughter 24/7 on married with children. shit doesnt fly anymore these days.

dont you have a dick to be sucking?

Tell me this is a trap, PLEASE

I really want to watch Black Mirror but I heard its extremely political and biased. Is this true for the entire series or are there some episodes or season that aren't lefty propaganda?

House M.D. comes to mind.

The Wire
Boardwalk Empire

In the same vein, Strike-Back is also a testosterone filled show
You can skip the first season if you want. It's a decent watch but it's almost an entirely different show compared to the following seaaons


this is so great.

of course top my head umm true detective



The Tudors, Vikings, Sparticus

It's modern british television. take a wild guess?

Preacher? You can talk shit about how they changed tulip to a black chick but she aint a hood rat so theres that.


Banshee is one of my all time favorite shows. Fuckin love it

She looks like she fucks black guys

It's always sunny

Don't watch the latest season though

The greatest sitcom of all time. Nothing has ever come close

the narrator on this show says things that would get him arrested today. it's great

The Brady Bunch
The Waltons

>suddenly noone has beards anymore and look like numales like Ivar. All get cucked by woman and lagartha is the saint of the show that can't do anything wrong. Oh and the writing is atrocious this season.

None of you younguns realize how much society has changed in the past 15ish years. It's nothing but rampant faggotry now.

These guys know.