>Atheist character tries to use religious scripture to make a point
Atheist character tries to use religious scripture to make a point
Other urls found in this thread:
>Atheist person tries to use religious scripture to make a point irl
>athiest character gets triggered and spergs the fuck out because someone said "God bless you"
The Bible is a very important book and full of wise philosophy. It's stupid to actually worship the characters described in it though.
Atheist gets buttblasted you don’t call Christmas break the Holiday break
>Happy holidays
>Atheist character
Believer gets buttblasted you call Christmas Xmas
>religious character worships a dead kike on a stick
>athiest doesn't realize Xmas is a perfectly acceptable Christian way to abbreviate Christmas
The fedoracucks have entered the thread, I see.
>Atheist edgelord doesn't know X is a Greek abbreviation for Christ
>Muslim character explains that drawing Muhammad is sacrilegious because it might invoke worship of him, but naming your children after him is totally fine
>Believer doesn't realize Xmas is a perfectly acceptable Christian way to abbreviate Christmas
>blames it on PC culture
>implying that religious texts don't have fundamentally underpin modern society, culture and morality irrespective of the existence of God
>worshiping your children
>quoting Ben Shapiro verbaitem
You sound like you've never had an original thought in your life
Why do you worship rabbi Yeshua?
I don't you retarded fedoracuck.
I don't even know who that is.
>character doesn't believe in God so he gets hit by a car and dies
Then why are you so triggered when someone mentions worshiping the dead kike on a stick?
Isn't that the name of OJ's lawyer? I didn't watch the entire season but Travolta was fun.
>fucking your children
>character believes in god
>dies a horrible death
Hahahahahaha so much for worshipping
>letting other people fuck your children
Top cuck
Religious character gather around him on the ground and have an entire conversation finally converting him right before he dies, not once calling an ambulance
>characters are defined by whether or not their parents made them go to church when they were children
This never happens in a kino. Stop watching garbage.
>character starts believing in God only because the other side doesn't believe in God
>Jewish character uses Christmas to profit off Christians
No that's a different Shapiro. Ben Shapiro is a lawyer/political analyst with a podcast and a news site called The Daily Wire
>Not fucking your kids
by kid I mean the word for young goat
>Character is an atheist because he doesn't like the idea of being judged in the afterlife for watching MLP and child porn
>Claims atheists have more value for life because they only have the one
>Wastes his life on Sup Forums watching hentai
>Atheist doesn't believe in God, but spends his life talking about God with other non-believers
>Christian character
>is shown as intelligent
>not spelling it Christ Mass
>Character believes in God
>Dies a temporary horrible death
>Spends the rest of eternity in paradise getting fucked by his earthly waifus
Atheists will never know such joy.
>character believes in the afterlife
>doesn't kill himself now
>Atheists are depicted as irrational and angry individuals
>Christians are calm, collected, intelligent, and charismatic
t. brainlet atheist who didn't realize his ribs were crushed and his lungs were filling with blood.
Do you know Jesus?
This is something Christians get mad about. Why would an atheist care
What are you even talking about you mentally retarded fuckwit?
yfw you believe in afterlife with no evidence cus
A dead kike on a stick, I even keep repeating it to let you know.
>has to live for eternity, with no rest and after some time, a incredibly boring life
>Atheist just dies, losing his cousciousness and resting forever
It's almost as if heaven... Were hell
>Character doesn't believe in the afterlife
>"All life is meaningless" he says
>"We're all doomed to oblivion" he says
>Is totally convinced there's nothing after death
>Doesn't commit suicide because he's scared he could be wrong
quite euphoric my friend
>religious character implies the threat of burning in fire for eternity is the only thing keeping their group from murdering and stealing
>white character
>follows a Semitic religion
>Atheist is so closed-minded and lacking in imagination he believes living in heaven is identical to living on earth
Bet you think you have to work and pay bills in heaven too.
>yfw you don't believe in afterlife with no evidence cus
there's no evidence for or against an afterlife. People who have died and come back to life only know what their brains made up.
If there is an afterlife, there's no reason to suggest that it's even in the same universe or dimension or whatever we're in
>thread is OP samefagging
>thread isn't OP samefagging
>25 posters
welcome to Sup Forums
>character things that being a hard determinist means that spirituality and morality are pointless, without realizing the contradiction
>Atheists have to steal the concept of morality from religion because they have to reason to be good without it
>Tries to appeal to nature, not realizing nature doesn't give a fuck about morality
That's a pretty high samefagging ratio
>character things
>american atheist character still ritually circumcises his sons
>Believer doens't realize a perfect life on heaven is boring and probably will drive you insane after the first million years
Yeah, no, that would make heaven cooler
Hard Determinsts do believe that spirituality and morality are pointless in real life, it's just that they don't care
>t. Hard Determinist
Sorry, meant for #
>British "Christian" splits from true church because his king ate too much soy to conceive a boy
>chiristian mindless fucktard uses bible verses to prove the bible is right
its like you want to be made fun of
Hi Sup Forums
>Believes time exists in heaven
>Believes there ever be a point where you'd get bored of doing anything
>Believes God wouldn't know you're not enjoying yourself and do something about it
>ego and narcissism isn't worship
>there's no evidence for or against an afterlife
a weak argument. there's no evidence against a multitude of fantasy creatures and yet no one believes they exist
>Atheist thinks he's about to die
>Prays to a higher power
>"Did you just pray?"
>"N-no, baka!"
Lol, every time.
>lack of evidence is a weak argument
You sound like an occultist
Not believing in fictional creatures isn't the same as proving they don't exist.
>he still has the need to debate other peoples beliefs
lack of evidence AGAINST some claim isn't a valid argument for that claim
>character sees through the deceit of religion but recognizes the existence of a higher order to all creation and the inner power of mind and spirit
truly the most kino archetype
>Believes God would do something about anything despite the fact that Bible is not even implying he behaves this way
>Xmas is a common abbreviation of the word Christmas. ... The "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, which in English is "Christ". The "-mas" part is from the Latin-derived Old English word for Mass.
the absolute state of athiests lmao
>character considers muslims socially and culturally backwards
>he's a conservative christian
>character loves muslims
>blames christians for muslim honor killing, throwing gays off buildings, suicide attacks, and terrorism
Literally the only people I've ever seen care about spelling it "Xmas" were Christians.
I had a teacher in high school who would flip her shit if you spelled it "Xmas" instead of Christmas, or if you wrote "god" without capitalizing it as God, even if you weren't talking about Jehova/Jesus.
>Muslim villain is a misunderstood victim of circumstance
>Christian villain is 100% at fault for his actions
What did Hollywood mean by this?
That's because they're talking about in practice, not in scripture. Yeah the Bible contains some shit just as wacky and fucked up as the Koran, but you won't find a Christian today doing that shit. While you won't find a group of Christians stoning a guy to death because they saw him mowing his lawn on Sunday, you'll most definitely find Muslims stoning a woman to death because she spoke to a man who wasn't her husband/blood relative.
How can one post be so patrician ?