Crushing hard

never am attracted to actresses (never stick your dick in crazy, et al), not sure why this mick is doing it for me

Probably cause she looks like a dude

Rejoice! You have been chosen. Now we go to a better place...
It would also have been nice if she was 2017 WOTY, maybe next year.



have a thicc seahorsey

probably cuz the bitch looks like she should star exclusively in christian films

No. It's impossible!

Look at her nose.

look nothing like. you're retardedly autistic

this thread needs more pics

literally the only difference is the youngest whore has a more niggerish nose
when she inevitably gets it fixed they will be 1:1


may I take the freedom to say: SHE HIT THE WALL


Irish people tend to have noses like hers.

kathleen kennedy has never been attractive.
fuck off.

she's still attractive, but unfortunately she peaked when she was like 15 yo

what on earth is wrong with her nose?

So comfy. Full disclosure I have a thing for English/ Irish chicks.

probably because she's like pretty and young.


i never implied she was


How's her foot game?

they never looked anything alike, how goddamn autistic are you?

they look 99% the same


lmao, man-looking slut with no tits

Still wouldn't fuck you, though.

her face is ridiculously attractive tho

>niggerish nose

non-white detected. Nigger noses are flat and wide. You're either a nigger or a chink, and i'm inclined to believe the latter.

she would beg me on her knees, but i'm way above her in terms of leagues


looking thicc