Is athletic, popular and charismatic

>is athletic, popular and charismatic
>but is also genuinely brave, considerate and humble
Is Steve a Mary Sue?

I don't think the term applies to characters with actual arcs.


>Doesn't know there's a male version of "Mary Sue"

He's a parody character

Like "what if the villain from every 80s teen movie wasn't a remorseless psycho"

steve/hopper spin-off when?

Is it just me or does this guy not remotely look like a chad?If they cast him as a nerdy accomplice of Jonathan, I don’t think he’d look out of place at all.

Steve literally got cucked

People like this actually exist, buddy. You're not a better person just because you're a loser.

Keep in mind that this show is set in a year when this was literally the coolest guy in the entire world

He still is user

>You're not a better person just because you're a loser
Words of wisdom.

Even the Chad they added in season 2 doesn't look like a Chad. He's a small twink who just happens to have a mullet and pubes on his face

>the year show is set

oh fuck off

daily reminder that steve was /ourguy/

who cares
the show fucking sucks

Confirmed for brainlet

literally me except for popular

S3 will introduce the supreme Chad, Chad Johnson.

Steve is honestly too good for the show he's in.

same. I think he's ugly tbqh.

I sure hope that the actor never goes bald. His hair is easily his best feature

>Gets his ass handed to him by a skinny photography student and a metrosexual despite being able to face down and duel inter-dimensional monsters
>Old friends all hate him because he is too nice
>New friends still don't like him because he is still a Chad
>Loses his girl to the skinny photography student that beat him up even though she knows he was stalking her for the better part of a year
>Risks his life constantly for his new friends and the only one that seems to acknowledge him is a chubby racially ambiguous boy with a bone disorder
>Can't get into college and most likely will be dead or end up running his dad's hardware store when the shenanigans finally stop

Yeah this guy sounds like he's living the dream.

Chad is a way of carrying oneself, you guys are just plebs. Sherlock Holmes was a chad too

No he's not, thats just 80s styling