Other urls found in this thread:
amazing pls continue
the first two pics are reddit tier cancer but once you start going it gets interesting.
but you could drop the whole "myth" theme and the point of going through history in film would still stnad because everyone knows movies are a fictional medium anyway, so its kinda redundant.
pretty nice stuff here
Is there an underlying truth to be made explicit?
Eagerly awaiting WWII choices.
Maybe add Chinatown to the 1930's era as meta commentary on hollywood's genesis and the sweeping away of the old world (of farmers) for the new world of suburbia or whatever. Either this is probably one of the best threads on this board ever full stop. well done user
I love it
or you could, you know, just read a book
Try George MacDonald Fraser's Hollywood history of the world for a more in depth discussion about the relationship between good history and good cinema
welp captcha is doing the fucking disappearing images thing now so heres the original thread
14 more images left btw
Someone did something similar to this in making a film out of many films to create a history of humanity: youtube.com
Haven't seen it yet though, I might try do so something similar myself when I get a bigger hard drive.
If you dont mind me asking, what is the reasoning behind both AVP movies being here?
finish posting the images
are these new versions of the images or the same ones from that thread?
same ones
Great job Nerdwriter.
I'm just glad I'm not autistic.
I was gonna write something then realized I already did it so I'm just gonna copypaste my own post
I'm not gonna read this but this is largely true, the title at least.
we don't know how the past looked. we can only assume. the past that is depicted on film is not accurate. it's filled with anachronisms. And I'm not talking about the look ("this thing did not exist back then"). They psychological aspect, how people behave, how people talk etc Every movie is like this. So yeah, human history depicted as myth in film is an accurate statement.
>make a compilation of human history on film
>start with LotR
top kek, stopped reading there
>human history
>mostly just US history
are you illterate?
>watching all of these mediocre films when you could simply watch David Wark Griffith's "Intolerance" (1916), an intellectually and aesthetically superior work
>a good myth symbolizing early stages of humanity
Except for all those advanced societies in LotR based on our own society.
i sort of get the idea the guy was going for. trying to illustrate shared common themes that echo throughout time.
could of been better executed imo tho
hence why its pre-deluge. Are you retarded?
thats not as fun as serializing human experiance into a drama play
The idea of a myth of mankind that starts with "a long long time ago we were more advanced than now" is Ancient Aliens tier.
>Pompeii with Jon Snow is on the list
>Apocalypto isn't
get outta here griffithnigger
hence myth dipshit
again, are you illetare? do you not know what that means? Its fiction you numbnuts. Ancient Aliens is dumb because they are proposing that as fact. From the get go, this is proposed as myth--and it does fit with the classic biblical tale of us haivng these great cities before God flooded the world and all that was left was Noah and his tribe of jews.
Someone explain what OP is trying to do, I'm genuinely confused.
I still don't understand, most of these have nothing to do with each other.
>dude, it's just a myth therefore it can't be stupid
this fan fiction created from a loosely tied compilation of films is as good as the greek myths
Hey OP, just wanted to let you know you're retarded and have absolutely reddit taste in films.
This is the most pointless thing I've read through in my entire life. What a waste of time. I hope all you autistic fucks die x
read the original thread
"i've always found movies more enjoyable in groups that contextualize and lead on together with their themes. one day i decided i would create the largest head canon playlist of movies possible with as much consistant world building between them as possible. so after several months of research, watching films, and writing the explanations for how they connect and organising them together i have come up with the series of images for your enjoyment
the series stretches from the beginning of reality, follows our prehistory, mediaval times, renaissance, all the way to modern times and continues going into the future as far as possibly depicted on screen.
enjoy the list or just laugh at my ridiculous autism as i dump the entire list. whatever floats your boat"
>and writing the explanations for how they connect
And you've not done that for most of them. You've just summarized their plots and grouped them according to the years they are set in.
Most of the thematic consistency is a huge reach.
I'm not the guy who created these, but the images do explain how they connect. Like how they explain how Looper/BR/Mad Max can all co-exist.
thank's x
>but the images do explain how they connect.
I think OP tried doing that in the beginning but gave up after the first couple of picture. Just look at this . It's just plot synopses having nothing to link each other except them being set in the late 00s.
Thanks, I now realize what kind of brainlets post here.
Yes, it pretty much all falls apart after greek and roman mythology is involved, then the previous part of the myth is forgotten, might as well start the list with Troy.
That's some top quality autism OP, great job
Nah, I disagree. The themes progressively build on each other as it continues.
If you read the whole thing in the original thread he does continue to show how they connect. Like in the very post you are responding to I talk about Looper/BR/Mad Max you retard.
If we were to really mythologize humanity's history we would need for each stage to build on from the previous one, even if the names of deities were changed by a new culture, the basics of the creation myth should remain the same so the LotR based creation myth should flow into the greek mythology but it doesn't.
Nah I disagree, you're beeing to autistic about it.
I fucking loved these things in that animatrix thread.
Great counter argument mate.
this is the good kind of autism
yes it is you retard
Keep it up, OP
Once you're done maybe ill help clean it up and make it a series of polished info-graphics
the point is too illustrate that man fought evil for a long time and even after triumphing over it in RotK, humanities own mistrust, bitterness, fear and passion drove it to be considered a complete failure as a project by their creator but in the end are still allowed a second chance despite literally the entire planet being laid waste exactly like saruman's industry would have.
you can already see the entire thread, with all the images, here
dude, that's really deep
some of the movies referanced in one decade that seem insignificant foreshadow others.
I assumed he was going to do some edits based on feedback.
ill keep an eye on these threads
can you provide a few examples of that occurring?
mythology, or story telling in general doesn't revolve around dieties.
the deities your worrying about are used as personifications of ideals or feelings.
the overaching theme i gathered from the ones ive read seems to centre on machine vs man with the role of "machine" being given as imperialism, war, slavery, destruction of beauty in the pursuit of some agenda, in its various forms expressed by humans throughout history, similar to what Tolkien portrayed really
>doesn't revolve around dieties
>what is greek mythology
>also implying my problem was that the dieties are different
my problem was that once films based on greek mythology are introduced into the myth, the thematic connection to the previous stage of the myth is barely there
>the overaching theme i gathered from the ones ive read seems to centre on machine vs man with the role of "machine" being given as imperialism, war, slavery, destruction of beauty in the pursuit of some agenda, in its various forms expressed by humans throughout history, similar to what Tolkien portrayed really
what a reach
the plot thread that follows Psykers which is introduced via a period piece where Fassbender plays Carl Jung and argues with Freud over parapsychology
that's one