Post good films that only you have seen

Post good films that only you have seen

Sion Sono is underrated as fuck. He puts out movies constantly and most of them are great.

haha i have seen that too


it's pretty great isn't it?
I wish Hollywood got it's shit together and stopped making generic by the numbers capeshit and oscar bait but just made fun movies


>le fakkku bombaaaaa xDDD
forced, unfunny and dishonest shit





I'm all about sexy demon chicks. Will watch this, thanks.


One of my all time favorites

Watched that last year, it was bretty good. Go Fuck Bombers.


this is on my buy and watch list (because where the fuck can i watch it online) because its got one of my favorite shitty "b movie" japanese actors in it




So good


I remember this being the most aggressively bad movie I watched as a child.

