>House M.D.
>no episode titled The House Always Wins
How do you fail this badly?
House M.D
>no episode where House challenges Wilson to an eating competition and name the episode 'full house'
>No episode about cardiotherapy called "House of Cards"
and his patient for the episode is a Japanese hot dog eating champ
>no episode about Thirteen fucking a dog called Housebroken
i want to see the show set in the 12th century, with all the same actors. it'd be called "Domus".
Abbess Cuddy is giving Frater Domus shit about his use of leeches, when he saves the life of their lord with them. etc
Holmes and Watson
House and Wilson
no episode where his illegitimate son from his failed marriage climbs up the side of the building to confront his father, called "House of the Rising Son".
>no episodes about boobs on Twin Peaks
no episode with a guest spot by Siouxsie and the Banshees, where a nitrous oxide leak makes everyone giggle for forty minutes, called "Happy House".
No episode guest starring Kelsey Grammer called "House of Frasier".
>no episode dealing with hearing loss titled "House That Again?"
>no episode about broken friendships titled And the House You Rode In On
best one
18th century
Kek'd. Keep up the good work boys.
>no episode about Greg appearing to be gay titled Out House
>no episode dealing with Greg's amazing internship titled The Green House Effect
>no episode where a deluded black woman thinks Greg is her son titled Big Momma's House
>no ebola episode called House of 1000 Corpses
Dropped the ball, imo.
>no episode guest starring Talking Head's David Byrne as himself titled Burning Down the House
no episode set in September when Greg skips helping out at his freind's wedding titled Fall of the House of Usher
this is my worst so I love it even more
>no episode where Greg can't seem to make up his mind about anything titled Waffle House
>no episode where Greg emulates Patch Adams titled Ronald McDonald House
>no episode where Greg won't bill any patients titled On the House
Because this isn’t Fallout: New Vegas
No episode where a new doctor is jealous of Greg's talent titled House Envy
>no episode about Greg writing a book about just guessing regarding some cases titled Random House
>no episode about Greg's replacement titled A House By Any Other Name
>no episode about Greg finds out he has a black ancestor titled A House of a Different Color
>no episode about Greg's psychotic break titled A House Divided
>no episode where he invents a new type of bandage titled House Dressing
>No episode where the hospital gets a rodent infestation called "House of Mouse".
>No zombie episode called "House of the Dead"
>no episode about an all bread diet called House of Carbs
>reminder that anything past mid season 3 is garbage
>no episode where Greg talks about working in the belly of a cruise ship under an alias titled A House Hold Name
>episode where nobody can get any pain relievers titled Houch!
No episode where Greg is taught to be more social called House it goin'?
>no episode where Greg cracks wise when introducing himself to a military officer titled Doogie House, Sir, M.D.
No episode where House has to perform an exorcism on Hillary Clinton called "House on Haunted Hill"
>no episode where Greg starts playing loud dance music all the time titled House Party
>12th century
>saves the life of their lord
Jesus died 12 centuries before that dingus. How's Frater Domus supposed to save him?
>no episode where Greg starts wearing a boutonniere to work everyday titled House and Gardenia
>no episode where Greg tells about his love of the author of Willy Wonka and other books titled A Dahl's House
>no ep where Greg is being stalked by a deranged former patient who wants to kill him titled House Hunting
not calling a cruise ship ep "Houseboat"
>no flashback ep about Greg's childhood living in the midwest titled "Little House on the Prairie"
>no episode where House seduces heterosexual men in their 20s
>no episode about Gregs life at college living in a fraternity titled "Animal House"
>No episode where House takes a vacation to Japan titled "House of the Rising Sun"
Bath House?
did it better.
Underrated Post
No episode where he gets a job as a bouncer at a sleazy bar called "Road House".
>no 1980s flashback episode of House visiting his old roommate Stephen King titled "House It Going?"
>no episode where Greg dies and gets autopsied called "Open House"