>>Sleeping on your stomach as an adult.
Do Americans really do this?
>>Sleeping on your stomach as an adult.
Do Americans really do this?
Yeah. It feels good on your boner.
Kill yourself today, OP.
enjoy fucking up your dick with TMS
only if im drunk
what is TMS?
What's TMS?
I did that until 2 years ago because my belly got fat and couldn't do it anymore.
I can't sleep any way except on my side or on my stomach, with my face to the side, hanging off the pillow, my right arm holding the pillow just under my face and my left arm free to dangle around, the other end of the pillow placed over my left shoulder
you can get over that by not masturbating for a week
Yes, because I feel more comfortable not showing my belly, because being fat as a kid fucked me up in the head.
Anyone else like to sleep with your arm around the second pillow and pretend it's your girlfriend and even sometimes stroke or caress "her" as you fall asleep?
Same, I don’t think I’ve ever slept on my back
Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome
No, but I'm sure Theodore Roosevelt did.
>being so overweight you can't sleep on your tummy
sorry to hear that brehs
maximum comfy, don't you get the urge to turn to the other side way too often though?
of course, this is Sup Forums
I do this, but it's because I like to sleep slightly off my side and I use the pillow to prop myself up in the right orientation. Pretending it's a woman is just weird dude.
It is horrible for your spine.
Freefall position is the best possible position for true dreaming experience
Im 330 pounds and i find it much more comfortable to sleep on my stomach.
t. muhammed
I don't think I've ever once in my life slept on my back. Always on my side / stomach using an arm as an extra pillow. Sleeping on the back just doesn't feel natural.
Mine have anime girls on them, Not dakis but regular sized pillows.
I cannot fall asleep on my back, idk why.
I've spent many o nights just laying there on my back and just cannot fall asleep.
Enjoy your sleep apnea OP
agreed for everything except the arm. How do you not cut the blood flow in your arm? If I do that I'd last 10 minutes before my arm is completely dead.
I sleep perpendicular to my penis so it gets maximum blodflow and in case I get a boner it goes straight instead curves
>sleep on back
>snore like a pig
>sleep on belly
>become mouth breather
I've decide I'm not going to sleep at all
Sleep on your sides
my sides
you might wanna have a check-up at the doctors, mate
Yea, I have this weird thing where I feel really awkward around girls in person and incapable of making any moves, but when I'm alone in bed I feel like if there was a girl next to me I could quite confidently hook up with her.
Yes, but your head is turned to the side. You don't smash your face into the pillow unless you are awake and trying to do it for psychological reasons.
aw leave Teddy alone user
this guy gets it
I sleep on my arm as a pillow so I have cubital tunnel syndrome now and my pinky is permanently numb and I have half the strength left in my hand. Never even realized i was doing it during sleep until I started waking up with a numb hand/arm.
>not sleeping on your side while one leg is streched and one leg is upwards with your gf beneath you
>not being the small spoon for your amazon gf
>not being awoken by her while she rubs your morning wood
>having a gf
good goyim
Im incapable of having a gf
What is this, /r9k/?
>i'm going to try sleeping on my back
>fall asleep
>wake up on my stomach
what did I mean by this
The Money store second release by the american experimental hip hop band Death Grips
yes, i literally cannot fall asleep on my back without getting nightmares
I have insomnia lad I'll take sleep in a position I can get it in,
Sup Forumsthony memetano pls
I used to sleep on my stomach, it was all fun and games until, coincidentally or not, I had accute apendicitis and had to rush to the hospital
Mommy took me to doctor last year he said penis good straight not curve sleep well then I woke up
I havent slept in 2 days
Im a pretty sleepy guy right now tbqh
ever get sleep paralysis?
if so, it can be a neat thing, just learn to enjoy the ride
>Not sleeping towards Mecca
Do Americans REALLY do this?
I sleep with a pillow on my chest as I hug it. When I don't do it I feel like my chest is caving in. But with the pilot on my chest and my arms around it, I can drift to sleep.
Don't pretend it's a woman or anything. Maybe I just like the feeling of weight on me
I can't stand sleeping with another person in the same bed. I actually have a gf and sex (REEEE), but sleep badly when we stay the night together. May need to break up and do one night stands idk
oh sorry, senpai
was meant for
Anything is fine for me, except back. Fall asleep on back is fucking impossible. Anyone here that can do that ?
>having attachments and not being a devoted nihilist
yes, very unpleasant experience but I can see why some might find it interesting
This, but i do it on purpose sometimes because i love fucked up dreams
I don't get sleep paralysis, but i dream a lot more when sleeping on my back
really? I sleep better when she's around me.
buddy i'll give you a tip. if yoou (virgin) get a girl in bed next to you, she wants you to fuck her
>tfw you're so stupid in your early 20s you don't get the hint until she literally grabs your dick
could've had way more fun in college if I had any idea what to do with those hoes
The best way to sleep is to pass out drunk and stoned in you clothes on top of a clean bed, you wake up on your back in the same position you went to sleep in and you don't have to make your bed, it's a good habit.
same, but highschool back then instead.
My 2018 rider list for sleeping given to mom
>large fan, no dust, next to bed, on level 3 (fast)
>two MyPillows, for my head, washed monthly
>five normie pillows for misc, and aesthetics
>one water bottle
>one can of generic supermarket lime seltzer
>alarm clock hidden by mom each night (otherwise I turn it off and get back into bed, doctor says it's a relatively new condition but not uncommon among ADHD youth)
>case for my glasses at bedside
>2 two-USB-outlet chargers connected to same extension cord that stretches across bed for my three tablets and phone
>box of Kleenex, eye drops and cough drops at bedside
>window curtain pushed 1/3 so that natural light begins to acclimate me to the new day
>ceiling fan turned on to medium
>socks and sneakers laid out before bedtime near bed
>my Adderall bottle at bedside, b/c I like to take one if I wake up early then go to sleep, wake up charged
>bedroom door locked
>iPad playing David Duke Radio show at low volume
>complete darkness, including from under door
That's my routine, and it works well.
You sound like you have serious issues
>sleeping on your back
lmao enjoy the sleep paralysis
>not sleeping with your arms caressed around your dog
>eww sleeping with a pillow as a girl is weird lol
>yea I fucked all these women back then
Normies, out
A few of my sleep paralysis experiences had a girl sitting on my torso, hunching over forwards pumping downwards with her two arms against my lungs to manipulate my breathing, with her head lowered right down next to mine for the obligatory incomprehensible whispering. Her mouth was so close to my ear the vibrations of the whispering was tickling my ears.
This is the most intimate I've ever been with a girl. I would prefer to have more of these experiences.
I prefer just ingesting massive amounts of morphine and etizolam. Then you sleep for 24 hours straight, so it's like time traveling haha
What the entire fuck
I've had lucid dreams and any sleep paralysis was on my side or sleeping on my stomach.
I always sleep on either my stomach or on my side. I've tried several times to fall asleep on my back and I just can't, it begins to feel slightly uncomfortable, maybe it has to do with the fact that my mattress is hard.
The number of times I've fallen asleep on my back I can count on one hand, and they were all when I was either really tired or drunk as fuck.
Literally never had this happen
I do however lock the door to my bedroom at night in case some psycho breaks in to my home.
I get sleep paralysis while sleeping on stomach, but that then also comes with panic about suffocating with the pillow in my face because i can't move.
too much sex
Same for my partner, luckily we have an extra bedroom
Not true. I've slept over 10 times with my girl before fucking her. She was the traditional type, and i love her for it in hindsight, even if it gave me blue balls at the time.
Sex is so much better when you truly love and know someone.
ah yes, I remember staying in bed for days and weeks at a time when xanax was cheap with the weed and the beer, never even had to eat, that was fun.
It can happen no matter which way you sleep, autist
What level MyPillows™ do you guys use? I have 4 green ones
El goblino...
>get pupper
>she sleeps with me since day 1
>she occasioanlly sleeps between my legs
>i make a "P" shape with my legs so she's cozy
>do this over a few years
>now i can't sleep without making a "P"
I have 2
i have mr glock for nigger invaders
>sleeping with my cats
>one on my head like a russian fur hat and the other in a little nest by my feet
>i couldn't move at night but it was worth it
i miss them so much
i was so happy then
i always wake up on my back no matter how i fall asleep
I definitely can't. Closest I get is being on the brink of falling asleep and wake up immediatly. Also my legs get very numb.
When I sleep on my back I great really vivd nightmares. Don't ask me why cause I have no clue.
my niggas
fucking THIS. i wouldn't mind a second bed at all, but she's all 'muh i sleep better', goddamn it
>tfw I like nightmares because they're entertaining
My boner has nowhere to go, its so uncomfortable. Flat on my back master race.
i miss mine too user
Not me, I almost exclusively sleep on my back with my hands laced on my chest like a vampire.
>generic lime seltzer for drinking at night
My adult nightmares aren't entertaining they're just stressful. Usually has something to do with getting into a car accident and having to pay damages or I accidentally wasted all my money on something shitty like an old truck
>tfw you're scared shitless at the beginning of your nightmare and manage to overcome your fear and face those demons