Say something nice about Attack of the Clones

Say something nice about Attack of the Clones.

The Jango and Obi wan fight was pretty good

At least it's not Revenge of the Sith

At least it's not the Sequel Trilogy.

Finn Detrolio...

young and juicy nat

It's the best Star Wars film and one of two with any artistic value whatsoever.

Natalie Portman was hot in it

the dialogue was really good

natalie portman tummy and nippies


>Count Dooku
>Natalie's outfits

That's literally it! Everything else was balls

Ewan McGregor had good hair.


Lucas shouldve explored the cyberpunk city scape more

The meme it created where the jedis were surrounded in the arena.


That scene where ewan mcgregor jedi mind tricks the alien drug dealer is funny

Everything on Kamino was actually really interesting.

It’s unironically the 4th worst Star Wars film. Soon to be 5th

this is a gigantic attack and there's plenty of clones

without it there would be no the clone wars TV series

it had more lightsabers per square meter than any other SW

Best prequel

It spawned some really good video games. Since the entire purpose of the prequels seemed to have been to merchandise as much shit as possible I guess they were a success.

I was waiting for this to be posted

requesting non-shooped version